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Powerful Christian Media Group Stands Up Against Tech-Giant Censorship!

Pulpit & Pen has been throttled by Facebook (however, we believe the trottle is now over or at least reduced). Facebook banned P&P’s publisher after posting an article that correctly states Bruce Jenner’s gender. Some of our affiliate media groups have been put on notice by Google Adsense that their politically-incorrect (Christian) content will get … Read more

Watch: Mom Sings Creepy Lullaby at Clinic “Blessing” Claiming Baby Wrote Song Before She Aborted Her

[Life News] A pro-life group has released an unbelievable video of a mother singing a creepy lullaby that her baby “gave” her before she killed her baby in an abortion. The woman sang the song recently at a “blessing” of a local abortion clinic in Ohio by pro-abortion clergy. In Columbus, Ohio, that image of a mother … Read more

Boards to Endorse Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity as “Basic Human Rights” in Exchange for Religious Freedom

[World Magazine] Two major evangelical organizations have formally endorsed principles that would add sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI) to federal nondiscrimination law.  The boards of the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities (CCCU) and the National Association of Evangelicals (NAE) quietly passed similar motions in recent months, advancing a multiyear effort they say is necessary … Read more

The Dallas Statement is Dead, and John MacArthur Killed it.

I love John MacArthur. But, he has made the Dallas Statment on Social Justice and the Gospel an unprecedented failure in his otherwise spotless ministry.  MacArthur is wrong to invite men committing grievous errors – errors that he and the other crafters of the Dallas Statement describe in great detail – to speak at the 2019 Shepherd’s … Read more

Church of England: Ceremonies to Affirm Transgenders “Rooted in Scripture”

Transgender members of the 85-million-strong Anglican faith community will now have the support of the Church of England, after it released guidelines on Tuesday for ceremonies to welcome them. The Church of England, where the Anglican tradition originated, has in recent years moved towards greater acceptance of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT+) people, including … Read more

China Arrests Elders and a Hundred Congregants of Protestant Church

[South China Morning Post] About 100 worshippers at an unofficial church in southwestern China were snatched from their homes or from the streets in coordinated raids which began on Sunday evening. Chinese authorities targeted members of the Early Rain Covenant Church across various districts of Chengdu, the provincial capital of Sichuan, in what appeared to … Read more

Students Stage Protest After Teacher Fired for Correctly Identifying Student’s Gender

[Lifesite News] WEST POINT, Virginia, December 10, 2018 (LifeSiteNews) – A large group of students walked out of their classes Friday to protest the firing of a teacher who refused to refer to a female gender-confused student as male. The West Point, Virginia school board’s unanimous vote to terminate high school French instructor Peter Vlaming proved to … Read more

Gay San Francisco Pastor Arrested on Child Porn Charges

[Bay Area Reporter, San Francisco] A gay San Francisco pastor, who has historically fought for gay rights in the Lutheran Church, was arrested on charges of possession of child pornography, according to the San Francisco Police Department. The Reverend Steven Sabin, pastor at Christ Church Lutheran at Quintara Street and 20th Avenue, was arrested November … Read more