A popular Intersectional celebrity who regularly preaches alongside men like John MacArthur recently endorsed a leader in what is perhaps the most radical sub-Christian and hyper-charismatic cult in America.

Jackie Hill Perry, a militant social justice warrior and subversive LGBTQ speaker, fully embraced Bethel Church’s Jen Johnson over the weekend. Perry, who is heavily promoted by Albert Mohler, Mark Dever, and Ligon Duncan through The Gospel Coalition, upon which they serve on its leadership council, teaches that Same-Sex Attraction is not a sin unless acted upon (Jesus would disagree). Her engagement with Jen Johnson came upon the heels of a story this weekend, Bethel Church Goes Gay, in which (like Jackie Hill Perry) they have stated that God doesn’t necessarily desire to sanctify homosexuals.
Jenn Johnson is the daughter-in-law of Bethel Church lead guru and New Apostolic Reformation Apostle, Bill Johnson. This is the church that drops chicken feathers from the rafters (congregants believed they were from angels) and glitter from ventilation systems, and credits it to the Holy Spirit, calling it a ‘glory cloud.’ It is not an exaggeration to say that Bethel Church is the most extreme hyper-charismatic church of prominence in the United States, with weekly claims of absurdity.
At the same time Bill Johnson was claiming last year to have supernaturally healed 10 thousand of PTSD, he was unable to heal the child of the Bethel Music CEO, who was placed in Intensive Care (it turns out all he needed was hydration). Bethel Church, whose leaders sometimes claim to control things like the weather and claim that nothing happens on Earth without their permission, were unable to stop fires from consuming their community. These people even claim to raise the dead, and preach that temporal physical healing is promised in Christ’s atonement.
Bethel Church leaders embraced Christian Tarot Cards. Bethel Church leaders (like Bill’s wife) condoned necromantic “grave sucking” (and they’re still doing it). Their sermons are rife with insanely bad theology, with one Bethel leader claiming that Jesus came to him and apologized for sinning against him.
Jenn Johnson, the daughter-in-law of Bill Johnson, is a leader in Bethel Church and the co-founder of Bethel Music, of which discerning Christians have been warning you of the danger for years. She is also the “Senior Worship Pastor” for Bethel Church in Redding.
But aside from being a leader at Bethel Church, Jenn Johnson is herself downright crazy, if not demonic.
This famous clip shows Jenn Johnson preaching that the Holy Spirit is “blue” and is like a “sneaky genie.”
She is – to use a technical and theological term – a nutjob.
Jackie Hill Perry claims to be a “former lesbian” who is now married to a man, but she still has homosexual desires. In fact, at the core of Perry’s main message is the assertion that God does not (or probably will not) change the hearts of homosexuals when he saves them. Perry’s position on sodomy and sanctification is identical to that held by those of the controversial pro-LGBTQ+ Revoice Conference.
Perry is also a staunch Social Justice advocate, political liberal, and she seems to be theologically schizophrenic, bouncing all over the map regarding her own theological beliefs, even leading worship at an anti-Trinitarian Oneness Pentecostal cult last year.
Perry blames Christians for not being accepting enough of homosexuality and claims the church has hurt the “gay community.” She regularly uses her social media platforms to denounce the United States. Perry preaches to both men and women, attacks Complementarians on Twitter for believing women shouldn’t preach, and still carries herself in a ‘butch’ sort of way.
If twenty women were in a room with Jackie Hill Perry and were asked which one was probably a lesbian, most would point quickly to Perry, who still carries herself with the mannerisms of one not yet ‘freed indeed’ by the Holy Spirit.
Jackie Hill Perry is an Intersectional goldmine. She is an ethnic minority. She is a “sexual minority.” She positions herself as a victim minority (being mistreated by heterosexuals and Caucasians in the church).
Any organization that is sold-out to Critical Race Theory would be eager to have Jackie Hill Perry as what Thomas Sowell calls a “mascot.” It doesn’t matter if Perry has little more to offer than being a mannish pseudo-lesbian with the ability to rhyme.
Perry, on the outside, has everything that the Evangelical Intelligentsia – who is convinced of their own White Privilege – want to promote in order to signal their virtue.
Perry is, for lack of a better word, a useful tool for the ‘woke,’ despite having nothing substantive to offer theologically.
The white men who run The Gospel Coalition have put Perry forward like a slave on their auction block, trading her from one platform to another because of her useful demographic traits.
Perry, as theologically promiscuous now as she used to be sexually, came out of the closet this weekend as willing to partner in ministry with anybody, no matter their rank heresy.
Perry was speaking at the first of a six-part tour for Propel Women, along with Christine Caine (the Hillsong heretic) and Jenn Johnson. Although Caine was once considered “untouchable” by anyone in the serious theological world because of her Word-Faith theology, she has been ‘mainstreamed’ by her associations with Beth Moore (to the point that Caine is now associating with some entities in the Southern Baptist Convention, like the ERLC).
But Jenn Johnson is even considered more radical and insanely unbiblical than Christine Caine (although it’s disputable).

Caine, who calls Joyce Meyer her “spiritual mother” was sure to throw out some predictable praise for Perry over the weekend.

However, it wasn’t the lavish praise heaped upon the lesbian spoken-word artist that should strike us, but the praise that Perry lavished back upon the Word-Faith charismatic prosperity gospel hustlers.
Perry came out over the weekend with a full endorsement of Jenn Johnson.
Gabbing like tween girls at a slumber party who just did some whippets, the two female preachers gathered for a moment of girl-power. You can hear Perry say of the false prophetess, Jenn Johnson, “she got all the Holy Spirit.”
After criticism in social media from discerning Christians, Perry dug in deeper.

Perry said that she’s not going to be “tribalistic” when it comes to ministry. To translate, this means that Perry will be promiscuous in her dealings and will partner with any false prophet, known charlatan, or ungodly teacher in the world.
Perry notes that she’ll be on “platforms with Reformed folk one day” and “non-Reformed folk the next.” The same goes for Southern Baptists, she says, and “Cogic saints” (Pentecostals), a liberal denomination in the National Council of Churches. Perry goes on to call these differences, “complicated and nuanced.”
Chicken feathers and gold dust are not “complicated and nuanced.”
Perry claims that the women in the photo above all preach the Gospel, apparently unable to distinguish between the real Gospel and the Prosperity Gospel. Even The Gospel Coalition warned readers about this cult in September of 2018, and one would be hard-pressed to find a TGC leadership council member who would argue that Bethel Church preaches the same Gospel as they.
Perry also fit some Critical Race Theory into her post, lambasting theologically sound preachers for “white supremacy” for quoting from slave-owning church leaders of the 18th or 19th Century.
“Hey, you have no business complaining about me hanging out with Bethel heretics if you quote Whitefield, you white supremacists!”
Some discernment leaders have to be silent on this subject because they have refused to show even the most basic or rudimentary standards of holiness in their associations. Some of the more notable discernment leaders are also speaking with Perry.
You saw MacArthur’s face next to Perry’s for the Sing 2019 Conference (above), but there are others.

Phil Johnson, Costi Hinn (who’s becoming ever-more entwined with The Gospel Coalition), and Amy Spreeman are all speaking at an Answers in Genesis “Answers for Women: Truth Conference” in 2020.
There are many other examples of relatively sound speakers partnering with Jackie Hill Perry, who is not only as dangerous by her associations but is herself dangerous in her positions.
Jackie Hill Perry is a danger to the evangelical church and must be marked and avoided. We should strive for holiness, and not take part in the fruitless deeds of darkness by speaking alongside this dangerous false teacher and praiser of false prophets.
[Editor’s Note: Jackie Hill Perry was disinvited by Answers in Genesis. Reportedly, Phil Johnson played a part in her being disinvited behind the scenes, as did Justin Peters. Amy Spreeman also took some credit for that. We’re thankful for that. Reportedly, some extensive work was done on the part of the speakers behind the scenes. At the time, these individuals appeared quiet (and in fact, some have still not made a public comment of concern regarding JHP to the best of our knowledge). All of our posts are auto-tweeted even if they are older, and we want to include the rest of the story you can find here. We will take this article out of our circulation for reposting so as to not confuse the reader.]