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Ben Carson, the IRS, and an Implicit Rebuke of David Uth and First Baptist Orlando

“I think the decision to disinvite (Ben Carson from the SBC Pastors Conference) is sad and more importantly wrong.” David Uth “The point about the Carson controversy is not what individual evangelicals choose to do in the voting booth. It is that events like the Southern Baptist Pastors’ Conference need to be campaign-free zones. We’ve … Read more

David Uth trying to save face, defending Carson.

Some people just can’t let bygones be bygones. A few Days ago, Joni Hannigan of the Christian Examiner blog wrote a flimsy piece claiming that Calvinist bloggers bullied Willy Rice into disinviting Carson from the 2015 SBC Pastor’s Conference. It was tacky enough that she barely sourced anything in her article, and those she did … Read more

Calvinist Bogeymen – The Ongoing Dreyfus Affair of Evangelicalism

“It’s too easy to criticize a man when he’s out of favour, and to make him shoulder the blame for everybody else’s mistakes.” Leo Tolstoy, War and Peace In 1894, a French military officer of Jewish descent named Alfred Dreyfus was convicted of treason for communicating military secrets to Germany.  Unfortunately, for Dreyfus, he was innocent … Read more

SBC Establishment Angry at those Meddling Bloggers over Ben Carson Fiasco

With the decision last week by Willy Rice (president of the 2015 SBC Pastor’s Conference) to drop Dr. Ben Carson from the speakers list, there has been some backlash from the evangelical establishment. Even Perry Noble went through an exhausting rant of unbiblical reasons why he was disappointed over the decision (although he’s hardly the establishment). Willy … Read more

Reactions to Theonomy: A Collaborative Post

As I write this, I’m tempted to say “this is my last word on theonomy and theonomists,” because as JD Hall​ rightly stated on our program, “Theonomy is a distraction.”  Anyone who listens to Bible Thumping Wingnut and doesn’t live under a rock knows what a distraction it has been to us, and many of you … Read more

Willy Rice's Sob Story: Ben Carson Sacrificed for the Sake of Unity

If you’ve been following Southern Baptist news, you know about the uproar that was cast by the SBC inviting Seventh Day Adventist, Dr. Ben Carson, to speak at the 2015 Pastor’s Conference. Aside from the serious theological differences that sets Southern Baptists apart from Seventh Day Adventists, it was also widely seen as an endorsement of a political candidate. In the wake of this massive outcry, a follow-up opinion was written at SBC Voices blog by Dave Matthews, basically stating that he disagreed with decision to invite Carson, but since it’s already done, for the sake of avoiding bad press, we should just shut up about it, accept it, and have lunch together.

Happy Evangelical Environmentalism Day!

“Earth Day has never been a celebration of the beauty and bounty of this awesome terrestrial ball.  It’s always been an assault on man.” – Brian Sussman Who began the not-so-secular holiday known as “Earth Day”? Three people are credited with the movement, including Gaylord Nelson (a Democratic politician from Wisconsin with a past in Marxist … Read more

Ronnie Floyd: One more year as pope of SBC thanks to J.D. Greear

The Baptist Press revealed yesterday that Pastor J.D. Greear of Summit Church, Raleigh-Durham, NC, has nominated current pope president of the Southern Baptist Convention, Ronnie Floyd, to a second term. This comes as no surprise, as Floyd is adored by the neo-evangelical leadership who have now mainstreamed the denomination. One of the problems with this neo-evangelicalism is that many of them are solid bible teachers, and are solid in their doctrinal beliefs, but outside of the pulpit is where they break down. They see no problem associating with, and promoting emergent leaders such as Rick Warren, and they tend to blindly support each other, as I reported before, without any accountability, in order to re-elect and maintain leadership positions within the SBC. This appears to be the same thing here.

Faith-Healer Asks For Prayers…For Healing. No. Really.

According to Charisma News, the preeminent faith healer, Benny Hinn, has been admitted to the hospital for shortness of breath and heart-related trouble. In fact, Hinn was in intensive care. He had just come back from a prophecy and healing crusade in Brazil, having spoken to hundreds of thousands of people in eager pursuit of … Read more

Alex Himaya, Ronnie Floyd, and Strange Things

Ronnie Floyd recently announced the members he has named to participate in the Committee of Committees, chosen to nominate the committee members who will actually do the nominating of leaders of various positions in the SBC for 2016. Sounds like a drawn out process, right? It is, and it begins with this committee of origin. … Read more

CMI has Answers…and Merchandise

“In the beginning God created the Heavens and the Earth” Genesis 1:1 Gary Bates, a member of Eastside Baptist Church in Marietta, GA, “believes that Creation Ministries International could be the best kept secret in Christendom”.  If this is true, Bates should know; it’s his ministry organization.  Bates is the CEO of Creation Ministries USA … Read more