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Jordan Peterson: The MLK of the 21st Century…but better.

Martin Luther King Jr. was a thought leader, a civil rights activist, and an icon. King, although articulate and pivotal, was not necessarily essential to the Civil Rights Movement even though he was central to it. Others came before him and stood beside him to free mankind from the tyranny of discrimination and remnants of … Read more

TGC’s Same-Sex Attracted Christian Apostasy Cover-Up

The Gospel Coalition (TGC) and 9Marks are fully engaged in a cover-up of Sam Allberry’s abominable doctrines. Stop and think. has been full of appalling teaching and counsel for years. The men behind TGC and 9Marks have been promoting Sam Allberry and for years. They were not ignorant of the gross exchange of … Read more

Setting the Stage for TGC19 – Conversations with Jesus: Emotionalism, Collectivism, Universalism and Error

Written by Toni S. Brown The Gospel Coaltion launched their annual conference this week in Indianapolis, TGC19-Conversations with Jesus, and considering the massive global influence they have successfully established it seems fitting that we should pay attention to the message and instruction coming out of this powerful and far-reaching organization.  Al Mohler kick-started the event with a pre-conference session titled It Takes a Church: Focused on the Family of God. He noted “the Right’s“ nostalgic obsession … Read more

The White Horse Inn Teams up with Homosexual Anglican Priest, Sam Allberry

By Toni S. Brown The White Horse Inn continues to promote gay “Christians,” producing a one year study on the book of John with each episode hosted by either White Horse Inn (WHI) producer Shane Rosenthal or founder Michael Horton, co-hosted by Sam Allberry. This week’s panel instructs the Lord’s church on what it means to be “born again.” Moderated by Shane Rosenthal the panel includes: Sam Allberry, homosexual Anglican Priest, speaker for Ravi … Read more

Sam Allberry Retweets Praise for Article Lauding Nadia Bolz-Weber’s Purity Ring Vagina Statue

The gay priest who writes for The Gospel Coalition (where he is also an editor) and regularly teams up with SBC leaders like Russell Moore, Danny Akin, and Jason Allen, retweeted praise earlier this month for an article lauding Nadia Bolz-Weber’s infamous ‘vagina statue.’ The gay priest in question, Sam Allberry, was also recently endorsed … Read more

Homosexual “Christianity” – What is Happening?

By Toni S. Brown In all its clear deception, the homosexual “Christian” movement is spreading like gangrene, packed full of emotion and cloaked in biblical language, it leaves many dumbfounded as to how such a radically unbiblical lie could possibly “catch-on”  in so-called biblically sound churches? For the answer, we must survey who is now promoting the lie of same-sex attracted (SSA) “Christians.” For the record, … Read more

Ligon Duncan’s Ecumenical Push for Unity

By Toni S. Brown On April 01, 2019, Ligon Duncan will be teaming up with homosexual pastor,Sam Allberry for a mini-conference co-sponsored by Mark Dever’s 9Marks at TGC19 (The Gospel Coalition 2019 National Conference). They aim to “rethink”denominations, as they ask: “Do they help or harm the unity of the Church?” In addition, Duncan is promoting a book on church unity from his personal webpage by a progressive, social activist and former president of RTS, Dr. Luder G. Whitlock. … Read more

Why Social Justice is an Attack on the Local Church

There is no question as to exactly from where the new emphasis on Social Justice is coming from in American Evangelicalism. Whatever you want to say about Social Justice, whatever your position, and however you feel about it, you must acknowledge that the emphasis on righting perceived cultural wrongs as a new addendum to the … Read more

Carl Trueman at TGC: Marxism is Everywhere, But Don’t Call it That.

Carl Trueman (five months ago): Who’s a Marxist? Ain’t no Marxists! That’s crazy talk. You gotta be an atheist to be a Marxist. Y’all are some tinfoil-hat wearing crazies! Pffft. Carl Trueman (today): It’s Marx’ world we’re living in. Most everybody is a Marxist. Is that really such a bad thing? That’s my paraphrase, admittedly. … Read more

SEBTS Says White Ministers Shouldn’t Pastor Mixed-Ethnicity Churches

Cultural Marxism takes various forms and goes by various names, including Critical Race Theory, Multiculturalism, and Intersectionality. Essentially, it all has the same underlying purpose, which is to cause division. Economic Marxism sought to cause division between the classes and pit the proletariat against the borgeouis to bring political change. Cultural Marxism, the kind and … Read more