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A Rebuttal to Benjamin Corey’s Attack Against the Atonement

Benjamin Corey, a Pro-Gay, Anti-Gun pacifist, has recently put out a series of articles with attacks (In the form of questions) against Penal Substitutionary Atonement. If you don’t know what that word is, Penal Substitutionary Atonement basically means that Jesus died in our place. Jesus suffered the wrath of God so that we do not … Read more

Why Hillsong Music is Dangerous For Your Church

Houston, we have a problem! Brian Houston, that is. Arguably one of the most influential figures of today’s professing church, Houston, is currently the senior pastor of the worldwide multi-site megachurch known as Hillsong. The church, founded by Houston’s paedophile father, Frank Houston, dominates the contemporary worship music scene, with their songs being played in churches … Read more

No More Discernment. Seriously.

I’m so tired. I’m tired of discernment. I’m tired of polemics. I’m tired of watching the other guys who produce material for Pulpit & Pen report on yet another obvious departure from orthodoxy. I’m tired of seeing the articles and news stories and screenshots and tweets and YouTube videos posted in the infamous Pulpit Bunker. The … Read more

Ode to Shepherds’ Conference

Muslims have Mecca. Hindus have the Ganges. Budhists have the Bodi Tree. The Greeks had the Oracle of Delphi. We have Shepherds’ Conference. Okay, so maybe it’s not exactly a religious pilgrimage, but for evangelical inerrantists and expository preachers it’s the closest we’ve got. Every year, thousands of pastors and church leaders flock to the … Read more

Recovering the Satellites

“For this reason I left you in Crete, that you would set in order what remains and appoint elders in every city as I directed you.” Titus 1:5 I am a student at a Southern Baptist seminary that is located hundreds of miles from the city in which I reside.  Thankfully, distance learning options are … Read more

Greear: The Baptist Press Announces An “Anointing?”

Just when you think there might be a glimmer of hope in the SBC, just when we are finally nearing the end of Ronnie Floyd’s doctrinally-undiscerning domain of its presidency, the Baptist Press reports the news that multi-site, mega-church, Reformed charismatic pastor, J.D. Greear, will be seeking the helm of the convention. The announcement (Baptist … Read more

We Need a Group for Survivor Blog Survivors

Dan Savage is the founder of the anti-bullying and pro-homosexual It Gets Better Campaign (which ERLC research fellow Karen Swallow Prior called “commonsensical” and “refreshing” and said the church should be “excited” about it – source link). Savage made the news several years ago while giving a speech on bullying in which he bullied Christian students with … Read more

Why We Don’t Consider Catholics to Be Christians (in as polite and simple terms possible)

Scalia is in Heaven. Rubio is saved. At least, evangelical leaders have asserted both of those things and ostensibly for the same reason. Both men have held to conservative principles and have promoted Christian values. Both men have professed Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. And yet, we (that is, Protestants) have consistently groaned in annoyance each time … Read more

40 harmful effects of Christianity #16 – Censorship

This entry is part 15 of 32 in the series 40 Harmful Effects of Christianity

“Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things.” Philippians 4:8 This post is the sixteenth in a series that addresses a list of “40 harmful effects of … Read more

Book Review: A Theology of the Family

With roughly the same amount of pages as Louis Berkhof’s Systematic Theology, A Theology of the Family is a daunting book by its sheer size and volume. On the squashable bug meter, this rates five spiders out of five. It’s big. And yet, the book is a fantastic resource that, if read in small doses, … Read more

When Anointings Compete – Rafael Cruz Gets Some Pub From Kenneth Copeland

“I believe with all my heart that (Ted Cruz) is called and anointed to be next President of the United States.” Kenneth Copeland The people who go to Kenneth and Gloria Copeland’s “church” vote.  They are American citizens who are entitled to governmental representation just as much as anyone else.  Thus, it’s not surprising that … Read more

Village Church – The Gospel Is an Agenda

It is always disturbing to find Christians who carry the name, label, or implication that they are Bible-believing, conservative, and doctrinally orthodox but who mess up in significant ways when given a visible platform. Obviously not all such mistakes approach the gravity of heresy, but truth-loving people should speak up to correct errors either way, … Read more

The Beck Lies: Mormon Leads Prayer to False God at Ted Cruz Campaign Office

“I have prayed for the next George Washington. I believe I have found him (in Ted Cruz).”  Glenn Beck The Iowa caucuses are nigh.  On Monday February 1st, voters in Iowa will gather together to decide what Republican and Democratic candidates to put forth for the 2016 presidential election.  The final poll before Monday’s caucuses … Read more

An SBC Paper Finally Questions Russell Moore

The Baptist Message, the newspaper of the Louisiana Baptist Convention, has published an editorial from Will Hall that echoes much of the concern we’ve been bringing to you for about two years now. Unless things have changed at the Baptist Message from when Kelly Boggs used to run the newspaper, nothing is printed without the … Read more

Matt Maher is Not Saved, Stop Singing His Music In Church!

Modern Evangelicals are happily embracing a deceptive evil, and letting it creep into their churches. The evil is a counterfeit gospel, a counterfeit Christianity. The evil is the Roman Catholic Church, and it’s creeping in unawares, especially to young and impressionable minds, through worship music. Particularly, a Catholic singer named Matt Maher has become strikingly … Read more