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ERLC Leftist Complains Social Media Empowers ‘Fundamentalists’

Leftists in the “woke” evangelical movement have been throwing a hissy fit for weeks about Christians being allowed to express their views in social media, desiring the tech giants shut down free speech and opposing points of view. Yesterday, woke Social Gospel queen, Beth Moore, went on a Twitter tirade against social media for letting … Read more

Gone to Hell: ‘Founders Ministries’ Teams Up With Notorious Leftist Blogger

Apparently, when Founders Ministries was beaten like a red-headed stepchild over the inclusion of Rachael Denhollander in their documentary trailer last year, the sense was knocked completely out of them. Taken to the woodshed by the SBC’s most compromised, soulless leaders, many hoped that Ascol’s Founders Ministries would stand firm. In the wake of half … Read more

Why Does Phil Pringle’s Testimony Keep Changing?

[Church Watch Central] Garbage collectors, postmen, salesmen, all honest, godly vocations – and if they’re Christians? In their chosen vocations they are serving God as they serve their neighbour. And as true believers, all would acknowledge they have something in common. All are sinners in daily need of their Saviour. It’s interesting to note that two … Read more

Kyle J. Howard Says ‘Racial Trauma’ Made Him Fat

Kyle J. Howard, who is the chattel property of Beth Moore and the Evangelical Industrial Complex, says that racial trauma over the last two years has made him fat. Howard is a professional student and community organizer who was raised in an affluent Atlanta suburb by two attorney parents. Howard happens to be as much … Read more

The Worst Christian of 2019

Who is the worst Christian of 2019? On the surface, this seems like a foolish or even pharisaical question. The fact of the matter is that there are none worthy to stand righteous before God except his perfect son, the Lord Jesus Christ. Every believer struggles with sin every day and will continue to do … Read more

This entry is part 10 of 12 in the series Worst Christian of the Year

Rosaria Butterfield *On Audio* Promoting “Preferred (Transgender) Pronouns” in Name of Hospitality

Any sensible Christian knows that to assist people’s gender delusions by using the wrong pronoun is a sin. We cannot play pretend in regard to the gender God made them or lie about whether God made them male or female. However, Rosaria Butterfield, who we are beginning to refer to as Lot’s Wife, intentionally provides … Read more

Nominees: The Worst Christian of 2019

Who out there, among the professing, has had the most deleterious effect on the health of the body of Christ in the year 2019? Using a number of criteria Pulpit & Pen has identified a list of nominees from a pool of eligible individuals (obvious charlatans and the theologically heterodox* were not included for consideration).  In … Read more

This entry is part 11 of 12 in the series Worst Christian of the Year

Gay ‘Christian’ Journalist, Jonathan Merritt, Calls Trump a ‘Sex-Offender’

Jonathan Merritt, a prominent journalist for various Christian publications, called President Donald Trump a “sex offender” in a recent tweet. Jonathan Merritt shares certain communicable attributes with three dollar bills. He lives life with one foot in the closet and the other closet on the fabulously gay red carpet. Merritt, who on a scale from … Read more

Pope Says “Fundamentalists” Are the Enemy

Attacking ‘fundamentalists’ seems to be all the rage these days. From yesterday’s Dividing Line program with James White to Beth Moore’s frequent barbs, being a fundamentalist sure seems like a major faux pas. Even the Pope of Rome is joining those on both the left and right who think fundamentalism is a bad thing. Pope … Read more

Kanye and the Camel’s Needle

I would draw parallels between Kanye West being invited to Lakewood Church and Jesus being tempted in the wilderness, but that would make Kanye into Jesus in this scenario. My fear is that Kanye already considers himself close enough that I need not make him stumble by the comparison. Nonetheless, Kanye’s appearance at Osteen’s Happy … Read more

Privileged White Man Claims that Homeschool is a Racist Plot

In Critical Race Theory, privilege equals “whiteness” and oppression equals “blackness.” Combined with the fact that Kyle J. Howard was raised by a set of highly-affluent, upper-class attorney parents in a posh suburb (one of whom was white), this means that according to the “helpful analytical tool” of Critical Race Theory, Howard is a privileged … Read more

Video: John MacArthur Just Preached Entire Sermon on Women Preachers Going Home

John MacArthur made bleeding-heart belly-achers swoon on their fainting couches when he expressed a sentiment that all conservative Christians agree with; Beth Moore should go home and women should not preach. What should have been the least controversial statement possible among Biblical Christians became a cause of weeping and gnashing of teeth by a new … Read more

Three Bad Arguments for Lady Preachers

There is a cacophony of noise telling why we can disregard clear Biblical injunctions for the present sentiments of our culture in the area of women in the pulpit. In one recent online publication, Church Leaders, Geoff Surratt wrote an article entitled, “Beth Moore: Please Don’t Go Home.” Surratt is a pastor and coach of … Read more