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Russell Moore, Tyler Zach, and the Gospel For Enneagram

Russell Moore, the former President of the ERLC and the current Editor-in-Chief of Christianity Today, is a featured speaker at the upcoming (and virtual) Gospel for Enneagram Summit in April 2023. Given his extensive theological education and experience, Moore should know better than to shill for something as wicked as the Enneagram, which is either … Read more

Revival? What Asbury Believes

For nearly two weeks, Christian social media has been atwitter with commentary over what’s being called “The Asbury Revival” at Asbury University in Wilmore, Kentucky. Hundreds, if not thousands, from outside the University community have traveled to Wilmore to participate. While some are rejoicing over what they see as a powerful move of God, others … Read more

Arizona Pastor Blows the Whistle on Andy Stanley

At this point, let’s not deceive ourselves into thinking that Andy Stanley’s churches are populated by regenerate, bible-beliving Christians. In 2016, after Andy Stanley’s derisive comments about small churches stirred up controversy, I published an open letter at this website urging whatever believers were left at North Point ministries to leave. In 2017, I published … Read more

Jackie Hill Perry: Enneagram is “Demonic”

In a recent video posted through Instagram, Jackie Hill Perry decried the Enneagram as “demonic”. Not only did Perry condemn the Enneagram in the strongest possible terms, she apologized for using her platform to promote it in the past. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Jesenia Fleurey (@jeseniafleurey) Since Perry is a … Read more

Cheap Worship, Expensive Church

“It takes a lot of money to look this cheap.” Dolly Parton. Riverside Community Church is a PCA congregation that meets in Cartersville, Georgia. It does not own its own property, therefore it rents Sunday morning space in the Seventh Day Adventist building. It is a small facility and the church does not fill its … Read more

Raising Your Hands with Brandon Lake

On a recent Sunday at a Southern Baptist Church, I was exposed to the song Gratitude by Brandon Lake. I was unfamiliar with both the song and the artist but the lyrics betrayed Lake’s Pentecostal background in short time. Gratitude is a song about the singer’s inability to adequately express his appreciation to God. That’s … Read more

New Year, New Church?

“She lies and says she’s in love with him; can’t find a better man.” Eddie Vedder Was Santa at your church before Christmas? Did your church cancel Sunday services on Christmas? Is your church’s music a lower quality presentation of a K-Love radio playlist (or, even worse, a better one)? Does the youth area in … Read more

God Sees Amy Grant

According to an article published at Church Leaders, Christian music superstar Amy Grant is set to host, at her 450-acre farm, the “same-sex wedding” of her niece. Though this may come as a shock to some, those who have paid attention to Grant’s career over the years won’t be surprised. Grant has typically neglected to … Read more

Pastor Benny Tate and Modern Day Simony

Benny Tate is the pastor of Rock Spring Church, a four-campus Congregational Methodist Church based in Milner, Georgia. In addition to pastoring that 8,000 member megachurch, he has also served as the President of the Congregational Methodist Denomination. He most recently made news for being a part of a group of four prominent pastors who … Read more

An Open Letter to the Members of Hiland Park Baptist Church

To the Members of Hiland Park Baptist Church, It has come to my attention that a group of four pastors, including your own pastor, Steven Kyle, has declared that Johnny Marshall Hunt is “restored” and is once again fit for vocational Christian ministry.  To that end, they produced a 14-minute video explaining their decision.  Being … Read more

Baptist News Global Publishes False Claim about Tom Ascol and Hyper Calvinism

Yesterday, Mark Wingfield at Baptist News Global published an article entitled “Sills lawsuit misrepresents a piece of evidence, and that error got highlighted by Ascol and Basham”. The article is part of on-going coverage in the religious press of an allegedly sexually abusive relationship between Jenifer Lyell and former Southern Baptist Theological Seminary professor David … Read more

David French, World Cup Soccer, and Thanksgiving

Long-time readers of this website may be surprised to learn that I have never read a single article written by David French. Even now, on this leisurely holdiday morning, I could be immersing myself in the current online war of words caused by the evangelical pundit’s support of the so-called Respect for Marriage Act. Instead, … Read more