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Pat Robertson’s ‘Relationship Advice’ To Cheating Husband is Bonkers

Evangelist Pat Robertson is not known for his solidly biblical relationship advice. This was true in 2011, when he said that divorcing a spouse suffering from Alzheimer’s is justifiable because the disease is “a kind of death” and that if the husband was going to divorce a wife suffering from brain disintegration so he could … Read more

‘It Just Isn’t Cool’ Says Pat Robertson as he Condemns Trump For Law & Order Comments

Controversial Televangelist Pat Robertson wagged his finger at President Donald Trump on Tuesday, scolding him over his threat to control civil unrest by sending the U.S. military into American cities. President Trump made the remarks during a press conference the day before, prefacing his comments with “My first and highest duty as president is to defend our great country and … Read more

VIDEO: Pat Robertson Binds Hurricane Florence, Puts Up Supernatural Storm Shield

Charismatics think they can control the weather. Gloria Copeland claims that her husband can rebuke tornados and control storms. Bethel Church of Redding and Kris Vallotton claimed to have had control over the Shasta County fire, up and until the fire consumed huge swaths of the county. Thinking themselves prophets much like Elijah, who was given … Read more

Pat Robertson Blames Disrespect of President for Shooting

“Violence in the streets, ladies and gentlemen. Why is it happening? You know what I’d like to give you is, the fact that we have disrespect for authority. There is profound disrespect of our president, all across this nation they say terrible things about him. It’s in the news, it’s in other places. Robertson continued, … Read more

False Prophet Pat Robertson says he's not psychic, God speaks directly to him.

Robertson then goes on to support his practice of divination by proclaiming that 1 Cor. 12 teaches that the Holy Spirit will “give us a word of knowledge,” in which God tells him who to perform healings on during his show. He claims that his practice has nothing to do with psychic abilities, but as with all false prophets, two way communication with God outside of Scripture is essential, and central to their practice. Since their prophecies are purposely vague and ambiguous, they become difficult to verify and or disprove in some cases, and in most cases, creates confusion and causes divisions.

Paige Patterson Embraces Campbellism, Baptismal Justification, at Chapel

THERE’S MORE TO CONSERVATISM THAN INERRANCY Paige Patterson was instrumental in the so-called Conservative Resurgence in the SBC a generation ago. Along with Paul Pressler and a few other leaders, Patterson championed Biblical inerrancy and used the springboard of Adrian Rogers’ election to the SBC presidency to painfully but successfully begin eradicating the SBC of its non-inerrantists. In … Read more

Southwestern Seminary Invites False Teacher, Alan Robertson, To Speak at Chapel

Fellowship with darkness is no stranger to Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. It was the president of this Southern Baptist seminary, Paige Patterson, that once enrolled a practicing Muslim into the seminary. It seems as though this seminary prides itself on its diversity–you know, the 2 Corinthians 6:14 (ESV) kind that Paul warns against: Do not be … Read more

Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson: Let Me Baptize Donald Trump, Then We Will Know God is On Our Side

The ringleader of the Duck Dynasty cult, Phil Robertson, gave an ardent inducement for the cause of Donald Trump today. The notable spiel included a candid offer to publicly baptize Trump, stating that by doing so on camera, “The left-wingers will literally go crazy and the evangelicals will swarm you like a mighty thrall because then … Read more

Phil Robertson Is Far More Judgmental Than He’s Given Credit For

In light of the recent Duck Dynasty/Phil Robertson GQ Magazine brouhaha, I was again struck by the notion that this issue has become the defacto issue in which tolerance and intolerance is decided and where bigotry, discrimination, dogmatism, fanaticism, and prejudice are laid bare. The response from tens of thousands via various social media outlets … Read more

Phil Robertson Is Far More Judgmental Than He's Given Credit For

In light of the recent Duck Dynasty/Phil Robertson GQ Magazine brouhaha, I was again struck by the notion that this issue has become the defacto issue in which tolerance and intolerance is decided and where bigotry, discrimination, dogmatism, fanaticism, and prejudice are laid bare. The response from tens of thousands via various social media outlets … Read more

False Prophet Says His False Prophecies Prove His Prophecies Are True

Charismatic preachers are less accurate in their prophetic predictions than drunken meteorologists. In fact, coronavirus has proven that charismatics are far less accurate than that. Not a single charismatic leader prophesied the costliest health-related panic in history. Multitudes of charismatic leaders prophesied coronavirus would never come to America. Many more prophesied Christians would be immune. … Read more

Giant Faith-Healer Gathering Canceled Due to Coronavirus

Well, this sounds like satire, but it’s not. The world’s largest gathering of notable faith healers are canceling the grand opening of a faith-healing center because of coronavirus. We reported on the grand opening of the Morris Cerullo Legacy International Center on Saturday, mostly because it has a design that looks like a dollar sign … Read more

Charismatics Spread False Rumor that Chuck Pierce Prophesied Coronavirus (He Did Not)

Steven Strang over at Charisma Mag – who has posted more false prophecy relating to coronavirus than Wuhan has sick-beds – claimed today that “prophet” Chuck Pierce prophesied the coming of coronavirus. He’s also making the claim on his podcast. This claim is spurious and untrue. At the snake-oil blog, Charisma, Strang writes… I recently interviewed … Read more