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Monkey Business: The Scopes Monkey Trial and its Impact on American Fundamentalism

THE STATE OF TENNESSEE VS. SCOPES In front of the Rhea County courthouse in Dayton, Tennessee there is a plaque that reads: “Here, from July 10 to 21, 1925 John Thomas Scopes, a County High School teacher, was tried for teaching that a man descended from a lower order of animals in violation of a … Read more

The Evangelical Counter-Reformation

If you ask the average Evangelical church-goer today what the difference is between Protestantism and Catholicism, you’re likely to get a variety of answers. Some will tell you that Catholics believe in a works salvation, but many won’t really understand what that means. Others may tell you that Catholics worship Mary and Protestants don’t. But the overwhelming majority are likely to have no idea what the difference is, and this is rather disturbing. While many of these people will be able to articulate the Gospel, Catholicism is quickly becoming seen as “just another denomination,” with some strange twists. They are no longer being seen as the counterfeit Church, the ancient enemy of the Gospel that the reformers fought so hard and gave their lives to expose and separate from. The muddying of these waters is not unaccounted for, however, and it comes as no surprise, since today we have so many Evangelicals afraid to speak out against Rome, and fornicating with her in many ways.

The Cooperative Program and the Road to Serfdom by G. Seth Dunn, MAcc, CPA

PREFACE  I’m a Baptist of Baptists.  I wasn’t baby-dedicated at my church on the 8th day, but it was done within a few weeks.  I grew up in a Southern Baptist church in a family that faithfully gave.  As a carefree middle-class youth, I never knew how much was given but it made an impression … Read more

Rick Warren: 'Just Accept and Affirm everyone'

Do you know how you can tell if Rick Warren is saying something unbiblical? … if his lips are moving. Or in this case, his fingers are typing. In a recent blog post he is saying that our job as Christians is to affirm and accept people. He uses Romans 15:7, where it says, “Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you,” to justify his position. But the key to this passage here is, “as Christ accepted you.” Does Christ accept us in a state of unrepentant sin? Does he affirm our sinful lifestyles, such as homosexuality? No, but apparently Rick Warren thinks he does, and that we should too. Recently, he affirmed the sodomite Elton John’s homosexuality by holding hands with him, and joking that them kissing would be the kiss heard around the world.

"Moore" fellowship with darkness.

By now, everyone knows that Russell Moore, president of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention, leans socially progressive. Moore has, on multiple occasions, partnered with left-leaning organizations on behalf of the SBC in order to advance political, as well as theological, positions through government. Moore is well known for his collaboration with the apostate Roman Catholic church in his endeavors to promote traditional marriage, anti-abortion legislation, and more. So it comes as no surprise that Moore is now joining forces with the liberal Baptist denomination, The Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, in order to push for legislation banning predatory lending habits by pay-day lenders.

No Other Gospel: Satan’s Deception Through False Teachers

Galatians 1:6-10  I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting him who called you in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel— not that there is another one, but there are some who trouble you and want to distort the gospel of Christ. But even if we or an angel … Read more

‘Moore’ Fellowship with Darkness.

By now, everyone knows that Russell Moore, president of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention, leans socially progressive. Moore has, on multiple occasions, partnered with left-leaning organizations on behalf of the SBC in order to advance political, as well as theological, positions through government. Moore is well known for his collaboration with the … Read more

American ReVision: The Not-So “Theonomic” Founding of America

Joel McDurmon recently announced his new book, God’s Law and Government in America and writes, “Introducing: a book of openly theonomic sermons from the American founding era.” The above introduction is interesting in its obscurity and, in particular, McDurmon’s use of the adjective theonomic is telling. As Colin Pearson describes in his start-up podcast named … Read more

The Gospel Coalition: Advances Russell Moore-Flees from Gospel

The Gospel Coalition, a network of evangelical churches founded by D.A. Carson, and Tim Keller, has been in a downward slide since it’s inception. While the original intent of the coalition seemed well, the accountability within the organization has been less than stellar. In other words, the members of the council of the TGC hold eachother to such a high regard, that any criticism of it’s members is looked at as malice. Besides Tim Keller, a well known evolutionist, who does not hold to the absolute authority of Scripture, TGC has aligned itself with many liberal members over the years. Members, such as Mark Driscoll, and James MacDonald, whose association with the organization has backfired, yet TGC has managed to stay alive and well.

Starving the Sheep: A Book Review of “Franchising McChurch”

By Peter Rasor It was not long after arriving at my new home in Arizona that the church advertisements began flooding our mailbox. One piece, professionally done, had six of their “promises” to their new customers prominently displayed: “Exciting Kids’ Programs,” “Incredible Music,” “Inspirational Teaching,” “One Hour Service,” “Casual Atmosphere,” and “We Won’t Beg for Your … Read more

Roman Catholic, Jeb Bush, Peddles Politics at Liberty University

Newt Gingrich – a Roman Catholic – gave the 2007 commencement address at Liberty University. Ben Stein – a Jew – gave the 2009 commencement address. Glenn Beck – a Mormon – gave the 2010 commencement address. Mitt Romney – a Mormon – gave the 2012 commencement address. Last year, Governor Bobby Jindal – a … Read more