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#MooreTripe: Beth Moore’s “The Beloved Disciple” – Chapter 2

This post marks the second in a series of many in which I will read through Beth Moore’s books and provide chapter-by-chapter reactions to what America’s most popular female Bible teacher has written to her massive audience. The name of this series, which is hopefully self-explanatory, is #MooreTripe. The posts in this series will be … Read more

Off Point: CRTV Partners with Disgraced Pastor Greg Locke

One of the newer players in the conservative media marketplace is CRTV.  The online subscription service (it’s basically Fox News for millennials) has made a name for itself by providing no-nonsense, right-leaning news commentary and features popular figures such as Steve Deace, Allie Beth Stuckey, Mark Levin, and Phil Robertson. CRTV now also features disgraced pastor … Read more

#MooreTripe: Beth Moore’s “The Beloved Disciple” – Chapter 1

This post marks the first in a series of many in which I will read through Beth Moore’s books and provide chapter-by-chapter reactions to what America’s most popular female Bible teacher has written to her massive audience.  The name of this series, which is hopefully self-explanatory, is #MooreTripe.    The posts in this series will be … Read more

Racist Charismatic Has Sermon Restored at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary Website

[Southern Baptist Texan] According to Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary’s chapel archives, a sermon by Dwight McKissic that was once withheld from the website is now available online. McKissic, pastor of Cornerstone Baptist Church in Arlington and then-trustee of SWBTS, made news in 2006 when he preached a chapel sermon in which he admitted his personal … Read more

Influential Evangelical Leader Now Embraces Polyamory, Says it’s “Holy, Welcome and Celebrated”

This is is Brandan Robertson. He is an emerging personality on the religious left. Robertson pastors Missiongathering Christian Church, a San Diego church affiliated with the Disciples of Christ. Robertson graduated from  Moody Bible Institute. He has written in  The Washington Post, Tim Magazine, and The Huffington Post. He also speaks at the Wild Goose Festival, a liberal religious gathering … Read more

VIDEO: How Geoge Soros Has “Rented” Russell Moore and His Woke Evangelical Friends

This is a good breakdown of how George Soros has funded Russell Moore and his “woke” evangelical friends. Notice that George Soros created and funds the National Immigration Table and its off-shoot, the Evangelical Immigration Table. The EIT website says that it’s “run” by the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) and on its board sits … Read more

Once Again, Pastors Seeking God’s Blessing on Planned Parenthood Abortion Clinic

LifeNews It’s one of the most sacrilegious acts a religious leader could perform, but it’s happening again — this time in Columbus, Ohio. There, on the evening of November 9, the so-called Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice is planning a “blessing” of the Planned Parenthood abortion center. This appears to be a response to the … Read more

“Reformed Baptist,” Joe Thorn, Claims Women Can Preach to Men

He has “1689,” the year of what is supposedly his Confession of Faith, tattooed across his upper-hand, touching his knuckles. His hipster face-mane, no doubt coated in organic beard balm of some kind or another, touches down to reach his screen-printed t-shirt. In his hands, he holds a smoldering cigar. On his face, he wears the … Read more

Benny Hinn Sued for Nearly 3 Million in Defaulted Loans

Benny Hinn, the false prophet and fake healer of World Healing Center Church, Inc. (aka Benny Hinn Ministries) has been sued by Mail America Communications, Inc. for the amount of $2,993,221.74 in unpaid loans, interest, and late fees which it borrowed in the original amount of over 5.6 million. According to the lawsuit, Hinn began defaulting on … Read more

Courts: Obama Admin Dodged State Laws to Get Illegal Minors Abortions

The Federalist Last week, a federal judge in California dismissed a lawsuit the American Civil Liberties Union had filed in 2016 challenging the government’s award of grants to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops to provide services to unaccompanied minor illegal aliens and trafficking victims. In the lawsuit, the ACLU argued the grants violated … Read more

Mormons Reduce Sunday Church Time from 3 Hours to 2

Las Vegas Review-Journal  SALT LAKE CITY — Mormons will start spending less time at church each Sunday — two hours instead of three — after a change announced Saturday aimed at making worship more manageable for members around the globe. The switch, which takes effect in January, is a significant one for Mormons, who since … Read more

“Anti-drugs” Mormon Church Agrees to Support Utah Medical Marijuana

Buzzfeed News The governor of Utah described the plan as a compromise with the Mormon Church, which has fiercely campaigned against medical marijuana. Just weeks before Utah voters were expected to legalize marijuana for medicinal purposes, Gov. Gary Herbert announced a compromise between pot advocates and the powerful Mormon Church, which had fiercely opposed the … Read more