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Ravi Zacharias Ministries Confirms Late Apologist ‘Did Indeed Engage in Sexual Misconduct’

Ravi Zacharias International Ministries (RZIM) has released an interim report on their investigation into sexual misconduct allegations that Protestia (and formerly Pulpit & Pen) have been on the forefront of covering for years, confirming that the world-renown late apologist did indeed engage in sexual misconduct. Ravi had been accused by several massage therapists of indecent sexual contact during sessions, including touching … Read more

New Testimony in Ravi Zacharias Sex Scandal: Exposed as Pervert and Molester

Christianity Today brought wide attention to a story we’ve had at Protestia for weeks now, which is the allegations of sexual misconduct against the late famed Christian apologist and RZIM founder, Ravi Zacharias against members of his staff at Jivan Spa, a business he owned with partner Anurag Sharma. We’ve been attesting for years now that … Read more

Famous Gay YouTuber Says he’s been Saved- Denounces Sexuality in Favour of ‘Christian Celibacy’

Youtuber Lohanthony, a gay teenager who found internet fame as a sassy, cursing, zany personality in the early 2000’s, released a YouTube video sharing his testimony with the world, revealing he’s a Christian and has renounced his homosexual identity and lifestyle, exchanging it for celibacy. “Hello, my name is Anthony, and I’m centered in Christ” … Read more

Todd White Says God’s in Bed with you Watching Porn, Wants to be your ‘Climax’

In a clip that’s certainly worth a ‘viewer discretion is advised,’ Todd White made some startling claims about God’s intention towards humanity, saying that the infinitely holy and perfect God, the Lord of Lords, desires to be the equivalent of his creation’s sexual climax. For a brief time, many had thought the notorious heretic had … Read more

Pastor Eric Mason Blames ‘White Foolishness’ for Black People not being Saved, says ‘Whiteness has Caused Blindness of Heart’

Eric Mason, pastor of Epiphany Fellowship Church in Philadelphia and author of ‘Woke Church‘  resumed right where he left off from his bombastic sermon last week when he demanded 200 years of reparations for black folk, with a new sermon that blames “being under white foolishness” for the reason some Black people aren’t saved, which … Read more

John Crist’s Popularity Soars 1 Month after being ‘Restored’ for Gross Sexual Sin

Comedian John Crist, once the darling of the evangelical world before his reputation tanked and burst into flames after allegations of sexual misconduct came to light, returned to social media 5 weeks ago in a roaring comeback after spending a short time in time-out being restored for deep-seated sins. Crist, a popular Christain entertainer known … Read more

Rapper Lecrae Sputters ‘You know…well…um…er….ah….I don’t know’ When asked about Sin of Homosexuality in Interview

In an interview reminiscent of Joel Osteen repeatedly saying “I don’t know” to CNN’s Larry King’s questions about the exclusivity of Christ, a visibly uncomfortable Lecrae hemmed and hawed his way through an interview asking about whether he’d go to a gay wedding and ultimately whether or homosexuality is a sin, serving as a damning … Read more

PSA. Our Editorial Use of the Label ‘Homosexual/ Lesbian’

Given some of the commentary we received from our recent post on Jackie Hill Perry, we here at Pulpit & Pen wanted to clear up any confusion or misapprehension about or use of the label ‘homosexual’ or ‘lesbian’ to describe different professing Christians, so that everyone has absolute clarity. This has been our longstanding practice … Read more

It’s Official- Jerry Falwell Jr. ‘Resigns’ from Liberty after Explosive Sins Exposed

Update #1. According to Politico Jerry Falwell Jr. says he is not resigning as president and chancellor of Liberty University, contradicting news reports announcing his departure from the Evangelical school. “I have not resigned,” Falwell told POLITICO on a phone call on Monday evening. Asked how the news reports of him resigning had gotten out, … Read more

Jerry Falwell Jr. Claims Blackmail over Wife’s Affair Led to Downward Spiral

UPDATE# The pool boy has responded and claims that Jerry Falwell Jr. was an active participant in these sexual encounters, and has provided screenshots and other evidence to Reuters. See more of that developing story here Jerry Falwell Jr, currently suspended from his role as President of Liberty University over a recent series of very … Read more

Servus Christi’s Life of Sin to Be Exposed on Monday

Update. The clock has finished. The article has been posted here. Terminus of Servus ChristiCountdown Since the days of Ken Silva at Apprising.Org, a necessary and growing ministry of discernment has developed online, the very place where false teachers now congregate and propagate their heresies. The most respectable discernment ministers, also known as polemicists, have … Read more

New Book Examines John Piper’s Hedonism and Sam Alberry’s Homosexuality

An excellent book is now available that examines the teachings of two of the most influential figures among evangelicals today: “The Hedonism and Homosexuality of John Piper and Sam Allberry: Turning the Grace of God into Lasciviousness.” In this definitive critique, author Enoch Burke shows that both men have introduced novel terms into the church, … Read more

Tim Keller’s Redeemer Presbyterian Church Buys $30M Building For Future Church Plant in All-Cash Deal

Redeemer Presbyterian Church, on the lookout for a new building in order to deal with growing pains, purchased a multifamily property at 150 East 91st Street. NY, for $29.5 million in an all-cash deal. The church’s plan is to convert the existing structure into a church space that will include meeting rooms, a sanctuary, office, and … Read more