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We Need a Group for Survivor Blog Survivors

Dan Savage is the founder of the anti-bullying and pro-homosexual It Gets Better Campaign (which ERLC research fellow Karen Swallow Prior called “commonsensical” and “refreshing” and said the church should be “excited” about it – source link). Savage made the news several years ago while giving a speech on bullying in which he bullied Christian students with … Read more

Who is Killing the SBC?

Or who is killing the SBC? It’s Dave Miller. No, not that Dave Miller because he’s awesome. This Dave Miller. The Company Man™. That’s who is killing the SBC. Well, not really The Company Man™ per se. To us at Pulpit & Pen, Miller is just an archetype. He’s an exemplar. He’s the quintessence, the embodiment, the epitome … Read more

Ben Carson's SDA America

There was a time, up until recently, that I actually liked Ben Carson. Certainly not for his religious views, as he is a cult member, but for his political views. I liked him as a political candidate. He has strong conservative views on various issues, including abortion, tax laws, immigration, etc. that I agree with … Read more

Fanning the Flames of Dominionism: Ted Cruz Officially Endorsed by Mike Bickle

“My soul,wait in silence for God only, For my hope is from Him.” Psalm 62:5 Earlier this month, the Pulpit & Pen explored the dominionist ties of Texas Senator and Presidential candidate Ted Cruz and his father Rafael. Those ties were confirmed yesterday as the Cruz campaign announced that Mr. Cruz had been endorsed by … Read more

James MacDonald and Jack Graham the Face of SBC Pastors’ Conference 2016?

The Southern Baptist Convention’s 2016 Pastors’ Conference will be held in St. Louis, MO on June 12-13. This year, the theme is a repeat from last year–a promotion of President Ronnie Floyd’s prophecy of a Great Awakening. Already announced is a plethora of dubious speakers, including James MacDonald and Jack Graham. Last year, at the … Read more

Mohler and Gay-Affirming ERLC Fellow Talk #BlackLivesMatter

From the we should’ve written about this already department… Christianity Today reached out to “evangelical leaders” to ask what the pro-life community can learn from the #BlackLivesMatter, and vice versa. One can only wonder if the Downgrade will go so far in evangelicalism that we’ll soon see similar articles about what the pro-life movement can … Read more

On False Teachers: Why We Insist on One Degree of Separation

What did they say when you warned them about the Kansas City Prophets and the New Apostolic Reformation and all the wicked things that happen there? What did they say when you told them about the death of Bethany Deaton and cover-up by IHOP and allegations of cult-like mind control? What did they say when … Read more

The Blood of Catholics on Southern Baptist’s Hands

For such men are false apostles, deceitful workmen, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. So it is no surprise if his servants, also, disguise themselves as servants of righteousness. Their end will correspond to their deeds. – 2 Corinthians 11:13-15 As we … Read more

Evangelicals, Stop Throwing a Hissy About Donald Trump

The Evangelical Intelligentsia (EI) has clearly thrown support behind the non-evangelical candidate in the Republican primary, Marco Rubio. In the collapse of Jeb Bush’s candidacy, the EI has followed suit of the GOP establishment about moved on to back the younger Floridian. The EI is tied so tightly to the GOP establishment, keep in mind, that … Read more

SBC Prez Prophesies “Great Awakening” and “Culture-Conquering” at IHOP

As we’ve reported on numerous times, Southern Baptist President, Ronnie Floyd, spoke at the IHOPKC Onething Conference on Dec 28th, against the better judgement of the majority of Southern Baptists. Floyd, who was introduced by IHOP founder Mike Bickle, as “the President of America’s largest denomination,” in his opening statement said, I’m not here tonight to … Read more

SBC Prez at IHOP – My First Impressions

Dressed like Marty McFly, I couldn’t help but wonder if he drove up to Kansas City in a DeLorean. But there he is. I’m blogging this in real time. Ronnie Floyd is looking 80s stylish, and even with his fluffy preacher-esque haircut, will not be called Ronnie Armani this night. No, he’s dressed to fit … Read more

Top Ten SBC News Stories of 2015

SBC Voices posted an article from William Thornton, with his picks for the Top 10 SBC News Stories of 2015. Such a list is subjective, obviously, but it was interesting to see a blog colloquially known in the Pulpit Bunker as SBC Echoes – the preeminent  SBC peanut gallery – suggest their pics for “top stories” in … Read more

SBC Prez Tells Pastors that Vision Can Bring in the Dough

The Baptist “Press” reports Ronnie Floyd’s admonition to Southern Baptist pastors that a good vision can bring in the money. The President of the SBC (nominated by Albert Mohler and JD Greear for two consecutive terms), who happens to have a fire engine baptistry in his church that shoots confetti over the children’s church audience … Read more

Man Up and Do Something

Idle Words (Hushed in Private)  For the last couple years, I’ve been in ongoing conversation with a number of individuals who have offered complaint after complaint regarding certain aspects of or certain individuals in American evangelicalism. Daily, if not hourly, they would give updates on people like Russell Moore, Ed Stetzer, Ronnie Floyd or others. … Read more