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Wizard Wars! A New Challenger Appears! Which Prophet will Leave Victorious!?

We told you last week how Bethel Church casts out the demon of racism with their wizard staff and mystical incantations. Well, it appears a new challenger has appeared to battle Bethel for ultimate staff supremacy. Equipped with dual offerings, symbolic of the rods of Moses and Aaron, will this newcomer emerge victorious in this … Read more

Charismatics Unveil New Form Of Worship: Muscle Ministry

A previously unknown and unseen form of worship was recently unveiled at a charismatic church for the first time Sunday morning. This startling display of fresh revelation that definitely doesn’t go against the Regulative Principle of Worship occurred when a muscular man in a tank top took the stage during the church service and started … Read more

Chuck Pierce To Have “Car Anointing Fire Tunnel” Service

While most people would not want their car and “fire” to have anything to do together, lest their insurance company sends their deductibles through the roof, Chuck Pierce, universally venerated charismatic prophet and the one that Dr. Michael Brown has thrown down the gauntlet and has made a wolfish-wager over the legitimacy of his coronavirus … Read more

Coronavirus is God’s Plague Upon Charismatics

Upon the top of Mt. Carmel in the 9th Century B.C., Elijah stared down the prophets of Ba’al and Ashera. They promised to be able to get their gods to move by decreeing and declaring positive confessions of their power. They beat their chests and screamed into the heavens. They cut themselves and bled to … Read more

When Faith-Healers Can’t Even Handle the Flu…

Bethel Church in Redding, California – which dumps chicken feathers, fog, and glitter out of its ventilation system to simulate a “glory cloud,” has a supernatural school of healing, and regularly tells tall-tales of raising the dead – has apparently closed its “healing rooms” because it’s afraid that all the touching involved will pass along … Read more

Healing Rooms Cancelled Due To Coronavirus Fears

Bethel Church in Redding, CA, the wellspring for all that is evil and unholy in the Charismatic Movement, has purportedly cancelled their healing rooms due to fears of the coronavirus. @bethelchurchandchristianity dropped this post on Instagram: And is reporting: We’ve reached out to Bethel for comment and will update this post as information becomes available.

“Christian” Fortune Tellers Now Offer Destiny Card Readings

Disavowed by even the false prophets at Bethel Church Redding, the Christalignment movement dresses up tarot cards, fortune telling, and dream interpretation as “Christian” and markets these for $10 a session. It takes only a little understanding of the Bible and of occult practices to see that Christians ought not be soliciting “destiny card readings” … Read more

An Open Letter to Erick Erickson re: Beth Moore

Hi Erick, You have a great website, The Resurgent (I link it to show you courtesy, as I usually don’t link lesser-known blog sites). Truthfully though, I’ve never listened to your radio show. I’m more of a Steve Deace kind of guy (no offense). I admire a man who knows his theology well enough to … Read more

Mannish Woman Who Tried to Urinate Standing Up Now Trying to Correct John MacArthur on Gender Roles

Jackie Hill Perry, who has the more holes punched in her Gospel Coalition Intersectionality Score Card than anyone else, went on the offensive against Dr. MacArthur’s position on Biblical gender roles. After John MacArthur echoed what basically anybody with a Biblical view of gender roles has been saying for more than a decade – that … Read more

SBC/Lifeway to Host NAR Faith-Healing Event at Ridgecrest Conference Center

Lifeway Christian Resources is hosting a New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) healing conference at its Southern Baptist property in North Carolina. Lifeway is an entity owned by the Southern Baptist Convention that has a long history of prostituting itself for financial profit, and selling its soul to the highest financial bidder. This latest conference hosted by … Read more

On Michael Brown’s Support for “little god theology” Todd White

Michael Brown, who is treated as an innocent and harmless Christian by less-discerning evangelicals, has proven that no amount of unorthodoxy is left uncovered by deceiving smile and happy disposition. The man is a danger to the church. Churchwatch Central examines his most recent endorsement of parlor-trickery expert and mentalist, Todd White. [Churchwatch Central] It … Read more

‘Answers in Genesis’ Disinvites Jackie Hill Perry from Conference

Pulpit & Pen was notified last week that Jackie Hill Perry had been disinvited from the upcoming Answers in Genesis Conference. This follows on the heels of a controversy two weekends ago, after Perry endorsed Jenn Johnson of Bethel Church and later defended her actions by claiming that Word-Faith theology isn’t heretical. After receiving emails … Read more

Michael Brown is An Apologist for the Devil

Michael Brown is a popular ‘Christian’ apologist who is right on some issues, but damnably wrong on others. But more than anything, Michael Brown is an apologist for the worst and most extreme occultism of hyper-charismania. If you’re paying close attention, you’ll see that Michael Brown is an apologist for the devil. Most recently, Michael … Read more

Video: SBC Leader and Mike Bickle Explain Why Fake Miracles Are Okay

An up-and-coming Southern Baptist leader in the Missouri Baptist Convention sat down to do a video with two leaders in the International House of Prayer (IHOP) cult in Kansas City, Missouri. The three men, including the SBC pastor, discussed why fake miracles and ‘exaggerations’ in the charismatic movement are “worth it.” Malachi O’Brien is the … Read more