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TGC’s Thabiti Anyabwile Wants the ‘barking-when-a-white-man-speaks-out-of-turn’ thing to Happen

The Gospel Coalition’s Thabiti Anyabwile revealed more of his true feelings and depravity of his heart when engaged in some highly racial, low-brow humor that would have him howling if a white person ever said it. To familiarize yourself with Anyabwile, the pastor has used his social media platforms to lobby for the restriction of Americans’ Second … Read more

Dear Outrage Mob: Yes, It’s Okay to Call Jesus “White.” Calm Down.

“This color isn’t white. It’s ecru,” Karen screamed at the hardware store’s paint specialist manager. Yesterday, conservative Christian commentator, Eric Metaxas, called Jesus “white” and the Internet freaked out, buckling under the weight of Beth Moore’s hysterical screeching. How dare he. How awful. So racist. You get the point. But the question of exactly why … Read more

Black Church Should Pay the SBC Reparations

This story is hilarious, at least if you despise the Southern Baptist Convention (which I do). It’s hilarious in a poetic justice sort of way. It’s hilarious in a pinky-to-the-mouth bwahahaha sort of way. A predominately black Southern Baptist Church just voted to leave the SBC because it’s not woke enough. Let me explain the … Read more

I’m Not Anti-Racist and You Shouldn’t Be, Either

No, I’m not “anti-racist.” I’m not anti-racist because terms have meanings, and only racist people are anti-racist. If that sounds non-sensical, hang on to your seat. Words and Terms A word is “a single distinct meaningful element of speech.” A term, on the other hand, is a word that has meaning (semantics) and most often refers to objects … Read more

The PCA’s 2020 ‘Ad Interim Report on Human Sexuality’ is a Hot Mess of Downgrade

When Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses to the door of the Wittenberg Church on October 31, 1517, the unexpected result was the beginning of the Protestant Reformation. Luther still believed in purgatory, the supremacy of the Pope, the immaculate conception, and even the right use of indulgences at that time. His intention was to attack the … Read more

After Fixating on ‘Social Justice,’ SBC Suffers Record Loss in Members

The Southern Baptist Convention, the largest Protestant denomination in the United States and a one-time conservative network of autonomous churches, has suffered a record decline in membership, attendance, and baptisms after fixating heavily on “social justice.” Question: What if honored SBC leaders are not only incapable of fixing the denomination’s decline, but they were in … Read more

ERLC Official Uses Platform to Attack SBC Whistleblowers

The assurances and claims from Albert Mohler and Danny Akin that their seminaries haven’t experienced “liberal drift” have been exposed as absurdly fraudulent, thanks largely to the work of SEBTS graduate, Jon Harris. Using video, writings, and personal testimonies of students and professors, Harris has led a string of whistleblowers to testify credibly to what … Read more

Racism Didn’t Kill George Floyd…Leftists Did.

The story is altogether too common. A black man allegedly resists arrest, only to be man-handled with excessive force and killed by police. No doubt, it’s a tragedy. But why are America’s leftists blaming racism and not the police state? Leftist evangelicals, in particular, are quick to blame racism and “whiteness” for the incident, despite … Read more

Phil Haney Shot Dead after Exposing Obama’s DHS, Islam

Phil Haney

Phil Haney was murdered. He was a friend of Judd Saul’s and one of the speakers at SAMCON19, Judd Saul’s conference for standing against Marxism. Phil Haney was a good and honest man. He exposed significant corruption in the Obama administration as they intentionally downplayed and deleted national intelligence pertaining to violent threats from Islamists. … Read more

Anti-Social Justice Conference Features Disgraced “Pastor” Greg Locke

This weekend, the GK Podcast Network hosted an online event entitled “The Destroy Social Justice Conference.” For a $30 fee, registrants could live stream a number of presentations from the conference’s lineup of speakers. The conference advertised its content and speakers as follows: This lineup of speakers will dive deep into the issue of Social Justice and … Read more

They’ve Had Enough: Conservative Baptists Form Group to Fight Liberal Drift

Southern Baptist leaders most responsible for the liberal drift in the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) – chiefly Albert Mohler and Danny Akin, presidents of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary respectively – claim there is no liberal drift in the denomination. Meanwhile, both seminaries have sold out to the leftist ideologies of … Read more