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Abortion Procedures Drop to Record Low

[Lifesite News] Yearly abortions in the United States dropped to their lowest number since 1973 in 2015, according to data just released by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). 2015 saw 638,169 reported abortions, the Washington Examiner reports. That’s a 2% decrease from 2014, and a 24% decrease from 2006. The actual number of abortions is undoubtedly … Read more

Commie Pope Says Wealth of the Rich “Belongs to All” and “Poverty is Caused by Injustice”

Thou shalt not steal. – Exodus 20:15 Pope Francis, who pretty much anyone with an understanding of economics recognizes is an unapologetic Communist, claimed over the weekend that what belongs to the “wealthy few” belongs, “in justice, to all.” This follows on the heels of a confession from American director, Michael Moore, that Pope Francis … Read more

Same-Sex Attraction, Mortified or Mortifying

For when we were in the realm of the flesh, the sinful passions aroused by the law were at work in us, so that we bore fruit for death. —Romans 7:5 Our passions or desires are never neutral. Either they honor God or they don’t. Paul writes about “sinful passions” in Romans 7:5. These are they that … Read more

270 Thousand Embezzled from James McDonald’s Harvest Bible Church (Less than 1% of Giving)

James McDonald, whose megachurch joined the SBC in 2015, has been busy frivolously suing blogger-journalists for hurting his image by having the audacity to publish true things. Harvest Bible Church made McDonald step down from his position as “president” of the organization in 2017, but retaining him as a celebrity teacher. As Pulpit & Pen reported … Read more

DJ-Turned-Priest Turns Church into Techno-Music Hall, Dance Party

[France 24, Berlin] Twin decks perched on a candlelit altar, Robert Hood mixed trademark minimalist techno with God as the charismatic producer and ordained priest wowed a packed Berlin church Friday night. Hundreds of hip Berliners, most of whom had come to dance rather than pray, were swept along by Hood as priest-cum-DJ, as well … Read more

Nadia Bolz-Weber: “No Shame in Ethically Sourced Porn”

Nadia Bolz-Weber is the former pastor of House for All Sinners and Saints (which the church body refers to as an acronym – HFASS – and they pronounce it “half-ass”). She recently resigned her position there to take up a full-time itinerant ministry, as she has grown in wild popularity on the lecture circuit. The tall, overly-pierced … Read more

#MooreTripe: Beth Moore’s “The Beloved Disciple” – Chapter 5

This post marks the fifth in a series of many in which I will read through Beth Moore’s books and provide chapter-by-chapter reactions to what America’s most popular female Bible teacher has written to her massive audience.  The name of this series, which is hopefully self-explanatory, is #MooreTripe.    The posts in this series will be … Read more

#MooreTripe: Beth Moore’s “The Beloved Disciple” – Chapter 4

This post marks the fourth in a series of many in which I will read through Beth Moore’s books and provide chapter-by-chapter reactions to what America’s most popular female Bible teacher has written to her massive audience.  The name of this series, which is hopefully self-explanatory, is #MooreTripe.    The posts in this series will be … Read more

The Biblical Answer to Migrant Caravan is Bombs and Bullets

The Biblical solution to the migrant caravan preparing to invade the United States includes bombs and bullets. As a pastor and theologian, the answer is clear to me. A nation has a right to sovereign borders. The invasion of sovereign borders by those who are not permitted therein should be met with judicial force. To … Read more

#MooreTripe: Beth Moore’s “The Beloved Disciple” – Chapter 3

This post marks the third in a series of many in which I will read through Beth Moore’s books and provide chapter-by-chapter reactions to what America’s most popular female Bible teacher has written to her massive audience.  The name of this series, which is hopefully self-explanatory, is #MooreTripe.    The posts in this series will be … Read more

‘Churches’ Celebrate Halloween With Zombies, Dancing Skeletons, ‘Haunted Hayrides’ and ‘Spooktaculars’

[Christian News Network] Conservative, Christian-identifying churches nationwide are hosting Halloween-themed events throughout the month of October, some featuring or including Halloween-centered sermons and performances, haunted hayrides, and/or costume contests with children and adults alike dressing up up as skeletons, ghosts, witches and other images of death or evil. Chet Gallagher, a missions pastor who formerly … Read more