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Doctrines of Devils

We are living in the most significant, yet volatile, days of history; wherein, civilizations have become intertwined with all kinds of politics, economies, relationships, governments, people groups, racial backgrounds, religions, Christianity (God’s way of living for time and eternity), the internet wave, astronomy and space travel, education, commerce, worldwide travel, conflict with violence between nations, worldwide natural disasters, famine and pestilences. It is hard to travel ANY where in the world to find peace and harmony with the absence of fear. God-given family life is being attacked and falling apart due to divorce, the sodomite (homosexual- GAY agenda, pornography, adultery, bestiality, polygamy, and all forms of wicked immorality), art, media, unprincipled movies, ungodly forms of music, greed, avarice, hatred, disobedience of children, and the list is expanded in the Bible of I Timothy 4 and I

My Open Letter of Apology to the Gay Community (From A Christian)

I’m seeing quite a few open letters of apology from Christians to the gay community in light of the recent Supreme Court ruling on gay marriage. At first, I was angry. “What are we apologizing for again?!?,” I thought. As a conservative Christian, I was annoyed. It seemed – at first – to be capitulation on … Read more

The Liberal Influence on Children and Karen Swallow Prior

As a teacher at a Christian university, with as much renown as Prior, her opinions are highly sought after. She writes for many publications on a regular basis, and has a clan-like following that would defend her to no end. While being tied up around the issue of homosexual affirmation, some of her other liberal ideologies have been overlooked, but should be given attention. Two important issues that can affect your children; she supports the liberal Common Core education program, and she practices and defends authentic Yoga, a form of Pagan Hindu mysticism.

SBC has mainstreamed Roman Catholic mystical experiences as legitimate

I knew without a doubt that it was the same presence I had felt in the garden as a child and things were okay. – Rifqa Bary

Roman Catholic mysticism, long abhorred by Evangelicals and Protestants, is a form of “white magic” that basically mixes pagan witchcraft with Christianity, giving the outward appearance of being of God. Often times it is reported that contact has been made with benevolent entities, who claim to be Jesus, Mary, or some other angel of light, when in reality, these beings are of darkness. The Bible strictly forbids any form of contact with the spirit world, outside of direct prayer to God alone, and God’s specific revelation through Scripture alone. (Lev 19:31, etc.) However, mystical experiences are becoming more and more popular as we approach the Lord Jesus’ inevitable return.

David Uth and Lifeway promoting more "experiential" heresy at the SBC

David Uth interviewed Rifqa Bary, author of Hiding in the LIght, during his speech at the Southern Baptist Convention earlier today. Bary is an ex-muslim who claims she came to Christ through an experiential event of a “presence” she had as a child in a garden, who she then found out to be Jesus when she felt the same “presence” in a church later in life.

Russell Moore partnering with New Apostolic Reformation to advance the "Social Gospel."

The concept of “social justice” is not new, it’s been around for ages. It’s the antithesis to personal responsibility. The New Oxford American Dictionary defines “social justice” as “The objective of creating a fair and equal society in which each individual matters, their rights are recognized and protected, and decisions are made in ways that are fair and honest.” On the surface this sounds like a noble cause, but in reality, it doesn’t work that way. In practice, social justice removes the notion of personal responsibility, and places the burden of individuals on the backs of society. A society devoid of personal responsibility will naturally result in laziness, crime, and a complete lack of motivation for advancement, and eventually total collapse of the society. The social justice system comes in the form of a wolf in sheep’s clothing, disguised as something good, yet it is opposed to the will of God, and the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Russell Moore is Senior Editor for Catholic/Protestant Ecumenical Magazine

Any true Bible-believing Christian who knows anything at all about the doctrines of Catholicism, and Eastern Orthodox “christianity” knows that Biblical Christianity shares absolutely nothing with these two counterfeit religions in the most fundamental doctrine of the faith–salvation. In fact, these two religions consistently deny many of the “fundamental doctrines of the faith as revealed in Holy Scripture” in preference of their traditions. Many of their doctrines, such as sacramental, or works-based salvation, idolatrous forms of Mary and Saint veneration, Purgatory, Papal infallibility, and transubstantiation of the Eucharist, just to name a few, are extremely dangerous doctrines that turn people away from the truth of the Scriptures. The Scriptures clearly and consistently tell us to have nothing at all to do with these false doctrines, rather expose them (Eph 5:11). These false religions are the works of darkness. They are designed by the ultimate deceiver to counterfeit the true Christian faith, and they lead people to Hell. True Christians are to have no fellowship with darkness, as it is written:

The Problem With the ERLC and Interfaith Coalitions

Ecumenical movements within the Church and those who propagate them should be considered with caution. One prominent propagator of such movements is the Ethics and Religious Liberties Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention (ERLC). The ERLC has been known to make questionable dives into the waters of faith-based alliances with organizations that hold to completely different sets of doctrinal beliefs than do Bible-believing Southern Baptists. It has rightly been criticized by concerned Christians for doing so. Unfortunately, critics of the ERLC and similar organizations are often accused of slandering people of faith, causing division, rejecting diversity, or even spreading hate. Questions, not unlike the trap questions asked of Jesus by Jewish leaders during the first century, are thrown at the critics of ecumenism in attempts to discredit their concerned stances. Many times, these questions are nothing more than straw-men tactics that shown no real concern the specific issue at hand. When responding to such questions, critics of unhealthy ecumenism should strive to respond with sound logic and thoughtful biblical exegesis. Consider the following admonishments from the Apostle Paul in light of notable activities of the ERLC.

Rick Warren: 'Just Accept and Affirm everyone'

Do you know how you can tell if Rick Warren is saying something unbiblical? … if his lips are moving. Or in this case, his fingers are typing. In a recent blog post he is saying that our job as Christians is to affirm and accept people. He uses Romans 15:7, where it says, “Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you,” to justify his position. But the key to this passage here is, “as Christ accepted you.” Does Christ accept us in a state of unrepentant sin? Does he affirm our sinful lifestyles, such as homosexuality? No, but apparently Rick Warren thinks he does, and that we should too. Recently, he affirmed the sodomite Elton John’s homosexuality by holding hands with him, and joking that them kissing would be the kiss heard around the world.

Theonomy, Christian Reconstruction, and the 1689

Junior over at The Confessing Baptist posted an article a couple of years ago that has recently become incredibly pertinent.  The primary question to be answered is: Is the Theonomic view of the Mosaic “Judicial Law” consistent with the Reformed tradition?  “This is a pressing question for Theonomists. On the one hand, in asserting “the abiding … Read more

Nicola Menzie and the Facade of Christian Journalism

Nicola Menzi is a writer working for the Christian Post. Regurgitating most of the information from Christianity Today‘s article regarding the blacklist of books for future special order requests (which was written by Bob Smietana – who less than one month before was the senior writer for a Lifeway publication), Menzi adds really only a single caveat not … Read more

Celebrities Mock Christ in Peddling the Heresy of Pantheism

 **** Note: This article was originally posted at, by Landon Chapman, and is being reposted here with permission. Hebrews 11:3 [ESV] “By faith we understand that the universe was created by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things that are visible.” On the heels of Jeff’s … Read more