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Are the Proletariat Revolting Against the Cooperative Program?

If you’re not a Southern Baptist, you probably don’t care. If that’s the case, read something else at Pulpit and Pen that may interest you. But if you are a Southern Baptist, you may just care that there appears to be some common sense thinking going on out there in SBC-land, and common sense thinking … Read more

No Dogs Go to Heaven

When I was kid a popular animated movie called All Dogs Go to Heaven was released.   The protagonist of the story is a German Shepherd named Charlie who runs a riverboat Casino with his partner, a bulldog named Carface.  At the beginning of the film, Carface murders Charlie in order to gain full control of … Read more

Josh Duggar, Scumbaggery, and the Gospel

Josh Duggar is a serial adulterer. Josh Duggar is a child fondler. There, I said…er, wrote it. When I heard that the Ashley Madison website (a prominent website that facilitates spouses cheating on one another, for those of you who don’t read the news or aren’t addicted to porn) had been hacked several weeks ago, … Read more

Who Are the Evangelical Intelligentsia?

If you have followed Pulpit & Pen for any amount of time, you’ve heard or seen me use the phrase, “Evangelical Intelligentsia.” The first time I used that term was on Twitter in response to Manhattan Declaration director and ecumenist, Eric Teetsel, in response to his defense of Ed Stetzer’s peddling of heresy and his subsequent … Read more

Is Planned Parenthood to Blame for Mass Shootings?

Planned Parenthood made news this month for selling parts of aborted babies, essentially being guilty of trafficking human organs. Many are outraged, and should be. The undercover videos released were stomach churning, as profit motivation became the clear reason for Planned Parenthood’s black market trade of flesh. How could this happen, we wonder. All the while, … Read more

The Pulpit and Pen Reviews War Room

“Rejoice always. Pray without ceasing.  In all circumstances give thanks, for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus” 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 War Room is the latest offering from fraternal film makers Alex and Stephen Kendrick.  As is the case with their previous films, War Room is marketed to a Christian audience and written … Read more

Should We Celebrate Independence Day? Viva La Resistance!

On July 4, 1776, fifty-six representatives from the British colonies in America signed the Declaration of Independence. With their signatures, the British colonies in America became the United States of America. The document they signed said the following… When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which … Read more

Pastor Woods Responds to Barnabas Piper’s Encouragement of Criminality

Civil Disobedience or Cerebral Damage? I’ve been wanting, wishing, waiting and praying for my white brothers & sisters in Christ to respond biblically and come out of their fear closets regarding the racial tensions that have been fanned and flamed by the liberal media and the race-baiters, whose agenda is to unequivocally create further chaos … Read more

The Liberal Influence on Children and Karen Swallow Prior

As a teacher at a Christian university, with as much renown as Prior, her opinions are highly sought after. She writes for many publications on a regular basis, and has a clan-like following that would defend her to no end. While being tied up around the issue of homosexual affirmation, some of her other liberal ideologies have been overlooked, but should be given attention. Two important issues that can affect your children; she supports the liberal Common Core education program, and she practices and defends authentic Yoga, a form of Pagan Hindu mysticism.

Ed Stetzer Says Preaching Verse-by-Verse Through Bible is Risky

In a roundtable discussion sponsored by Lifeway’s Gospel Project curriculum discussed the upsides and downsides of expository, verse-by-verse preaching. The SBC-owned propaganda wing, the Baptist Press – in a story entitled Preaching through Bible has Risks, Pastors Say – reports… Many pastors believe tackling Scripture verse by verse from the pulpit is the only acceptable approach, … Read more

Tchividjian, Sin and the Cult of Celebrity

So by now you are probably aware of the news surrounding Tullian Tchividjian. Judging by the fact that the various attempted spellings of his name combined to be the second most numerous Google search term for a time a couple of days ago, a lot of other people are too. Numerous discussions have already been … Read more

Southern Baptists, Tear Down These Buildings!

Russell Moore, to the echoing sound of cheap applause, has called for South Carolina to remove the Confederate Flag in light of the recent shooting in Charleston. Moore has stated… “The cross and the Confederate flag cannot co-exist without one setting the other on fire…” As Pulpit & Pen argued previously, the problem is not mere … Read more

Douglas Wilson’s Glorious Response to Russell Moore’s Racial Grandstanding

The always-pointed, brilliant mind of Douglas Wilson has responded to what Pulpit & Pen can only describe as racial grandstanding on the part of Russell Moore. Coming at the tail-end of the annual Southern Baptist Convention meeting that was full of talk of “racial reconciliation,” and with the ERLC focusing on this issue more than … Read more

AW Pink was a Theonomist: So Was Mickey Mouse (by Reformed Libertarian)

In a recent post, Joel McDurmon concluded “I do not hesitate to call A. W. Pink a theonomist, for his position as explicated above is nothing short of Theonomy.” Apparently the theonomy tent is growing by leaps and bounds. I imagine it will soon include Marcionites. McDurmon offers two reasons: First, A.W. Pink says Matthew 5:17 refers … Read more

Russell Moore partnering with New Apostolic Reformation to advance the "Social Gospel."

The concept of “social justice” is not new, it’s been around for ages. It’s the antithesis to personal responsibility. The New Oxford American Dictionary defines “social justice” as “The objective of creating a fair and equal society in which each individual matters, their rights are recognized and protected, and decisions are made in ways that are fair and honest.” On the surface this sounds like a noble cause, but in reality, it doesn’t work that way. In practice, social justice removes the notion of personal responsibility, and places the burden of individuals on the backs of society. A society devoid of personal responsibility will naturally result in laziness, crime, and a complete lack of motivation for advancement, and eventually total collapse of the society. The social justice system comes in the form of a wolf in sheep’s clothing, disguised as something good, yet it is opposed to the will of God, and the Gospel of Jesus Christ.