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United Methodists Likely to Fully Affirm Sodomy this Weekend

There are more than 12 million United Methodists worldwide and more than 4 thousand are meeting in Saint Louis from Saturday to Monday. Of these, more than 800 are voting delegates who will ultimately decide where the United Methodist Church stands on the topic of homosexuality. Many might have assumed that the United Methodist Church … Read more

Russell Moore: SBC Churches Need to Disciple the Transgender

[Reformation Charlotte] One of the new sexually perverted infiltrations in the Church now is the softening stance on gender identity. The influence is coming in through homosexual activists like Sam Allberry, who recently held a conference at Ravi Zacharias institute on “gender” and suggested that traditional gender roles are partly responsible for the influx of … Read more

Do the ShepCon Speakers Stand By Their Gay Priest?

The 2019 Shepherd’s Conference speakers, all invited by John MacArthur amidst much controversy and protest, are personally responsible for the promotion and propagation of a gay priest who just taught against traditional gender roles and likened the atonement to gender dysphoria, claiming that Jesus had “body issues.” Sam Allberry is an editor and writer at … Read more

Gay Priest at Ravi Zacharias Event: Jesus Had Dysphoria, Body Issues

Ravi Zacharias hosted Sam Alberry yesterday, who spoke at the event to explain “How To Know Your Gender.” The answer was not as simple as, “Do a DNA test.” Alberry, the gay Anglican priest, is an editor and writer for The Gospel Coalition, an organization run by Mark Dever, Albert Mohler, Ligon Duncan, HB Charles … Read more

Believe in the Baptists: Conquering Social Justice Through the Pews

It’s with much respect I write these words to my friends who are fellow co-belligerents against the Social Justice juggernaut in evangelicalism. I write this to help encourage you to employ a successful strategy in realigning our churches to the Gospel and away from the mission drift of social religion. To make the case for … Read more

Helping People Escape the Evangelical Black Ghetto

The ghetto was a term originally used in Italy to refer to parts of Venice occupied by Jews as a result of social ostracization. Over the course of the 20th Century, however, the term came to describe the dilapidated parts of any city that are predominately occupied by the economically underprivileged. Often times the term, … Read more

Phil Johnson Digs In…But is Still Wrong.

I appreciate Phil Johnson attempting to do what no others have done, which is to try to defend perceived inconsistencies of Dallas Statement signers for criticizing Social Justice and marking it as grievous teaching while refusing to mark its proponents and continuing to partner with them. All others, up to this point, have flatly rejected … Read more

Russell Moore Says Rights Are Never Absolute

[Christian Intellectual] In a video released yesterday by The Gospel Coalition, Russell Moore, the president of the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission, said, “every right that we have in society is never an absolute.”  This was in response to the question posed by Kevin DeYoung, Chairman of the Board of The Gospel Coalition, about how to defend … Read more

ERLC Condemns Trafficking After Hosting Conference in Honor of Sex Trafficker

Editor’s Note: On April 3-4, 2018, a joint effort of The Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) and The Gospel Coalition (TGC) hosted the national conference “MLK50: Gospel Reflections from the Mountaintop,” celebrating the life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. What the conference failed to mention was the lack of moral integrity of Martin Luther … Read more

Shutting Down the Truth: TGC, We’ll Just “Block” Them

[Medium] Amid backlash, evangelical leaders are finally acknowledging sexual abuse — but not a high-profile preacher allegedly facilitating it. Why? One afternoon in late 2014, a friend told me that he’d been blocked on Twitter by The Gospel Coalition. The sheer power and influence that The Gospel Coalition (TGC) holds is mind-boggling. The group is … Read more

What Happened to Justice? ‘Woke’ Evangelicals Largely Silent on New York Abortion Holocaust.

All we hear from the ‘woke’ Social Justice Warrior in evangelicalism is about how important it is to “engage culture.” WorldMag accused Phil Johnson of not wanting to engage culture, which is an old canard used against those of us who want to preach the Gospel rather than preach Social Religion. In reality, however, when … Read more

Charisma News Says Spurgeon Would Attend Conference with NAR Apostles, Hillsong, Bethel and IHOP Pastors

No one who spoke at the G3 Conference alongside the Rauschenbuschists wanted to interact with my post on why Spurgeon would not attend G3. They did not interact with the article because they could not. It was indisputable. While these men claim the heritage of Spurgeon, they ignore his absolute detestation of partnering with compromise … Read more