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Trump Administration Halts Research Contract Using “Humanized Mice”

The Trump administration recently halted another research contract that used taxpayer dollars to purchase aborted baby body parts. Pro-life advocates have been putting pressure on the Trump administration to stop funding research projects that use aborted baby parts, and it appears the administration is listening. It canceled a Food and Drug Administration contract in September. … Read more

Megachurch Pastor Fred Herron Enters Rehab, Admits ‘Moral Failure’ to His Wife

[Christian Post] A Kansas City evangelical megachurch pastor has been placed on an indefinite leave of absence as he seeks help at an addiction treatment facility after confessing to a “moral failure” to his wife and church leaders. Norm Rasmussen, the acting president of the board of the multicampus Vineyard Church in Missouri, recently informed congregants that … Read more

Michael Brown to Debate Sonny Hernandez on Limited Atonement

An interesting opportunity to see two drastically different sides of a soteriology debate with two drastically different personalities debate a highly controversial topic will take place on December 17. A “radio debate” will take place between Dr. Michael Brown and Dr. Sonny Hernandez. Michael Brown is a Montanist apologist who regularly defends the most appalling … Read more

Veggie Tales Deemed Racist Because the Villains are “Vegetables of Color” (NOT SATIRE)

[The College Fix] SAN MARCOS, Calif. — The Christian cartoon “VeggieTales” is racist because the villains are vegetables of color. The NFL is racist since most players are black and most coaches and owners are white. White women advance white supremacy when they support President Donald Trump. These are some of the arguments made by … Read more

While Under Investigation, Hillsong-Tied Institution Awards Brian Houston an Honorary Doctorate Degree

  [Australia] While investigators are closing in on Brian Houston for Hillsong’s cover-up of their pedophilia scandal, and as Houston blamed the victim for “tempting” the perpetrator, he has awarded himself an honorary doctorate degree. The Hillsong church Facebook page posted only hours ago photographs of Brian Houston receiving an honorary degree from Alphacrucis College … Read more

Catholics Lobbying to Canonize Homosexual Pederast

[Church Militant]  A so-called Catholic LGBT ministry is heralding the canonization of a notorious pederast, the late Harvey Milk. Out at St. Paul (OASP), the gay and lesbian ministry group based at St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church in New York City, posted on its Facebook page Tuesday an article lauding the openly gay activist Milk as a saint. Milk … Read more

Twitter Bans “Deadnaming.” In related news, Bruce Jenner is STILL a man.

Twitter has now banned “deadnaming,” which means referring to “transsexuals” by their real names (“transsexual” is scare-quoted because it’s scientifically impossible to change your sex, so no “transsexual” actually exists or has ever existed). Deadnaming can also refer to calling anybody by their real name, instead of the fake name they prefer. For example, when … Read more

“Woke” Southern Seminary Adds “Liason for Women with Gender-Related Difficulties or Challenges”

Pulpit & Pen received an email correspondence from a Southern Baptist Theological Seminary student who said: I went to check my emails this morning and found this letter sent out by Al Mohler. It’s concerning because it looks like a liberal college wrote this and not the last pillar of the conservative seminaries. Essentially, Mohler … Read more

Salvation Army Uses Aryan Brotherhood to Ring Red Kettle Bells

Two Hell’s Angels bikers were photographed with the famous “red kettle” and ringing the Salvation Army kettle bell. They were photographed with several patches on their biker gear, some which are assumed racist (like the Confederate flag patch) and others that are much less-ambiguously racist (a patch that says “Aryan,” a reference to Nazi anti-semitism). … Read more

Russell Moore’s Immigration Policy Partner Kicked Out of Turkey in Terrorism Probe

Russell Moore’s immigration policy partner and financier, George Soros, has been run out of Turkey after it was uncovered that the globalist billionaire supported the attempted coup d’etat of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. This isn’t the first time that Soros has been run out of a nation after using his vast fortune to undermine a … Read more

Hillsong Tells Elderly That If They Don’t Like Loud Music at Church, They’re Selfish and Need to Get Over It

One Hillsong church leader recently claimed that if elderly people – in particular – don’t like the ear-piercing, thundering and rock-n-roll style of their “worship” music that they have a spiritual heart problem. The revelation regarding the hearts of the elderly came to Gary Clarke – the senior pastor of Hillsong London – by attending … Read more

Hillsong’s Pastor Tells Child Molestation Victim, “It’s Your Fault. You Tempted [Him].”

Hillsong founder and pastor, Brian Houston

[Canberra, Australia] The Royal Commission Into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse in Australia is looking into Brian Houston’s cover-up of the sexual abuses of his father against church children. This has been widely reported, as covered by Pulpit & Pen and many other news sites. What’s not been widely reported yet is a startling … Read more