Pulpit & Pen does not own the Reformed Gear store, but they are one of our proud sponsors and occasionally let us throw them a design idea. One particular design, inspired by Dr. John MacArthur and a special request of P&P, is the Go Home shirt.
You can read all about the Go Home controversy here.
But, the basic gist is that Dr. MacArthur said those words came to mind when someone mentioned Social Justice princess, wild-eyed crazy prophetess, and egalitarian feminist preacher, Beth Moore. Of course, Dr. MacArthur was not expressing anything that decent Biblical Christians were already thinking. For more information about why Beth Moore should go home, click here.
Anyway, Jory Micah sure seemed to think a lot about that t-shirt design.

Anyways, it appears as though the shirt has driven feminists to hopeless despair, endless hot tears, hot flashes, and hot tempers. Tons of folks have asked where they could pick one up.
You can get your own shirt right here.
Hopefully, your shirt will spark conversations about 1 Timothy 2:12, Titus 2:5, etc. Blessings!