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Gaggle of Lady Preachers Do Immigration Propaganda Video

A gaggle of America’s most prominent lady preachers have joined together to promote a bleeding heart immigration propaganda campaign, most of whom are probably unaware that they’re being used to promote an ideology that runs far deeper than their shallow understanding of the Bible. George Soros – who funds the Evangelical Immigration Table – has been … Read more

New Documentary to Expose Marxist Movement in Evangelicalism

Pulpit & Pen is excited to announce a new documentary exposing a relatively recent group of enemies within the especially American church. From a stellar team of producers (Trevor Loudon, Cary Gordon and Curtis Bowers) and director (Judd Saul), the film is slated for release this Fall. From the official website… “Enemies Within: The Church” … Read more

The Evangelical Deep State, Part 2

Part One of this article was published on December 18, 2017. Over a month later, interest in the issues raised in the article remains high, and the questions over associations of evangelical leaders like Al Mohler, Tim Keller, Russell Moore, and Marvin Olasky continue to linger. Efforts to dismiss the well-documented findings as the “ramblings of … Read more

Evangelical ‘Right’ Surrenders Battle on Sexuality, Picks Up Social Justice Issues like Immigration

I am aghast as to how it has become fashionable among so many evangelical leaders to minimize as a voting consideration what is certainly the most radical and fundamental restructuring of society in my lifetime, indeed arguably in the past millennium and beyond: namely, the elimination of both a male-female foundation for sexual ethics and … Read more

Tim Keller Helps the New Yorker Siphon Off Support From Republicans

[Editor’s Note: We are including this article from Dr. Robert Gagnon because we are gravely concerned that the Intelligentsia leaders of New Calvinism are leading the Reformed World into leftist progressivism, and in some cases, Marxism. From Keller to Piper to The Gospel Coalition to Russell Moore, there is a grave cause for concern that … Read more

ERLC Promises to “Change the Culture” With Your Financial Giving

The Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission already siphons more than four million dollars anually from the Southern Baptist Cooperative Program. This means that when Southern Baptist laymen put their tithes and offerings into the local church offering plate, a percentage of their giving (varying from church to church) goes to the coffers of the SBC, … Read more

Pastor Exposes Southern Baptist Deep State; Ed Stetzer Loses It

SBC Today, of which we are not ordinarily fond of because they are on the other side of the soteriological aisle and because their nomenclature of “traditional” is hardly astute, published an article entitled, “Is This the Evangelical Deep State”? Drawing parallels to the “Deep State” – an assortment of entrenched bureaucrats without ties to … Read more

It’s Time to Stop Beatifying Martin Luther King, Jr: JFK Files Expose Leader as Sexual Pervert

Anyone vaguely familiar with Martin Luther King, Jr. has known this for some time,  but the newly released JFK files expose MLK as a sexual pervert with actual documentation. It’s time for The Social Gospel Coalition, Russell Moore, and other evangelicals to stop beatifying this man as an evangelical leader to be admired. The Social … Read more

What Do Russell Moore and These Leftist God-Haters Have in Common? More Than You Might Expect…

Vice, which is among the top one hundred websites in America, ran an article about “The Woke Young People Trying to Make Christianity Cool Again.”  The term, Woke, is urban slang originating with the pop-culture film, The Matrix, and refers to someone who has been awakened to the important cultural realities around them (for those of … Read more

Five Things At SWBTS More Offensive Than This Photo

Facutly at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary posed for the above photo, and Twitter has had a collective heart attack. Audible gasps could be heard around the world, as these faculty members apparently didn’t see the outrage as a predictable inevitability, and it was unwisely posted without an, ahem, trigger warning. In all seriousness, I’m sure … Read more

Book Review: The Unholy Trinity

An evangelical’s favorite Roman Catholic probably depends upon their political orientation. The Marxists have Pope Francis. Conservatives have our underdog mascot on the right, Matt Walsh. The latter has recently authored a book, The Unholy Trinity, and it’s every bit as colorful as it is insightful. The Unholy Trinity: Blocking the Left’s Assault on Life, … Read more

ERLC Trustee Chair’s Church Promotes Racial Identity Politics

[Editor’s Note: Polemics Ministries United is indebted to the work of Capitol Hill Baptist Church and its pastor, Mark Dever. Dever, an expert church polity, has helped to restore soundness to ecclesiology in a wide evangelical circle, and Nine Marks isn’t to be repudiated on this issue alone. However, we have become increasingly concerned that … Read more

Polemics Term: Cultural Marxism

WHAT IS CULTURAL MARXISM The term Cultural Marxism, which is also known as multiculturalism (although the latter term has various meanings and implications), is a philosophy that is perhaps as old as 1919. According to William S. Lind, Cultural Marxism came into thought when the classical Marxist scheme did not work in Western Civilization in … Read more