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Christians Don’t Need Secular Therapists And Psychologists

I recently found myself embroiled in a skirmish with some people in regards to the usefulness of secular counseling and psychotherapy to the Christian believer. Specifically it was with a Pastor who was saying that he recommended those in his flock who were experiencing anxiety, depression, and various distresses to go see a secular counselor. … Read more

Review, Ten Sacred Cows in Christianity that Need to be Tipped

This post will be in JD’s featured regular column, Discernment Review, in the Intermountain Christian News. When I reviewed the Harry Potter Bible Study on the Intermountain Christian News, I didn’t give it a favorable review. The Bible Study written by Second Vice-President of the Southern Baptist Convention, Jared Moore, was (at least in my … Read more

Why Christians Aren't Obligated to Register or Surrender our Firearms

Connecticut residents waited in long lines on Thursday to register their firearms and high-capacity magazines before the state’s new gun laws go into effect on Jan. 1, 2014. WFSB-TV reports that a ‘long-line of people’ stood outside the Public Safety Building in Middletown, Conn., all day to register semi-automatic rifles and high-capacity magazines. Several residents … Read more

Why Christians Aren’t Obligated to Register or Surrender our Firearms

Connecticut residents waited in long lines on Thursday to register their firearms and high-capacity magazines before the state’s new gun laws go into effect on Jan. 1, 2014. WFSB-TV reports that a ‘long-line of people’ stood outside the Public Safety Building in Middletown, Conn., all day to register semi-automatic rifles and high-capacity magazines. Several residents … Read more

Why the Duck Dynasty Dust-Up Is Not About Freedom of Speech (and why Christians should stop saying so).

UPDATE*** This post has received MUCH publicity in the last two days. JD is discussing this very article on his radio program and podcast, The Pulpit and Pen Program, on Monday (12/23/13). You can find links to this podcast (and to subscribe) under “The Program” tab. Also, if you would like updates from this collaborative … Read more

Five Cautions to Christians About Duck Dynasty Outrage

UPDATE*** This post has received MUCH publicity in the last two days. JD is discussing this very article on his radio program and podcast, The Pulpit and Pen Program, on Monday (12/23/13). You can find links to this podcast (and to subscribe) under “The Program” tab. Also, if you would like updates from this collaborative … Read more

Become a Pulpiteer and Receive “Help! Arminians are Giving Me Nightmares Again!” FREE by Christmas!

Who are the Pulpiteers? The Pulpiteers are a unique group of rabble rousers that use their social media to get out the Truth about evangelicalism’s need for Reformation. They are a Gospel-centered army, using their social media to advance the cause. They follow the Pulpit & Pen blog, subscribe to the podcast, and receive email … Read more

Does Christianity Need a Chris Rosebrough?

No. Christianity does not need Chris Rosebrough. God is self-sufficient, Gospel is complete, and Jesus needs nothing and no one. So, please forgive the question. Perhaps a better question would be, “Is there a need in the Christian church for Chris Rosebrough and the work of discernment ministries?” Chris is best known for his program, … Read more

Bob Terry, the SBC, and Rejecting Christian Doctrine

…”We are going downhill at breakneck speed.” That line appeared in the first of the Downgrade articles that appeared in Charles Spurgeon’s ‘Sword and the Trowel’ magazine, which led to the greatest controversy of Spurgeon’s calling and according to some, led to his early death. Under the name ‘The Downgrade,’ Spurgeon’s magazine published several articles … Read more