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William Lane Craig and the Fate of the Unevangelized

On the most recent episode of his Reasonable Faith podcast, William Lane Craig, the world’s foremost apologist, responded to a four-year old blog about his position on a doctrine known as Universal Revelation Accessibilism. Simply put, to affirm Universal Revelation Accessibilism is to posit that unevangelized people can be saved despite never hearing the gospel … Read more

About Us

Pulpit & Pen is a Christian blog that seeks to restore its reputation as the “Rolex of Watchblogs” and preserve for posterity its extensive catalogue of the theological downgrade within the Southern Baptist Convention and greater American Evangelicalism. This website was founded by former Montana pastor Jordan Hall as a companion to his once-popular Pulpit … Read more

James Merritt, “Rastus”, and Racial Reconciliation in the Southern Baptist Convention.

“We’ve made a lot of progress, but we have a long way to go.”  So said former Southern Baptist Convention President (SBC) and founding pastor of Cross Pointe Church James Merritt during the 2019 Southern Baptist Convention in Birmingham.  Merritt made these remarks while participating in a six-person panel on Racial Reconciliation.  According to Merritt, … Read more

SBC 2021: Merritt, Greear, Floyd and Other Men I Doubt are Saved

“Friendship is genuine only when you bind fast together people who cleave to you through the charity poured abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who is given to us.” Augustine Earlier this month I took some time to watch the livestream of the Southern Baptist Convention in Nashville, Tennessee.  Like many other conservative … Read more

The Report is Out! Ravi Zacharias Was Sexting Up Until His Death + Decades of Sexual Abuse

For nothing is hidden that will not be made manifest, nor is anything secret that will not be known and come to light. Luke 8:17 Ravi Zacharias International Ministries (RZIM) has released the much-anticipated report investigating allegations of sexual deviancy against the late Christian Apologist Ravi Zacharias, and the results are devastating. In the 12-page report, investigative firm Miller … Read more

Ken Fryer is More Blessed Than the Rest of Us

“Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints” (Psalm 116:15) My friend, Ken Fryer, passed away suddenly and unexpectedly several weeks ago. Many of you knew him, as a number of his articles grace this website. We crossed paths during the Great Louisiana College Debacle of 2014 and became quick … Read more

Top Ten Pulpit & Pen Posts of 2020

There’s no doubt about it. The Year of Censorship wasn’t kind to the Rolex of Polemics Blogs. After a decade of failed boycotts and blacklists by America’s leftwing of evangelicalism, Facebook managed to do what they could not; mute Pulpit & Pen. And so, our publishing group, The Gideon Knox Group, has been savvily maneuvering … Read more

SBC Leadership Thinks You’re Stupid

In case you need another reason the leave the nation’s largest awful denomination, add to it the fact that its leadership thinks you have an IQ of Jory Micah. Over the last decade, P&P has chronicled roughly 4,396,301 reasons why you should leave the Southern Baptist Convention (I’m rounding up). Literally, a new reason is … Read more

Casey B. Hough Needs to be Fired from Several Jobs

On December 16, 2016 the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention (ERLC) published an article entitled “The Diversity in Our Christmas Story.” This week, it was reshared via the ERLC Twitter feed. The article was penned by Casey B. Hough, whose Twitter profile lists him as the following: Disciple, Husband of … Read more

An Unhappy Ending: Johnny Hunt and the Ravi Zacharias Spa

Earlier this year Ravi Zacharias International Ministries (RZIM) hired a law firm to investigate allegations of sexual misconduct that had been leveled against its deceased namesake. This week that firm reported that “credible evidence” indicates that Ravi Zacharias indeed “engaged in  sexual misconduct over many years”. Accusations of (among other things) credentials fraud and sexting … Read more

Ravi Zacharias Ministries Confirms Late Apologist ‘Did Indeed Engage in Sexual Misconduct’

Ravi Zacharias International Ministries (RZIM) has released an interim report on their investigation into sexual misconduct allegations that Protestia (and formerly Pulpit & Pen) have been on the forefront of covering for years, confirming that the world-renown late apologist did indeed engage in sexual misconduct. Ravi had been accused by several massage therapists of indecent sexual contact during sessions, including touching … Read more

The Plagues of 2020 Are Screaming At Us. But Are We Listening?

Pestilence. War. Famine. Murder hornets. Yes, murder hornets. Murder…freaking…hornets. The year 2020 will be renowned for lots of things that plagued the world. It will, without a doubt, be a year that lives in infamy. Our grandchildren will absolutely, 100% ask us what it was like to be alive during this season of history …if … Read more