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Under This Sign Conquer: James White and ReformCon

For years now, Pulpit & Pen has been writing articles about the dangers of associating with false or unorthodox teachers on the conference speaking circuit.  Pulpit & Pen contributors have written so many articles about unwise partnerships that it almost doesn’t make sense to link to them in order to provide examples.  Do I link … Read more

Resetting the Evangelical Mindset on Nabeel Qureshi

Within the past few years, Nabeel Qureshi has taken the apologetic world by storm.  His book Seeking Allah Finding Jesus became a New York Times Best Seller.  Qureshi claims to a former Muslim and his book recounts the story of his conversion to Christianity.  According to his personal website: Nabeel is a global speaker with Ravi Zacharias International … Read more

Lecrae Joins Secular Artists Begging Government for Gun Bans

The Christian artist artist who happens to be a Christian, Lecrae Devaughn Moore (who self-identifies as simply Lecrae) has joined a litany of other musical artists in asking Congress to remove the Second Amendment right of Citizens to engage in the private trade of firearms and also remove due process from our legal system. In an open letter to … Read more

While You're Eviscerating Dobson, Don't Over Look the Real Problem – Evangelical Soteriology

“He did accept a relationship with Christ. I know the person who led him to Christ, and that’s fairly recent … I believe he really made a commitment, but he’s a baby Christian.” – James Dobson Explaining away the vile, self-aggrandizing, penitent-less, sulfured stench wafting off the vapid moral character of the Republican presidential nominee, James Dobson … Read more

SBC Prez Steve Gaines on Scripture: It Ain’t Enough

*Note, this is Day 5 of our series, Seven Days of Gaines. The diligent digester of God’s Holy Word will, when taking time to lift their head from the focus on His revelation to us to view the landscape of what is the Southern Baptist Convention today, rapidly realize that the chasm between that Word … Read more

John MacArthur Withdraws Endorsement of Greg Laurie’s Harvest Crusade

  (June 22, 2016 – Update: This article has been updated to include the following comments from Phil Johnson of Grace To You.  They are included with his permission. The original article continues following the screen shot below.) Greg Laurie’s promotion of his Harvest Ministries upcoming crusade in Georgia, scheduled for September 23-25, 2016, has … Read more

The SBC Waltzes Down Apostasy Lane

Oh, the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are his judgments and how inscrutable his ways! “For who has known the mind of the Lord, or who has been his counselor?” “Or who has given a gift to him that he might be repaid?” For from him and through … Read more

SBC Prez Invites Cult Member to Pray At His Church – Calls Him “Brother in Christ”

This is part two of our series on the new Southern Baptist President, Steve Gaines, titled Seven days of Gaines. Yesterday, we covered Laodicea’s Bellevue’s choir putting on an Elvis show for Fox News. Today, we’re showing you how Steve Gaines deceptively affirms a cult, known as Seventh Day Adventism, and allows one of their members to … Read more

Weekend Edition: SBC Prez Partners with Pope

  The Weekend Edition of the Polemics Report, as recorded for terrestrial radio in select markets around the country. This edition focuses on SBC President, Ronnie Floyd, partnering with the Pope at the Together 16 Conference. As always, you can listen above or you can download and listen from SermonAudio or iTunes. 

Stetzer Asks SBC to Join Liberal-Progressive Ecumenical Organization

On October 22, 2015 meeting, Ed Stetzer spoke to a group of radical Islamic extremists, being paid to give them Southern Baptist-owned data and explained how they can better reach evangelicals. Yes, that’s right. Stetzer met with radical Islamic extremists and assisted them in brainstorming how to proselytize  evangelicals. The Southern Baptist talking head and former Lifeway executive spoke … Read more

SBC MegaChurch Says LGBT Community is the Chief Cornerstone

The First Baptist Church or Orlando (SBC), pastored by David Uth (who polemicists have recently criticized for having a cultist preach from his pulpit), hosted a church and LGBT unity event last night. Paying closer attention to the naming and claiming, strange-fire decreeing and declaring from Ronnie Floyd at the annual Southern Baptist Convention meeting, … Read more

SBC Annual Convention a Tribute to Social Justice and Political Correctness

There is little doubt, watching the 2016 Southern Baptist Convention meeting unfold in St. Louis, that the nation’s largest protestant denomination is striving hard towards social justice, political correctness and a kinder, gentler version of Christianity. Clearly, the direction of ship’s rudder as pointed by the former Democratic staffer, Russell Moore, has had effect in … Read more

Pope Francis Lies To Mike Bickle – Mike Bickle Affirms Pope

Mike Bickle, founder of Kansas City’s International House of Prayer (IHOPKC) along with other charismatic evangelical leaders recently met with the pope of Rome to “discuss Jesus.” Remember, the same Mike Bickle that Southern Baptist President, Ronnie Floyd, joined up with in 2015 for a prayer rally? According to CharismaNews, Bickle stated, The meeting lasted a … Read more