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Marxist Brain Trust Gathers at Wheaton to Discuss Moving Evangelicals Left

It’s no secret that the Communist Party intentionally infiltrated the so-called “black church” (an abominable term indeed, in a Biblical worldview that refuses to view people through a racial construct, which is forbidden in places like Galatians 3:28, Romans 3:29, Colossians 3:11) during the Civil Rights Movement. This historic reality has been written about in … Read more

The SBC Should Not Want Black Leadership

The Southern Baptist Convention should not want black leadership. The very idea is doctrinally bothersome, theologically incoherent, ethnically untenable, and morally perverse. After the MLK50 veneration conference, hosted by The Social Gospel Coalition and the SBC’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC), Southern Baptists are calling for the white-guilted apologies offered to the world on … Read more

Is a Corrupt Globalist Billionaire Influencing America’s Reformed Community?

[Editor’s Note: This is part 1 in a series that will explain how James Riady, a corrupt and felonious Globalist financier, is influencing America’s Reformed community. Part 1 will give a brief overview of Riady’s past, continued corruption and problematic leftist ties, and explain Riady’s influence over American Reformed leaders and American religious institutions] INTRODUCTION … Read more

The Evangelical Deep State, Part 2

Part One of this article was published on December 18, 2017. Over a month later, interest in the issues raised in the article remains high, and the questions over associations of evangelical leaders like Al Mohler, Tim Keller, Russell Moore, and Marvin Olasky continue to linger. Efforts to dismiss the well-documented findings as the “ramblings of … Read more

Evangelical ‘Right’ Surrenders Battle on Sexuality, Picks Up Social Justice Issues like Immigration

I am aghast as to how it has become fashionable among so many evangelical leaders to minimize as a voting consideration what is certainly the most radical and fundamental restructuring of society in my lifetime, indeed arguably in the past millennium and beyond: namely, the elimination of both a male-female foundation for sexual ethics and … Read more

ERLC Promises to “Change the Culture” With Your Financial Giving

The Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission already siphons more than four million dollars anually from the Southern Baptist Cooperative Program. This means that when Southern Baptist laymen put their tithes and offerings into the local church offering plate, a percentage of their giving (varying from church to church) goes to the coffers of the SBC, … Read more

Pastor Exposes Southern Baptist Deep State; Ed Stetzer Loses It

SBC Today, of which we are not ordinarily fond of because they are on the other side of the soteriological aisle and because their nomenclature of “traditional” is hardly astute, published an article entitled, “Is This the Evangelical Deep State”? Drawing parallels to the “Deep State” – an assortment of entrenched bureaucrats without ties to … Read more

The Social Gospel Coalition, Jared Wilson, Publish Bizarre Reading List for Pastors

Jared Wilson, who’s a part of the Social Gospel Coalition, but who I don’t think we’ve ever blogged about before, has posted a bizarre reading list on the TSGC website. He explains: Liberty Baptist Church recently launched our Pastoral Training Center, an 18-month residency program for men training for ministry. Currently 13 guys are working through the … Read more

We Are Still Protesting

The fact is, in spite of the flurry of Reformation memes on this the 500 anniversary of the Protestant Reformation, the majority of Roman Catholics have never heard a Protestant tell them they’re not a Christian. The majority of Protestants do not know our conviction that the Pope is – at the very least – … Read more

New Calvinists Compromising on Creation

There is no name more synonymous with New Calvinism than Tim Keller. Although several definitions of “New Calvinism” have been given in recent years (most famously by Mark Driscoll), Pulpit & Pen will use the characteristics given by polemicist, JD Hall, at the recent Judge Not Conference. Characteristics of New Calvinism include: A Calvinism devoid … Read more

Book Review: The New Calvinists; Changing the Gospel

Published in 2014, clearly I am late to the party, but I wanted to give a brief review of this book because I found it a valuable and helpful primer on the problems of the so-called New Calvinism. Written by Dr. E.S. Williams, a medical physician and layman in the church of Charles Spurgeon – … Read more

SBC "Traditionalists" Invite Believer in Purgatory, Pseudo-Universalism to Speak at Event

A group of Southern Baptist “traditionalists”* are taking part in an upcoming conference and have invited a speaker who falls far, far short of Christian orthodoxy. Leighton Flowers, who hosts the anti-Calvinism podcast, Soteriology 101, is organizing the event. It will take place August 11 through August 12, and is called “The Great Commission Summit.” … Read more

Evangelical 'Leaders' Pay to Bash Trump; No One Cares

One hundred “evangelical leaders” have taken out a full-page advertisement in the Washington Post. While paying for space to complain about the Commander-in-Chief doesn’t seem to be the most practical way to voice their lisping convictions, it makes sense, as most of the signers aren’t leaders in local churches, which would seem to be the … Read more