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It’s Time for Churches Who Shut Down During a Crisis to Repent

A recent study shows that the only group that hasn’t mentally suffered during COVID-19 has been regular church-goers. Largely, what Christians have discovered from the Great Coronavirus Panic of 2020 is that most churches don’t believe they offer essential services. And I’m likely to agree with them. In total, 93% of churches recognized the Civil … Read more

Jeff Dornik Is Stupid, and I’m A Tad Stupid for Responding To Him

“Jeff the GK” is an obnoxious vegan with faux-hawk coiffed hair from Southern California who occasionally shows up on the periphery of polemics news, does some kind of weird dance to get a minimal amount of attention, and then jumps back into the shadows of obscurity. He’s what we call in alternative Christian news a … Read more

Not Just Ravi: the Other Evangelical Sex Scandal in Alpharetta

Three Sundays ago, after church, I drove up to Alpharetta to meet with Anurag Sharma.  Sharma was, along with his friend Ravi Zacharias, the co-owner of Jivan Wellness, the now infamous spa where the world-famous apologist has been accused (by multiple witnesses) of asking for “happy endings” and sexual intercourse.  The story of Jivan Spa … Read more

LifeWay and the Crimson Tide’s Defensive Collapse

Last Saturday, the Alabama Crimson Tide’s defense played a historically bad game against Ole Miss.  The Rebels gained 647 yards against the Tide and put 48 points on the scoreboard.  Amazingly enough, the Rebels still lost by 15 points.  Their defense was even worse than Alabama’s.  Such a failing is expected in Oxford.  Ole Miss … Read more

New Testimony in Ravi Zacharias Sex Scandal: Exposed as Pervert and Molester

Christianity Today brought wide attention to a story we’ve had at Protestia for weeks now, which is the allegations of sexual misconduct against the late famed Christian apologist and RZIM founder, Ravi Zacharias against members of his staff at Jivan Spa, a business he owned with partner Anurag Sharma. We’ve been attesting for years now that … Read more

Former ERLC Lobbyist Endorses Democrat Joe Biden for President

I don’t like to get political on this blog. I think doing so can distract from the mission. I want people to focus on Jesus and his church. This is a polemics blog and I don’t use it to polemicize political candidates on either side. Frankly, I think many Christians are more focused on the … Read more

RZIM Statement on Ravi Zacharias Allegations: ‘It’s Virtually Impossible to Investigate’

Several days after three of Ravi Zacharias old colleagues and employees, including his business partner and co-owner Anurag Shamra accused the renown, now deceased Christian Apologist of sexual harrasment at a Spa he co-owned, RZIM has released a statement on the incident, saying they believe the allegations to be false, and that it would be … Read more

Ravi Zacharias, Jivan Spa, and Sexual Abuse: It’s Time to Speak Out

First Ballot Hall-of-Famer John Smoltz. Blue Collar Comedy Star Jeff Foxworthy. Former governor of Georgia Sonny Perdue. Former Southern Baptist Convention President and Current NAMB Vice President of Evangelism Johnny Hunt. These were the local, influential celebrity Christians who spoke, circa 2009, at the grand opening of Jivan Wellness in Johns Creek, Georgia. The new … Read more

Andy Stanley Discusses John MacArthur and Shutting Down his Church: ‘the Lord Does Not Require us to Meet’

In a panel at Liberty University, David Nasser spoke with Andy Stanley about the theological basis for being closed while other churches in the area, including Grace Community Church, stay open. Stanely responds: There is a theological basis for this (closing down church until 2021) and this is where I part ways with some of … Read more

Pastor Eric Mason Blames ‘White Foolishness’ for Black People not being Saved, says ‘Whiteness has Caused Blindness of Heart’

Eric Mason, pastor of Epiphany Fellowship Church in Philadelphia and author of ‘Woke Church‘  resumed right where he left off from his bombastic sermon last week when he demanded 200 years of reparations for black folk, with a new sermon that blames “being under white foolishness” for the reason some Black people aren’t saved, which … Read more

John Crist’s Popularity Soars 1 Month after being ‘Restored’ for Gross Sexual Sin

Comedian John Crist, once the darling of the evangelical world before his reputation tanked and burst into flames after allegations of sexual misconduct came to light, returned to social media 5 weeks ago in a roaring comeback after spending a short time in time-out being restored for deep-seated sins. Crist, a popular Christain entertainer known … Read more

TGC’s Thabiti Anyabwile Wants the ‘barking-when-a-white-man-speaks-out-of-turn’ thing to Happen

The Gospel Coalition’s Thabiti Anyabwile revealed more of his true feelings and depravity of his heart when engaged in some highly racial, low-brow humor that would have him howling if a white person ever said it. To familiarize yourself with Anyabwile, the pastor has used his social media platforms to lobby for the restriction of Americans’ Second … Read more

New Poll says 30% of Professing Evangelicals Believe ‘Jesus was a Good Teacher, but he was Not God’

30% of Evangelicals do not believe Jesus was God and 65% believe Jesus was created by God, according to Ligonier Ministries’ State of Theology . The commissioned survey, which was conducted by Lifeway and whose full results will be posted September 6, demonstrates the need for a robust Christological teaching, given that the majority of … Read more

The Gospel Coalition Compares Kyle Rittenhouse to Mass shooter Dylan Roof

The Gospel Coalition, seemingly on a suicide mission to shed whatever last vestiges it had as a credible gospel-centered organization, released an article by member Dr. K. Edward Copeland that compared the actions of 17-year Kyle Rittenhouse who shot three assailants in self-defense in Kenosha, to the Charleston Church shooter Dylan Roof. The post, which … Read more

Rapper Lecrae Sputters ‘You know…well…um…er….ah….I don’t know’ When asked about Sin of Homosexuality in Interview

In an interview reminiscent of Joel Osteen repeatedly saying “I don’t know” to CNN’s Larry King’s questions about the exclusivity of Christ, a visibly uncomfortable Lecrae hemmed and hawed his way through an interview asking about whether he’d go to a gay wedding and ultimately whether or homosexuality is a sin, serving as a damning … Read more