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THE SBC’S Gospel Inferiority Complex

“Where there is no vision, the people perish”  Proverbs 29:18 There are two kinds of people in the Southern Baptist Convention.  This will be evident to you, if you are a Southern Baptist and if you’re paying any attention to the accelerating pace of our modern downgrade. These two groups aren’t the sheep and the … Read more

Kum-Ba-Yah-Ism With Ecumenical Ed Stetzer

Ed Stetzer, the Executive Director of Gospel Compromise and Ecumenical Outreach … no, wait, he’s the Executive Director of LifeWay Research. What was I thinking? Oh, I know, I was thinking about his behavior rather than his proclamation. Forgive me. It’s an easy enough mistake that anyone in the Southern Baptist Convention could make, really. … Read more

Guilty by Association or Accessory to Heresy?

Almost every time someone points out the evils of partnering with heretics, sharing the stage with false teachers, or in any way violating the “one degree of separation” rule clearly laid out in Scripture, the complaints of labeling them “guilty by association” begin. This never fails. If someone were to mention that John Piper is … Read more

I’m Praying You Don’t Bilk Me, Bro!

  Owner of ‘Pay To Pray’ Website Ordered To Return $7.8M To Consumers   That’s a headline in the news, folks.  A headline.  Before you leap to any unfounded, though possibly justifiable, conclusions, let me point out that LifeWay was not a co-conspirator in this flagrant act of charlantanry! A Seattle man was running an … Read more

Article VI and Albert Mohler: A Briefing

In the Southern Baptist Convention, R. Albert Mohler isn’t just a theologian, he is the theologian.  His tenure as President of denomination’s flagship seminary, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, has lasted over 25 years.  He is the author of multiple influential books.  He is the host of The Briefing, one of the most popular, informative, … Read more

Greg Laurie & The SBC – “Surely Becoming Charismatic”

The Baptist Press features an article highlighting the March 6 Harvest America crusade in Texas (and worldwide via live-streaming) led by megachurch pastor Greg Laurie. The article, entitled Harvest America Event Sees 25,000 Professions of Faith, includes a summary of these “professions”: Event organizers reported that 6,300 in attendance [at the AT&T Stadium gathering] responded … Read more

THE SBC: 100 Days of Narcissistic Prophet Syndrome Remaining?

Ronnie Floyd has 100 days remaining at the helm of the SBC.  The prophetic mantle shall be passed to another.  The fire from heaven shall be enjoined to the next mega-church golden boy of the Convention.  The power of vision casting will transfer to the next anointed one, the next one in line as “God’s … Read more

Recovering the Satellites

“For this reason I left you in Crete, that you would set in order what remains and appoint elders in every city as I directed you.” Titus 1:5 I am a student at a Southern Baptist seminary that is located hundreds of miles from the city in which I reside.  Thankfully, distance learning options are … Read more

Greear: The Baptist Press Announces An “Anointing?”

Just when you think there might be a glimmer of hope in the SBC, just when we are finally nearing the end of Ronnie Floyd’s doctrinally-undiscerning domain of its presidency, the Baptist Press reports the news that multi-site, mega-church, Reformed charismatic pastor, J.D. Greear, will be seeking the helm of the convention. The announcement (Baptist … Read more

JD Greear – The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

I have to admit that when I first heard the news that JD Greear would be nominated for next SBC president by Jimmy Scroggins, my first reaction was, “well…it could be worse!” Afterall, Greear’s sermons are usually solid, he’s “reformed” (for whatever that’s worth these days), and he does have an approachable personality–and anybody would … Read more

The SBC's "Noah Webster": Russell Moore

** Editors Note – This article by Bud Ahlheim was originally posted at, and is being reposted here with permission. It’s a two-pronged approach that’s destroying the Southern Baptist Convention, and the definition of words has nothing to do with it.  Rather, it’s the disregard of words … actually, disregard of THE WORD. On … Read more

The SBC’s “Noah Webster”: Russell Moore

** Editors Note – This article by Bud Ahlheim was originally posted at, and is being reposted here with permission. It’s a two-pronged approach that’s destroying the Southern Baptist Convention, and the definition of words has nothing to do with it.  Rather, it’s the disregard of words … actually, disregard of THE WORD. On … Read more