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Interview with Judd Saul of ‘Enemies Within the Church’

JD recently took time to talk with Judd Saul, the director for the upcoming Enemies Within the Church documentary. Enemies Within the Church is focusing on the advance of Marxism inside evangelical institutions and churches through groups like The Gospel Coalition and other parachurch ministries. You can watch a trailer below. JD discussed with Saul … Read more

Defending Bethel Church, Jackie Hill Perry Says Word-Faith Teaching Is Not Heresy

A contributor to The Gospel Coalition, Desiring God, and the ERLC – a butch lady preacher and Same-Sex Attracted ‘spoken word artist’ named Jackie Hill Perry – is only making things worse for herself as she’s trying to defend her endorsement of Bethel Church and Jenn Johnson over the weekend. From Reformation Charlotte: “Last week, … Read more

Under Mohler’s Nose: SBC Seminary Professor Admits Critical Race Theory Shapes His Thinking

An SBC Professor: has declared that evangelicalism is ‘closely connected’ to white supremacy and that evangelical movement benefited from racism. The president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary said Critical Race Theory and Intersectionality result in Identity Politics and that identity politics is antithetical to the Gospel and devastating for the church. However, one of … Read more

Evangelical Social Justice Warrior Says Amazon Fires Are “Environmental Racism”

One popular Social Justice advocate in American evangelicalism, Ekemini Uwan, is claiming that fires near the Amazon jungle are “environmental racism.” Uwan is an aggressive Critical Race Theorist who regularly seeks to cause racial disunity and castigate people of other ethnicities. It’s one thing to see racism behind every corner and under every rock, but … Read more

Jackie Hill Perry Embraces Bethel Cult, Discernment Leaders Silent [See Editor’s Note at End for Update]

A popular Intersectional celebrity who regularly preaches alongside men like John MacArthur recently endorsed a leader in what is perhaps the most radical sub-Christian and hyper-charismatic cult in America. Jackie Hill Perry, a militant social justice warrior and subversive LGBTQ speaker, fully embraced Bethel Church’s Jen Johnson over the weekend. Perry, who is heavily promoted … Read more

Revoice Founder Wonders if Jesus was Gay

A co-founder of the pro-LGBTQ ‘Christian’ Revoice Conference – endorsed by Southern Baptist leaders with the ERLC and certain members of the PCA – implied on Twitter that Jesus might have been gay or straight and that evangelicals don’t really know and haven’t thought about it. I may have to translate for you, in case … Read more

Southern Baptist Church Now Accepting Gay Church Members

A Southern Baptist church announced this past Sunday that it would warmly embrace homosexual church members or leaders. Following what Reformation Charlotte calls the logical conclusion of The Gospel Coalition’s promotion of celibate gay Christianity, this church is now embracing practicing gay Christianity. Forgive the lack of “scare-quotes” in the above paragraph; it would require … Read more

The ERLC Publishes an Article on Women Written by a Feminist Lesbian 

The ERLC has published an article on Jesus and women written by a lesbian Critical Race Theory / Intersectionality advocate. What could possibly go wrong here? Rebecca McLaughlin recently wrote an article for the ERLC website on “How the Gospels Show that Jesus Valued Women.” Russell Moore and his ERLC work overtime to push Evangelical … Read more

Beth Moore’s Daughter, Kyle J. Howard Weep/Rejoice Pulpit & Pen Censored by Twitter

Social Justice advocates who have abandoned the Gospel for social religion, Beth Moore’s daughter and (fake ex-gang member) Kyle J. Howard, rejoiced with weeping and praised God for the censorship of Pulpit & Pen by the tech giant, Twitter. Niko Kampouris, whose Twitter profile links a Christian and Artist Collective (and ostensibly, a skinny jean … Read more

Explosive Growth at Pulpit & Pen, and How You Can Help

Pulpit & Pen, praise be to God, is making a difference in the world of theology and worldviews, and has grown beyond our wildest imaginations. We push up against (or exceed) a million readers every single month. Our U.S. Alexa rank is—as of this afternoon—10,808. By the way, you can add the Alexa chrome extension … Read more

The Biblical Case for Guilt By Association

Then I heard another voice from heaven saying, “Come out of her, my people, lest you take part in her sins, lest you share in her plagues; (Revelation 18:4) It is not uncommon for people, poorly catechized in the concept of Biblical holiness, to claim that one cannot be held accountable for their associations. The … Read more

Surprising Few, Joshua Harris Shows Up at Gay Pride Parade

Looking gayer than Jonathan Merritt in capris pants, Joshua Harris showed up over the weekend at a gay pride event in Vancouver. Christians had been wondering if Harris would soon announce himself a homosexual after denouncing Christ, denouncing purity, and apologizing to the sodomy-centered community for anything he might have previousy done, said, or written … Read more