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SBTS Faculty Consult Attorney on Release of Mohler Correspondence

Anyone paying attention to wider evangelicalism – and especially that represented in the Southern Baptist Convention – is well aware of a dramatic shift in focus and tone on social issues. When Albert Mohler repented of the notion of reparative therapy (the idea that through Biblical counseling a homosexual could break their addiction to unnatural … Read more

Albert Mohler/ERLC Redefining Family and Focusing LGBTQUI+ Inclusion Audit

Editor’s Note: This has been reposted with permission. It has long been this writer’s view that knowing the eternal love and compassion of God and His nature to forgive—to forestall judgement, acknowledge humble repentant hearts and to be, the wonderfully articulate word, “Longsuffering,” in the language of King James—that God’s judgment is best understood by … Read more

Chelsea Clinton Calls Abortion “Social Justice Issue,” Says It’s Christian Duty

Chelsea Clinton, daughter of President Bill Clinton and former Democratic presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton, recently argued that ending abortion is unchristian. Speaking on the radio program, “Signal Boost,” which airs on Sirius Radio, Clinton spoke of the necessity of abortion-on-demand and explained that her Christian faith motivates her to keep infanticide “safe” and “legal.“ When … Read more

Full Marxist: Gospel Coalition Says You Must Give Away Your Wealth to Be “Just”

The Gospel Coalition, which has a substantial problem differentiating between law and gospel, also has a difficult time differentiating between justice and mercy. The parachurch organization led by Marxist, Tim Keller, is a recipient of funds from both George Soros and James Riady (two powerful globalist and socialist billionaire financiers) and serves the purpose of … Read more

The Strange Coalition Against MacArthur’s “Social Justice Statement”

Technically, it wasn’t John MacArthur who was most responsible for The Dallas Statement, also known as the “Social Justice and the Gospel Statement.” MacArthur’s name, however, stands out as hovering above the rest in notoriety. In actuality, the statement was very much a grass-roots effort of concerned evangelicals who have stood witness as a political … Read more

What You Need to Know About the Dallas Statement on Social Justice

I don’t think people adequately understand the significance of The Dallas Statement (as I call it) and its reception. Let me put some thoughts down here and explain exactly what has happened and what is happening. As someone who has been covering the mission drift of the Young, Restless and Reformed (YRR) into social progressivism … Read more

A Line in the Sand: The Dallas Statement on Social Justice

Pulpit & Pen was the first to report on The Dallas Statement, also known as The Statement on Social Justice & the Gospel when we revealed that Dr. Albert Mohler had been forbidding Southern Baptist Theological Seminary faculty from signing the forthcoming document. The document is now public and has received over 1600 signatures at … Read more

Albert Mohler Forbids SBTS Faculty From Signing “Social Justice Statement”

Pulpit & Pen has been aware for some time that a statement has been drafted that opposes the anti-Gospel mission drift of the so-called “Social Justice Movement.”* Called informally (by me, anyway) the Dallas Statement (its official name is the “Social Justice and the Gospel Statement“) has affirmations and denials designed to clearly articulate the … Read more

MacArthur Launches Second Salvo Against Social Justice

After eagerly waiting for the elder theologian to enter the fray on the topic of Social Gospel, deceitfully renamed Social Justice, Dr. John MacArthur waded into the controversy last week with his first article on the subject. He was quickly maligned as being a white supremacist, as “fighting ghosts,” and was accused of “attacking racial … Read more

Thabiti: I’d Rather Have Dead Babies than Support Trump

Thabiti Anyabwile, a popular writer at the Gospel Coalition and politically-focused Black Nationalist agitator, recently claimed in an op-ed in the Washington Post that ending Roe v Wade is not worth having to work with Donald Trump. In other words, Anyabwile argued that evangelical Christians should actively seek to oust the current president, even if … Read more

American Evangelicalism: In Crisis and Confusion

We are witnessing nothing short of a full-on gospel crisis in American Evangelicalism today. Just as the homosexual movement has rapidly deteriorated into the full-blown confusion we see around the psychological disorder and delusion of gender dysphoria; we are witnessing the exponential demise of what was once a clear, focused, gospel-centered movement. When everything in … Read more

“Traditionalist” Leader Resigns From Anti-Calvinism Group After Making Inappropriate Comment

Connect316 is a group of Southern Baptist pastors and leaders that essentially exists to oppose Calvinism in the denomination, holding to what they have termed “Traditionalism.” A historic misnomer, the doctrinal position held by Connect316 is a rather new and novel mediated position between Calvinism and Arminianism, subordinating God’s sovereignty to man’s Free Will while … Read more

Don’t Be Gay for Jesus: Understand Why the “Bride-Groom” Metaphor Doesn’t Work for Individuals

Okay, men. We need to have a talk. Stop being gay. We have already had to have a talk with the ladies, explaining to them that Jesus is not their husband. One would think that it’s the fairer sex who might mistake Jesus’ agape love for eros, but no. After all, the bride-groom analogy in … Read more

Conservative Evangelicals Walk Out During Wheaton’s Marxist Brain Trust Meeting

Pulpit & Pen reported on Tuesday that evangelical leftists, some of whom are financial recipients of globalist financiers, George Soros and James Riady, recently gathered at Wheaton College to game-plan how to turn evangelicalism to the hard left. Our reporting, as usual, was proven accurate as several attendees at the invitation-only event left the venue … Read more