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Agents of Betrayal in the Church

This post was written by Thomas Littleton and has been reposted here with permission. The original can be found here. AGENTS OF BETRAYAL: WILL EVANGELICAL INFLUENCE BE RUINED FROM WITHIN? WHICH TRUSTED EVANGELICAL LEADERS HAVE SOLD OUT THE FLOCK AND WHY. Note: This author is focused on the church and the serious infiltration of the … Read more

“Gay Christian” Event Planned with Mark Dever’s Capitol Hill Baptist Church

Update: Capitol Hill Baptist Church has been removed as one of the partnering churches. At this point, we are not sure why the change has been made and if Mark Dever has pulled his support for the event. Sam Allberry, who still personally wallows in Same-Sex Attraction (SSA), is the founder of an organization that … Read more

Hillsong Pastrix, Christine Caine, Sued for Copying Book

CHRISTIAN POST: Carey Scott, a Colorado author and life coach, has accused international evangelist Christine Caine and her publishers of copying portions of a book she published in 2015 to include in two best-selling books Caine published later. In a lawsuit filed in the U.S. District Court of the Western District of Michigan in May — a … Read more

Innocent Woman Assaulted by Faith Leader #BelieveWomen

Dear Christians, This is my open letter to evangelical women who, like Beth Moore, are courageously championing the movement hashtagged #BelieveWomen and #WhyIDidntReport. While many evangelicals have cast aspersions upon the testimony of Christine Blasey Ford and Deborah Ramirez regarding their accusations of sexual impropriety committed at the hands of Supreme Court nominee, Brett Kavanaugh, … Read more

Despite Revoice “Gay Christians,” Crowds of Ex-Gays March to Celebrate Freedom from Sin

Yes, Same-Sex Attraction (SSA) is a sin. Clearly, Jesus taught that desires of the heart can be sinful and unlike heterosexual attraction, homosexual attraction can never be properly oriented or harnessed for the glory of God. SSA is a deviation of the natural, an offense to the supernatural, and an indication of an unconverted heart. … Read more

Wikipedia Correctly Notes Russell Moore is “Christian Democrat and Communitarian”

To be clear, Wikipedia has not called Russell Moore a “Democrat Christian,” but a Christian Democrat (which is a whole other thing, and we’ll explain). Also, Wikipedia did not call Russell Moore a “Communist,” but a Communitarian (again, we’ll explain). While it might be perceived as more salacious to accuse Moore of being a Democrat … Read more

SBTS Faculty Consult Attorney on Release of Mohler Correspondence

Anyone paying attention to wider evangelicalism – and especially that represented in the Southern Baptist Convention – is well aware of a dramatic shift in focus and tone on social issues. When Albert Mohler repented of the notion of reparative therapy (the idea that through Biblical counseling a homosexual could break their addiction to unnatural … Read more

Albert Mohler/ERLC Redefining Family and Focusing LGBTQUI+ Inclusion Audit

Editor’s Note: This has been reposted with permission. It has long been this writer’s view that knowing the eternal love and compassion of God and His nature to forgive—to forestall judgement, acknowledge humble repentant hearts and to be, the wonderfully articulate word, “Longsuffering,” in the language of King James—that God’s judgment is best understood by … Read more

Cholera Outbreak Caused by ‘Holy Water’

So-called “Holy Water” is water that has been blessed by a member of the clergy and is believed to retain special blessing. The superstitious practice is used by Roman Catholics, Anglicans and the Eastern Orthodox. Chiefly, Holy Water is believed to protect against sickness and evil. Unfortunately for the residents of Ethiopia, however, Holy Water … Read more

Roman Catholics Blame Pedophile Scandal on Gay Conspiracy to Hurt Church

If you threw a rock into a crowd of Roman Catholic priests, you would hit a pedophile. While vocational stereotypes aren’t foolproof – like that of postal workers becoming violent or lawyers being scumbags – there is no doubt that the propensity for pedophilia among Roman Catholic clergy is more than coincidentally high. In fact, … Read more

Updated: John MacArthur Repudiates Social Gospel, Intersectionality, and “Woke Culture” in Sunday Sermon

In Sunday morning sermon, August 26, 2018, John MacArthur repudiates the social gospel that has so invaded the professing Church in today’s culture. See video below: **Note. The video is currently unavailable. As soon as the video becomes available, we will update this post. Please check back. For now, you can listen to the audio … Read more

Albert Mohler Forbids SBTS Faculty From Signing “Social Justice Statement”

Pulpit & Pen has been aware for some time that a statement has been drafted that opposes the anti-Gospel mission drift of the so-called “Social Justice Movement.”* Called informally (by me, anyway) the Dallas Statement (its official name is the “Social Justice and the Gospel Statement“) has affirmations and denials designed to clearly articulate the … Read more

Beer Church Donates to Planned Parenthood; Pastor Says Jesus Killed By White Supremacy

The pastor of a progressive church where beer is served during services says that Christ was killed by white supremacy, and portions of funds given to his church will benefit abortion giant Planned Parenthood. Christopher VanHall, who pastors Greater Purpose Community Church, which holds services in a local food lounge in Santa Cruz, California, will … Read more

Russell Moore to Speak at George Soros Event

Russell Moore will be a plenary speaker at the National Immigration Forum, an organization formed and funded by Democrat financier, George Soros. The purpose of the National Immigration Forum is to advance the cause of amnesty for illegal aliens, demolish national sovereign borders, and establish a global government. In short, the National Immigration Forum would … Read more