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Southern Seminary Proves It’s Not Racist By Hiring Based On Race

Not to be outdone by Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary’s “Kingdom Diversity” affirmative action department, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary decided to make a show out of hiring ethnic minorities in the name of diversity. There’s nothing that screams “excellence” like hiring someone because of the color of their skin. Right? Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (SBTS), which … Read more

MacArthur Launches Second Salvo Against Social Justice

After eagerly waiting for the elder theologian to enter the fray on the topic of Social Gospel, deceitfully renamed Social Justice, Dr. John MacArthur waded into the controversy last week with his first article on the subject. He was quickly maligned as being a white supremacist, as “fighting ghosts,” and was accused of “attacking racial … Read more

Masters University Placed On Probation by Accrediting Agency

Masters University, the school associated with Grace Community Church and the esteemed John MacArthur, has been placed on probation by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC). According to WASC, there are a number of deficiencies that Masters must improve upon for them to come out from under their probationary status. Reportedly, the four … Read more

Nadia Bolz-Weber Steps Down from Pastorate: Replaced by Gay Man Married to Drag Queen

  Nadia Bolz-Weber retired from her pastorate at the House for All Sinners and Saints (ELCA) and was replaced by a gay Episcopal man who is married to a drag queen who goes by the name “Fruit Bomb.” This is not satire. Bolz-Weber is the giant Amazon-esque, tattoo-graffiti’d, potty-mouthed impastor who has referred to herself as … Read more

Bethel Faith Healer, Beni Johnson, Seeks Medical Treatment for Cancer

We should pray for healing to come to faith-healer, Beni Johnson, who has recently announced having cancer. Beni is the wife of Bill Johnson, with whom she serves as co-lead pastor of Bethel Church. Bethel Church in Redding California famously has their School of the Supernatural, where they practice simony and for an exchange of … Read more

Arrest Warrant issued for NAR Apostle David Tomberlin – exposed for having multiple wives, kidnapping & prostitution?

ANOTHER SCANDAL IN THE NEW APOSTOLIC REFORMATION? Once again, the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) network has allowed another criminal to remain within their ranks, despite reports alleging Thai Police having an arrest warrant issued for child kidnapping. Leading ‘Apostles and Prophets’ within the NAR, claim they receive direct vision, revelation and knowledge to bring divine order and government to … Read more

VIDEO: Jonathan Cahn Says Trump Prophesied in Bible in Interview with Michael Brown

You might know Jonathan Cahn from the failed predictions in his best-selling book, The Harbinger, which seeks to draw parallels between Israel’s past and America’s present.  Or you might know Jonathan Cahn from the failed predictions of “The Mystery of the Shemitah,” another best-selling book that claimed a “shaking” was going to take place between 2015 … Read more

Aimee Byrd Removed From Recommended Resources

I’ve had a number of people contact me over the last several weeks to remind me that Aimee Byrd’s Housewife Theologian was on the list of recommended resources here at Polemics Report. I apologize because first, I forgot that was the case, and secondly, it took me so long to get around to removing it … Read more

After Praying Fire Down, Bethel Church Redding Prays to Make Fire Stop

Prayers are rightly lifted up for Redding, California, in the face of a growing fire that is consuming much of the outlying area and is threatening to destroy more. Several lay dead, including one firefighter, and “countless homes” are destroyed in the fire’s tunnel through Shasta County. Redding California is home of the large charismatic cult, … Read more

Video: Paul Washer Abducted in Peru

Today, Wretched Radio posted the video of Paul Washer giving his account of being abducted in Peru. As Washer tells the story, when he was ordered out of his vehicle (which was essentially car-jacked) and was facing possible robbery or execution, he said that he was scared. Washer went on to explain that he was … Read more

Google Translate Predicts Apocalypse

As of the time of publication, no one at Google can explain why their translation app is telling people the apocalypse is nigh. If you type the word, “dog,” into Google Translate from Yoruba – a West African language – and ask it to translate to English, it will. However, if you type the same … Read more