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Village Apologists: The Economy of Theonomy

There are five primary schools of Christian Apologetics.  Classical Apologetics relies on philosophical arguments to demonstrate God’s existence.  Evidentialist Apologetics relies upon demonstrating the truth of Christianity through the evidence of history and science.  Reformed Epistemology relies upon the reasonableness of “properly basic” indefeasible internal beliefs to prove God’s existence.   Presuppositional Apologetics presupposes the truth … Read more

God Will Be Glorified In the Destruction of Sinners

Romans 9:22-23 “What if God, desiring to show his wrath and to make known his power, has endured with much patience vessels of wrath prepared for destruction, in order to make known the riches of his glory for vessels of mercy, which he has prepared beforehand for glory—” What an incredibly sobering passage written by … Read more

Theonomy Debate Reviews

A number of popular programs have reviewed the theonomy debate between JD Hall and Joel McDurmon. Here’s what they’ve had to say, with links to the full podcast. “I’m going to score the debate on a 30 point system…the basis of my analysis of the debate – I’m not talking about the subject – but … Read more

The Art of Social Media Escape: Jefferson Bethke Endorses God-Hating Macklemore

  Titus 2:11–14 [ESV] For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation for all people, training us to renounce ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright, and godly lives in the present age, waiting for our blessed hope, the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ, who … Read more

Beyond Fabrication: Putting the Vision into Revision

Editor’s Note. This article was originally written by Fred Butler and posted at Hip and Thigh and is being reprinted here with permission. Most of the folks in my orbit of friends, acquaintances, and blog readers, are quite aware of the debate on theonomy that pastor JD Hall had with Joel McDurmon of American Revision, I … Read more

Christians Attack Their Own In the Name of Love: The Plight of Practicing Biblical Discernment

Editor’s Note. This article was originally written and posted at and is being reprinted here with permission. 1 Timothy 6:3-4 [ESV] “If anyone teaches a different doctrine and does not agree with the sound words of our Lord Jesus Christ and the teaching that accords with godliness, he is puffed up with conceit and understands … Read more

Pre-Debate Thoughts, Post-Debate

I decided to give some of my pre-debate thoughts, post-debate. I’m sending this to Landon for him to put on the website: Why? There’s a fair amount of chest-thumping machismo that I’ve seen by theonomic advocates in regard to this debate, and I wish to avoid any semblance of that. I don’t feel that kind behavior … Read more

The Great Evangelical Copt Out

What is the “True Gospel”? In other words, how is a sinful person justified before a holy God? The answer to these questions was the hallmark of the Protestant Reformation. It was in meditating upon Romans 1:17 (“For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith for faith, as it is written, ‘The … Read more

The Devil's Old Manifesto: Enter the New Age

So many people have been deceived into believing the lie, and, unfortunately, many will take this lie to their grave. This is exactly where the Devil wants you; he wants you to believe that you are a good person and that you don’t need a savior. He wants you to believe that Christianity is a dark force that tries to keep you from following your “good” heart. He wants you to trust in yourself, rather than in Christ Jesus because he knows that Jesus is the only true path to eternal life.

Why ‘Racial Justice’ is NOT a Gospel Demand

The proponents of racial reconciliation within the Church, especially the Southern Baptist Church, continue to propagate this idea that we need to set aside our differences and reconcile our racial divide. Racial tensions in the US are mostly a fabrication of mainstream media anyways, and aren’t nearly as bad as they would have you believe. … Read more

Russell Moore ''Doesn't Want to See Any Fewer Rosary Beads'' at the March For Life.

In 1973, in the wake of Roe vs. Wade Supreme Court decision that invalidated abortion laws in 50 states, there was a small pro-life uprising. It began as a small demonstration and quickly became the largest pro-life event in the US, known as the March for Life. It’s an annual event, that was just held … Read more

New Age False Teacher, David Wilcock, Twists Matthew 6:22

This entry is part 1 of 31 in the series Freemasonry

David Wilcock, a well known New Age lecturer who claims to be the reincarnation of Edgar Cayce, who has a huge following, regularly twists Scripture to make it sound like it means something that it has absolutely nothing to do with. In this video, Wilcock takes the passage out of Matthew Chapter 6, (apparently referencing … Read more

Pastor Tony Evans Says Americans Need to Grieve and Repent Over Slavery and Jim Crow

Many are aware of the ongoing debate over “racial reconciliation” going on in the Southern Baptist Convention, but few are aware of what it really entails. In fact, the SBC’s Ethics and Religious Liberties Commission will be hosting The Gospel and Racial Reconciliation Summit in March of 2015. Most of the Southern Baptist’s proponents of … Read more