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Polemics Terms: Evangelical Intelligentsia

DEFINITION The Evangelical Intelligentsia are those who purport to be smarter or more distinguished academically than most local church leaders. Typically, the Evangelical Intelligentsia consists of those not in exclusive ministry to local churches, serving instead academic institutions or parachurch ministries. HISTORY Peter Berger coined that phrase in The Emerging Evangelical Intelligentsia Research Project done for … Read more

Polemics Terms: Single-Issue Discerner

DEFINITION What is a Single-Issue Discerner? A single-issue discerner is one who discerns right from wrong in only one particular area of theology but may be blind toward problems in other areas. EXAMPLES A Calvinist may be a single-issue discerner when it comes to Calvinism, believing that “Calvinist = good” and “Arminian = bad.” The single-issue … Read more

Heresies: Socinianism

The heresy of Socinianism is named after its founder, Faustus Socinus (1539-1604) and gained popularity among the Polish Brethren and the Unitarian Church of Transylvania. Socinians had a number of heretical beliefs, including rejecting substitionary atonement, adopting and embracing Pelagianism, Arianism, and Open Theism. However, none of those heresies are unique to Socinianism. Socinianism, as the term is … Read more

Jesus Calling – a Polemical Review

  SUMMARY Jesus Calling is a devotional book put out by Thomas Nelson Publishing, published in 2004 and gaining much popularity in recent years. With over 15 million copies in print, it is one of the most recognizable devotional books in recent history, and has spawned a multitude of spin-offs, from children’s books to phone … Read more

Cautions About Alan Hirsch

Alan Hirsch is an Australian missiologist who has heavily influenced the Missional Church Movement. He is the founder of Forge, author of many books, and adjunct professor at Fuller Theological Seminary. He has worked with Christianity Today and has spoken with J.D. Greear, Tim Keller, and Danny Akin (Source). This guy has done well at flying … Read more

Right Vs. Almost Right

I have noticed a tendency common among my fellow Reformed and Calvinistic brethren to let down our guard when it comes to those who believe in predestination. We often tend to give them a free pass and withhold discernment if they have a correct understanding of the Doctrines of Grace. Instead of testing all things … Read more

Right Vs. Almost Right

I have noticed a tendency common among my fellow Reformed and Calvinistic brethren to let down our guard when it comes to those who believe in predestination. We often tend to give them a free pass and withhold discernment if they have a correct understanding of the Doctrines of Grace. Instead of testing all things … Read more

JD Greear – The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

I have to admit that when I first heard the news that JD Greear would be nominated for next SBC president by Jimmy Scroggins, my first reaction was, “well…it could be worse!” Afterall, Greear’s sermons are usually solid, he’s “reformed” (for whatever that’s worth these days), and he does have an approachable personality–and anybody would … Read more

Dan Darling of ERLC Praises Ridiculous Roman Catholic’s “Conversion Testimony”

In the wake of the pope antichrist’s visit to the US a few weeks ago, well know Fox News contributor, Kirsten Powers, announced she had left Tim Keller’s Presbyterian church in favor of Roman Catholicism. Announcing her conversion on live television, she told her viewers, “tomorrow night at 7 o’clock, I’m becoming Catholic!” It was … Read more

All Aboard the Anti-Christ Train

3 Let no one deceive you in any way. For that day will not come, unless the rebellion comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction, 4 who opposes and exalts himself against every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, proclaiming himself to … Read more

Who Are the Evangelical Intelligentsia?

If you have followed Pulpit & Pen for any amount of time, you’ve heard or seen me use the phrase, “Evangelical Intelligentsia.” The first time I used that term was on Twitter in response to Manhattan Declaration director and ecumenist, Eric Teetsel, in response to his defense of Ed Stetzer’s peddling of heresy and his subsequent … Read more

Baptists and the Law: Why the Tripartite Divide is For Baptists, Too

I woke up and saw in my Feedly feed this morning, a post from Mike Bergman at SBC Voices entitled, Christians and the Law: A Friendly Response to Tim Keller’s ‘Making Sense of Scripture’s Inconsistency.‘ Like Douglas Wilson, who we’ve quoted and linked several times at Pulpit & Pen, Keller is admirable on several counts, … Read more

Graf-Wellhausen Theory: Practical, Theoretical, Junk!

The Documentary Theory, also known as the Graf-Wellhausen theory, is a hypothesis that states that the Pentateuch, (the first five books of the Bible) were not inspired by God and written by Moses during his life, but were actually written by a conglomeration of at least four authors/editors centuries after Moses’ death. The hypothesis states … Read more

One More Step In The Race Towards Christian Irrelevancy And Oblivion

Tylor Standley, a progressive liberal writer who blogs at , recently posted an article on Relevant Magazine entitled “6 Heretics Who Should Be Banned From Evangelicalism.” In the article, which has been shared almost 9700 times on Facebook, he seeks to answer the question: “Can you be an evangelical Christian and believe… …in evolution? …that Hell is … Read more

The Plagues of 2020 Are Screaming At Us. But Are We Listening?

Pestilence. War. Famine. Murder hornets. Yes, murder hornets. Murder…freaking…hornets. The year 2020 will be renowned for lots of things that plagued the world. It will, without a doubt, be a year that lives in infamy. Our grandchildren will absolutely, 100% ask us what it was like to be alive during this season of history …if … Read more