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Stevie Flockhart, 901, and the Next Season: Part 2

This is part 2 of a multipart series on the pastoral career of Stevie Flockhart of 901 Church in Memphis, Tennessee. Part 1 can be found here. In 2016, SonCoast Church in Boca Raton, Florida was looking for a new pastor, a younger one. As an aging church, Soncoast hoped hiring a young pastor would … Read more

The Gospel

After embracing the profound truths of the gospel and beginning your journey with Christ, it’s essential to become part of a Biblically solid church. Such a community provides you with spiritual nourishment, fellowship, and accountability (Hebrews 10:24-25). In a Biblically solid church, you’ll find sound Biblical teaching (Acts 2:42), a commitment to the gospel, and … Read more

Cancelling Alistair Begg

Alistair Begg is one of the most well-respected preachers in all of evangelicalism. His Truth For Life radio and media ministry reaches thousands of listeners every day. He has been the pastor of Parkside Church since 1983. Even those who don’t know his name are probably familiar with his powerful “Man on the Middle Cross” … Read more

Stevie Flockhart, 901, and the Next Season: Part 1

This is part 1 of a multipart series on the pastoral career of Stevie Flockhart of 901 Church in Memphis, Tennessee. A few months ago, Pulpit & Pen was contacted by disaffected members of 901 Church in Memphis, Tennessee. These members made a number of disturbing allegations about 901’s founding pastor, Stevie Flockhart. Given what … Read more

Johnny Hunt and Steve Flockhart: A New Season of Grifting

New Season Church in Hiram, Georgia is hosting a leadership summit for Johnny Hunt on September 14th. Along with Hunt, the featured speakers at the summit are Steve Flockhart, the pastor of New Season, and Steven Kyle, the pastor of Hiland Park Baptist Church in Panama City. This is absolutely shameful (well, it would be … Read more

Should Women Study Systematic Theology?

Women should study systematic theology. This is something I thought was obvious to other Christians walking around planet earth. Apparently it isn’t. Some controversy has arisen lately on Twitter (I’m not yet ready to call it “X”) as to whether half of the Christian population should study the various doctrines of Christianity. As far as … Read more

Elevation Church, Greg Locke, Julie Roys, and JD Greear Were Awful While I Was Sick

In the Halcyon days of Pulpit & Pen, new articles came out every day. There were multiple writers contributing back then and if nothing was getting published JD Hall would inform us quickly that “the website was growing cobwebs”. Unfortunately, the site has had cobwebs for a few years now; it’s just me writing. Between … Read more

Rick Warren Apologizes to Women

Rick Warren has issued an apology to Christian women. The retired pastor of Saddleback Church is in the midst of an ideological crusade against the complimentarian theology of the Southern Baptist Convention. After it last met, the SBC kicked out Warren’s church for appointing a female pastor (over and against the Convention’s statement of faith). … Read more

Elevation Music and Your Worship Team

Last week here at Pulpit & Pen I published a post entitled “Elevation Worship: Manslaughter or Murder” questioning the motivations of music ministers who include Elevation music (and music from other unbiblical organizations) in the worship services at their churches. I concluded that those ministers were in error regardless of their intent and level of … Read more

Elevation Worship: Manslaughter or Murder

Do you know the difference between first degree murder and second degree murder? Premediation. In other words, it’s a more serious crime to plan to kill someone and carry through with that plan than to deliberately kill someone in the heat of the moment. Do you know the difference between murder and manslaughter? Intent. It’s … Read more

Support Missionary Scott Morgan: Plucking Brands from Andy Stanley’s Fire

This Sunday morning, hundreds, if not thousands, of teenage boys and girls will attend services at a North Point Ministries church. These young people are the next generation of the visible church in America. They are the mothers, fathers, Sunday School teachers, and voters of tomorrow. They are being shaped in their Christian worldviews by … Read more

From Black Friday to Good Friday: Easter Ad Campaigns

Every business has a busy season. In order to be successful, corporate marketing departments prepare for these busy-seasons long in advance. Advertising space is purchased and sale flyers are printed long before the first sleepy shoppers roll out of bed on Black Friday to do their Christmas shopping. Somewhere along the way, the Evangelical Industrial … Read more