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Lifeway has pulled “The Worst Book Ever”….But we found one even worse!

Several days ago, at the beginning of #the15 movement, we posted this article which we asked “Is this the WORST book Lifeway sells?” We were of course referring to  The Mystic Way of Evangelism: A Contemplative Vision for Christian Outreach, by Elaine A. Heath. This book, among other things, told us how we ought to learn … Read more

Is this the WORST book Lifeway sells? UPDATED 1 and 2

We at the Pulpit and Pen have been involved in a few skirmishes as of late with Thom Rainer and Ed Stetzer. Much of it stems from our sustained efforts to call attention to some of the  theologically atrocious books that can be found in the Lifeway bookstores, particularily offerings from modalist TD Jakes, books … Read more

SBC Messengers: Beware Paredes and the Platform

Jason Paredes is the lead pastor of Fiedler Church, a multi-campus Southern Baptist Church out of Arlington, Texas. He was one of the slim minority of Messengers at the June 2023 Southern Baptist Convention who opposed the disfellowshipping of Saddleback Church. Saddleback, as has been widely reported, was disfellowshipped for appointing a female to the … Read more

Watch Queens on the Wall: Ted Cruz and Russell Moore Bungle Christian Response to Uganda’s Anti-Homosexual Law

On May 26th 2023, Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni signed into law The Anti-Homosexual Act.  This law not only criminalizes homosexual acts but the promotion of homosexuality itself.  The act has overwhelming support in Uganada’s government, having been passed by its parliament by a vote of 348-1.  Outside of Uganda, however, the law has been severely … Read more

William Lane Craig and the Fate of the Unevangelized

On the most recent episode of his Reasonable Faith podcast, William Lane Craig, the world’s foremost apologist, responded to a four-year old blog about his position on a doctrine known as Universal Revelation Accessibilism. Simply put, to affirm Universal Revelation Accessibilism is to posit that unevangelized people can be saved despite never hearing the gospel … Read more

Expedita voluptas illo officia nihil et

Aut occaecati non consequatur. Illum voluptatem vel numquam esse perferendis Tenetur eaque eveniet nisi culpa dolore beatae ab. Et consectetur modi veniam laudantium in ipsam. Accusantium ut cupiditate vel corrupti modi et. Consequatur sed neque iure quis accusantium sit. Quia necessitatibus impedit impedit sed. Nobis quos ut ut possimus expedita voluptatum provident. At officia illo … Read more

SBC 2021: Merritt, Greear, Floyd and Other Men I Doubt are Saved

“Friendship is genuine only when you bind fast together people who cleave to you through the charity poured abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who is given to us.” Augustine Earlier this month I took some time to watch the livestream of the Southern Baptist Convention in Nashville, Tennessee.  Like many other conservative … Read more

Here’s What Christian Dads Need to Tell Sons About Sex

Dads need to explain to their boys why they still have sex with “mom” and what the big deal is; virtual women aren’t real women and virtual sex is not real sex. Put the phone down and go find a wife. Here’s what Christian dads need to tell their sons about sex with their mom; … Read more

Ken Fryer is More Blessed Than the Rest of Us

“Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints” (Psalm 116:15) My friend, Ken Fryer, passed away suddenly and unexpectedly several weeks ago. Many of you knew him, as a number of his articles grace this website. We crossed paths during the Great Louisiana College Debacle of 2014 and became quick … Read more

Casey B. Hough Needs to be Fired from Several Jobs

On December 16, 2016 the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention (ERLC) published an article entitled “The Diversity in Our Christmas Story.” This week, it was reshared via the ERLC Twitter feed. The article was penned by Casey B. Hough, whose Twitter profile lists him as the following: Disciple, Husband of … Read more