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As SBC Moves Egalitarian, Remember Russell Moore Promoted Patriarchy

I just made mention of the “old days,” which would be, in Reformed evangelical circles, about six months ago, and even earlier. – Douglas Wilson, here. The thing about the Downgrade – the theological notion defined here – is that it happens so quickly you hardly notice. It is, as Spurgeon said, “going downhill at … Read more

Complementarianism Isn’t Complicated: Women in Ministry

Complementarianism is not complicated. Complementarianism has never been complicated. It’s so simple a learning-disabled chimpanzee could figure it out through sign language. The concept has never been befuddled, muddled, muddied, blurred or beguiled. Southern Baptists – who are always positive that they are well beyond compromise or progressive Downgrade – have suddenly decided that complementarianism is … Read more

Disgraced Ergun Caner Joins Robert Jeffress at “Camp Meeting”

Ergun Caner resigned from Brewton Parker College in Georgia after a sexting scandal and multiple adulterous relationships (including at least one with a faculty member). This is after African American students protested his presidency when he made repeated racist remarks (including saying that someone had “ni**er-di*cked” him). Then, Caner filed for divorce from his wife, … Read more

Gay ‘Christian’ Journalist, Jonathan Merritt, Leaves RNS Amidst Contract Dispute

Jonathan Merritt, who has had one foot in the closet since at least 2012 when a homosexual man outed Merritt as his one-night-stand lover, is a press ally of the left-wing of evangelicalism that has been slowly but surely taking over the Southern Baptist Convention and other evangelical institutions. The son of a one-time president … Read more

Video: Priest Kicks Out Grieving Family, Ends Funeral, After Chalice Knocked Over

An entire family was kicked out of a funeral and the corpse removed from St. Mary’s Roman Catholic Church in Charlotte Hall, Maryland, last Tuesday. Agnes Hicks was being celebrated at the funeral with a Mass when an attendee at the funeral accidentally bumped into and knocked over the chalice, or sacred cup used for … Read more

New Evidence Suggests SWBTS Wrong for Firing Patterson

A letter released by Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary donors reveal the full story and makes a very plausible argument that trustees made the wrong decision in both the May 23 demotion and May 30 firing of Paige Patterson. We know that a large part of Patterson’s firing at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (SWBTS) was due … Read more

Rachel Held Evans Acknowledges Abortion Targets Minorities; Is Still For It

The eventuality of President Donald Trump nominating a second Supreme Court Justice in the first year-and-a-half of his presidency has liberals in a tizzy (the previous two presidents were only able to nominate two justices over the two full four-year terms). Likewise, social conservatives are elated with the possibility of a second pro-life appointee to … Read more

Karen Swallow Prior Glib About Dining with Planned Parenthood

There is really no God-hater with whom Karen Swallow Prior would not join herself in fellowship. Some more charitable souls than myself view Prior as just a simple-minded woman who, like an evangelical and female J. Quincy Magoo, has somehow found herself in the upper echelons of the Evangelical Intelligentsia, irrespective of her woeful lack of self-awareness … Read more

Jonathan Merritt and Three Dollar Bills

In the cesspool of modern American culture, at some point in the last few decades, it has become in vogue to have a “gay bestie,” a homosexual best friend attached to your social entourage. I’m not sure when exactly that became the case because actual Christians have a tendency to maintain some form of separation … Read more

United Methodist Church Seeks to “Discipline” Jeff Sessions for Enforcing the Law

Attorney General Jeff Sessions quoted Paul in his defense of enforcing laws and consequences. Hillary Clinton quoted Jesus to support the violation of laws and repudiation of consequences. Albert Mohler, Russell Moore, and the United Methodist Church all have one thing in common. They all ignored Clinton’s butchering of Matthew 19:14 (as though “suffer not … Read more

Journalist Booted by ERLC For Asking Russell Moore Questions Gives Full Testimony

We covered the breaking news that Thomas Littleton, a conservative Southern Baptist and freelance journalist with press credentials, was tossed from the SBC annual meeting after  ERLC employee, Brent Leatherwood, allegedly made a false accusation toward him in retaliation for asking Russell Moore inconvenient questions about the LGBTQ Revoice Conference. You can read that post … Read more

Russell Moore Denies Knowledge of Revoice (LGBT) Conference and Gives Karen Swallow Prior Glowing Accolades

At the recent 2018 Southern Baptist Convention, a representative of Christian media, Thomas Littleton, handed a question to a messenger to be asked of Russell Moore, the president of the Ethics and Religious Liberties. The question was concerning his knowledge of his research fellow, Karen Swallow Prior’s endorsement of the LGBTQ Revoice conference. While claiming … Read more