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Andrew Rappaport’s “What Do They Believe? A Systematic Theology of the Major Western Religions”

Who is Andrew Rappaport? Andrew Rappaport is the founder and president of Striving for Eternity Ministries which, according to its website, is a “Christ-centered ministry focused on equipping people for eternity by assisting Christians to have an eternal perspective on life.”   He is a Bible teacher, conference speaker, and former pastor.  In addition to the self-published What Do They … Read more

Should You Kill Abortion Doctors?

  A couple weeks ago I wrote a post entitled, “Why Some People Need a Good Killing: A Biblical Defense for Self-Defense.” It’s since been shared 2.2k times. I’ve not heard any complaints from anyone except for a few of the regular twitter trolls, who seem to be concerned with any sneeze I may inadvertently … Read more

The Charismatic Delusion and Discernment Dilemma

Jim Bakker. The name says it all. The Background Getting a start on Pat Robertson’s Trinity Broadcasting Network in 1966, Jim Bakker started hosting his own show with wife, Tammy. He showed promise as the producer of a religious variety show, and soon ran off to California to star on the Trinity Broadcasting Network, ran by … Read more

Why Some People Need a Good Killing…A Biblical Defense for Self Defense

Just because we’re good people doesn’t mean we won’t kill you – Rick Grimes Right. So, maybe a Biblical defense for self-defense shouldn’t begin with quotation from the protagonist in a televised Zombie apocalypse set in the dystopian near-future. But, when I heard Rick say that, it was real. There’s no room for pretense when … Read more

David Jeremiah, Charismatics, Rabbi, Anoint Donald Trump

  An odd mishmash of religious folk gathered together in a steaming pile of ecumenical syncretism to anoint Donald Trump in prayer and blessings – a guy who doesn’t know if he “has ever asked God for forgiveness.” This is a real #facepalm moment for American evangelicalism. David Jeremiah – Southern Baptist Robert Jeffress – Southern … Read more

Four Blood Moons and Shemitah Bring Judgment…Upon Charismatics

Two “significant” events (read that, rather ordinary, foreseeable and cyclical events that are predictable by the Farmer’s Almanac) recently brought God’s judgment – as expected and promised – by America’s prophets. That God used these “signs” to judge was not surprising, but who God ultimately judged was surprising. Jonathan Cahn, who calls himself a Messianic Rabbi … Read more

What is “Law” in America? A Response to “Turretin Fan”

I’m more annoyed at myself than anyone else, really. There’s no decent reason to be giving an anonymous-pseudonymous social media account the time of day, let alone using a few minutes of my hunting-day to provide a defense to the incessant goading and belligerence by one known as “Turretin Fan.” Most anonymous-pseudonymous social media accounts are … Read more

Blake Reynolds, Clayton Jennings, and Capturing Weak Women

Out there in evangelical-land there’s a group of young men gaining traction and attention – from TBN, book publishers, revival promoters, and a whole lot of females. The whole thing is giving me the heebie jeebies. A few pulpiteers in the Bunker have posted occasional Facebook videos from these fellas, and not only are they … Read more

40 harmful effects of Christianity #8 – People Dying Because They Don’t Accept Medical Help

This entry is part 8 of 32 in the series 40 Harmful Effects of Christianity

“Is anyone among you sick? Then he must call for the elders of the church and they are to pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord; and the prayer offered in faith will restore the one who is sick, and the Lord will raise him up, and if he has committed sins, they will be forgiven him.” James 5:14-15 … Read more

Questions for Seventh Day Adventist Cultist, Ben Carson

Republican presidential hopeful and former neurosurgeon, Dr. Ben Carson, has been surging the polls lately for the Republican nomination.  Dr. Carson, a Seventh Day Adventist, has received scrutiny in the past for his religious beliefs when he was invited to speak at the 2015 Southern Baptist Convention, in which he was ultimately uninvited from. But … Read more

Can Roman Catholics be Saved?

If you like ruffling feathers, Twitter is the place to go. It doesn’t matter what you say, or how you say it, somebody is going to disagree with you–and vehemently. This is what happened as I engaged in conversation with a Southern Baptist pastor recently on Twitter. While discussing the doctrine of the Roman Catholic … Read more

Evangelical Leadership Culture and The Jethro Principle: Lamenting Moses Model Church Leadership and Christian Consumerism

Overlaying the Jethro Principle For those who believe in the inerrancy of scripture, the essential questions of Christian theology were settled long ago by the church fathers and their answers reiterated by the reformers. Except for the finer points of eschatology and soteriology, evangelical theologians have all but settled upon a systematic theology of Christianity. … Read more

Southern Baptists Bail on Kentucky Clerk, Kim Davis

A fish rots from the head, down – The ancient Turkish people, as quoted in James Porter’s Observation on the Religion, Law, Government and Manners of the Turks, 1768. A great number of Christians are supporting Kim Davis for obeying her conscience and honoring her oath of office by upholding the laws of the commonwealth of Kentucky. Both Southern Baptist … Read more

Why Christians Should Break the Law

“…We must obey God rather than men.” – St. Peter, Acts 5:29 Christians must sometimes break the law. That is a reality. Sometimes, we are left with no choice. Say, “Yes, ma’am” and “No, sir.” Eat your vegetables. Don’t litter. Brush your teeth. Pay your taxes. Go to church on Sunday. Open doors for ladies. … Read more