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Who is Killing the SBC?

Or who is killing the SBC? It’s Dave Miller. No, not that Dave Miller because he’s awesome. This Dave Miller. The Company Man™. That’s who is killing the SBC. Well, not really The Company Man™ per se. To us at Pulpit & Pen, Miller is just an archetype. He’s an exemplar. He’s the quintessence, the embodiment, the epitome … Read more

40 harmful effects of Christianity #14 – “Abstinence-only” sex education

This entry is part 14 of 32 in the series 40 Harmful Effects of Christianity

“ you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, will inherit the kingdom of God.” 1 Corinthians 6:8-10 This post is theoiourteenth in a series that addresses a list of “40 harmful effects … Read more

Trading Doctrines Like Pokemon Cards

There is a plague of young men who call themselves Christians and call themselves Reformed who can quote the greatest theologians and speak all the right lingo and call the Puritans their homeboys and who trade Bible doctrines back and forth like they were Pokemon cards. They believe that what makes them Reformed is the … Read more

Thabiti Anyabwile May Not Be the Race-Relations Expert We Should Look To

As the evangelical world looks for the cause of racism (hint **it’s sin**) and looks for the solution to racism (hint **it’s the gospel), it’s important to know where not to look. Some have looked toward Ron Burns. You know Ron Burns by his Muslim name, Thabiti Anyabwile. I would encourage against that. The “Gospel” … Read more

The Pulpit & Pen Reviews “Praying the Bible” by Donald S. Whitney

The Pulpit & Pen Reviews “Praying the Bible” by Donald S. Whitney “This little book is explosive and powerful.” R. Albert Mohler, Jr. Donald S. Whitney is a professor of Biblical Spirituality and Associate Dean at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.  He oversees his website, The Center for Biblical Spirituality, where he blogs and offers himself … Read more

SBC: Please Pass the Transparency

On December 9, the Baptist Press joyously reported that Louisiana College (SBC) regained its accreditation from the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS). They did not report why SACS removed Louisiana College’s accreditation, which was – in part – reporting from Pulpit and Pen that included: A secret committee on the Board of Trustees … Read more

The Buffoonery of the SBC’s Open-Border Agenda

In the wake of Donald Trump’s comments regarding the banning of Islamic immigrants in the United States until the government can “figure out what’s going on,” the Southern Baptist Convention has seized the opportunity to rebuke Trump’s popular stance, and paint those who agree with him, especially Christians, as anti-religious freedom, anti-missionary, and unchristian. In … Read more

SBC Pastor Insists Devout Roman Catholic, Marco Rubio is Saved

Yesterday, Dave Miller of SBC Voices posted a video of former Mormon turned Catholic, Marco Rubio’s supposed testimony of faith, in which Miller presumes to be genuine. Miller had this to say regarding Rubio’s testimony, …I believe I’d get excited to hear any presidential candidate give as cogent a testimony of his or her faith … Read more

Dave Miller of SBC Voices Insists Devout Roman Catholic, Marco Rubio Is Saved

Yesterday, Dave Miller of SBC Voices posted a video of former Mormon turned Catholic, Marco Rubio’s supposed testimony of faith, in which Miller presumes to be genuine. Miller had this to say regarding Rubio’s testimony, …I believe I’d get excited to hear any presidential candidate give as cogent a testimony of his or her faith … Read more

No Convictions: The Karen Swallow Prior Story

Rallying for the defunding of Planned Parenthood isn’t inflammatory rhetoric; it’s political engagement. Videos depicting the self-damning words and actions of Planned Parenthood officials isn’t yellow journalism; it’s investigative reporting. On the other hand, referring to abortion providers as “abortion ghouls,” clinic volunteers and workers as “deathscorts” or “bloodworkers,” and women who obtain abortions as … Read more

Pulpit & Pen Reviews Free Speech Apocalypse

Free Speech Apocalypse, the new film from the prolific and always provocative Douglas Wilson, highlights the pandemic assault on free speech – and more importantly, free thought – in America. From college campuses to the press, Free Speech Apocalypse puts a magnifying glass on the ridiculousness of what Wilson calls ‘the totalitolerance brigade.’ As I … Read more

WatchBlog Nails NAR Prophetess As Fraud

The folks at Church Watch Central have been running a contest, building up the grand reveal of the latest fraud associated with the New Apostolic Reformation, entitled “Culprit in the Pulpit.” Releasing information bit by bit, the website narrowed down the culprit from Elijah List, which is basically like a directory for the worst of … Read more

Karen Swallow Prior and an Animal Rights Trojan Horse in the ERLC

See the guy engaged in “heavy petting,” tender caressing and kissing the cow he “saved” from slaughter? This video was recently posted by the Humane Society of the United States as a part of their “Farm Animal Protection Campaign,” the same Humane Society which employs a “faith advisory council” upon which ERLC Research Fellow Karen … Read more