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Weekend Edition: SBC President Partners with Pope

  The Weekend Edition of the Polemics Report, as aired on terrestrial radio in select markets around the country. This episode’s topic is Ronnie Floyd’s participation with the Pope at Together 2016. As always, you can listen online or download and listen from SermonAudio or iTunes.

Confirmed: Partnering with Pope and Southern Baptist President at Reset 2016

Update: It has been confirmed that, the same organization that brought the Catholic Track to the OneThing IHOPKC event put on by false teacher, Mike Bickle at the end of 2015, is now partnering with Southern Baptist President, Ronnie Floyd, and the Pope, to lead people into ecumenical disarray. The goal of Major Change, … Read more

Together2016, Ann Voskamp Declare Scripture Insufficient

Pulpit & Pen recently confirmed and reported that the Pope of Rome will be joining Southern Baptist President, along with Hillsong United, Lecrae, and many other professing evangelical Christians in Washington D.C. for an ecumenical fornication-fest. The event, dubbed Together 2016, is estimated to host over 1 million attendees. Recently, a tweet appeared from Together2016’s … Read more

“The Daniel Prayer” – A Book That Will Move Your Credit Card, Change Your Bank Account, & Leave You Doctrinally Bewildered

Released on May 10, 2016 Anne Graham Lotz’s latest book is sure to make its mark in the “Christian” publishing market.  The reasons for this are twofold.  The book is authored by someone with the evangelically hallowed name of “Graham,” which itself is enough cause to prompt the Biblically-astute to cast a discerning eye.  Secondly, … Read more

The Vision-Casting of the Anointed: a Baptist Push

Stanford University professor and Hoover Institute Economist Thomas Sowell is well-known for his common-sense, straightforward books and editorials about the shortcomings of the progressive leftist worldview.  This worldview, as he explains in his book The Vision of the Anointed: Self-Congratulation as Basis for Social Policy, is one which posits that a certain “anointed” intelligentsia class … Read more

Southern Baptists Decide Disciple-Making Might Be Important

  In a stunning turn of ecclesiastic events, worthy almost of a satirical Babylon Bee feature story, the Southern Baptist Convention has determined that disciple-making might be an important task for churches to undertake. The motivation for this endeavor, out of left field as it surely seems to be, is none other than the continued … Read more

Rick Warren Blames God For Poor Planning

It seems like every time you turn around, someone else in the Southern Baptist Convention is getting direct revelation, or at least, direct conversation, from God. Indeed, God has been quite chatty, it seems, with the uppity-ups in the SBC lately. God revealed to Ronnie Floyd that “Awaken America” wasn’t sufficient enough, apparently, to stem … Read more

The National (Take A Verse Out Of Context) Day of Prayer

(First, a disclaimer:  Okay, I know Pulpit & Pen is, according to our triune tagline, a site of Theology, Polemics, and Discernment. So this article about a verse out of context is itself somewhat out of context for the site. Just presume there’s an unwritten fourth category and tag this article under it … “Please … Read more

Cast Me That Vision, Bro …

The Executive Director of LifeWay Research, an affiliate of the Southern Baptist Convention, Ed Stetzer is prolific. Prolific is probably not a strong enough term for the voluminous amount of fodder churned out by this ecumenicist. As Contributing Editor for Christianity Today – the discernment and doctrine-free religion rag and its corresponding internet portal of … Read more

Cruise with a Cause: Eddie Long, John Hagee, Ergun Caner, LeCrae, and Johnny Hunt Milk the Gospel Like a Cow of Bashaan

Not content to make their livings simply preaching God’s word and providing spiritual guidance to the members of the congregations, many church pastors seek to further monetize their holy callings by participating in Christian travel offerings.  The business model is simple; pastors provide a base (their own congregation) who can purchase tickets from travel service providers in … Read more

Discernment Challenge: If You See Something, Say Something

If You See Something, Say Something is a public service campaign started by the New York City Metropolitan Transportation Authority, now licensed by the Department of Homeland Security and has become popularized in use by police departments and transit officers across the country. It’s printed on posters and in radio PSAs, announced over loud speakers at … Read more

Creflo Dollar & John MacArthur: Together

It belongs over on the Babylon Bee, actually. On Monday, wanna-be jet-setter, word faith, prosperity gospel heretic Creflo Dollar quoted John MacArthur. Read that again.   Creflo Dollar QUOTED John MacArthur. It was in the form of a tweet posted by Dollar on Monday, April 11. It yielded, for Creflo, a rather paltry number of … Read more

Azusa & Apostates: A Serpent Among The SBC

There was a snake in the garden with a woman.   No, not that snake, not that garden, and not that woman. But the curious similarity surely made me think. On a sunny, cool, spring Saturday afternoon, my bride was out planting posies (Tulips, perhaps?) in one of her flower beds.   As has happened … Read more