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Uncle Joe Biden, the “Conga-Line of Accusations,” and the Old Guard

[Bruce Thornton | FrontPage Mag] One of the more interesting fronts in the Democrat internecine struggle between the rich, old People of Pallor and the “woke,” young People of Color centers on Joe Biden and his penchant for inappropriately touching women. Biden’s bad habit of invading the personal space of women and girls in sexually suggestive ways … Read more

Fact: Some Cultures Are Superior to Others, from a Biblical Perspective

What is ‘chauvinism,’ properly defined? Chauvinism is a word of extreme definitional divergence, and how the term is properly defined is important in having the debate on the topic of Western Chauvinism. Dictionaries vary wildly on the topic of the word, chauvinism, and those definitions are changing as quickly as the term gender. Like Winston … Read more

“My Name is David”: Pleas for Help during Dr. Jordan Peterson’s Visit at Liberty University

[Esther O’Reilly | Patheos] I’m not sure what people were expecting from Dr. Jordan Peterson’s recent appearance at Liberty University, but nobody could have predicted what happened about halfway through. At roughly the 21-minute mark in the convocation (link here), as Peterson is answering a question, there’s a commotion offstage. A young man rushes up … Read more

Mayoral History Made: Chicago Elects Openly Gay, African American Woman

[Bill Ruthhart | Chicago Tribune] Lori Lightfoot won a resounding victory Tuesday night to become both the first African-American woman and openly gay person elected mayor of Chicago, dealing a stinging defeat to a political establishment that has reigned over City Hall for decades. After waging a campaign focused on upending the vaunted Chicago political machine, Lightfoot … Read more

Alyssa Milano and Joe Biden

Let’s begin with the recent passing of Georgia Law HB481, the Living Infants Fairness and Equality (LIFE) Act which prohibits abortion when the heartbeat is detected. While waiting for Georgia Governor Brian Kemp to sign the legislation, on March 22, Alyssa Milano called for the Hollywood establishment to boycott filming in the state. Through the … Read more

Human Trafficking Coyotes Portrayed as “Humanitarians” by CBS News

[Josh Hammer | The DAILYWIRE] On Saturday, CBS News posted a rather unusual story that seems to mollycoddle and glorify a group of individuals of a rather unique “profession”: Human smugglers. Yes, really. Per CBS News: Along the Panama-Colombia border lies 60 miles of dense forest where smugglers known as coyotes guide migrants seeking passage north, for the … Read more

Why Gentrification is a Beautiful Picture of the Gospel

The Social Justice movement in evangelicalism is a political movement, not a theological one. This is why the theology of those who are ‘woke’ into a life of endless virtue signaling suffers so terribly. The worldly philsophies and vain deceits that have taken them captive (Colossians 2:8), chiefly Liberation Theology and Critical Race Theory are … Read more

Alabama Senate Votes to Abolish Marriage Licenses

[Alex Newman | The New American] Alabama has a novel solution to protect itself and its officials from having to endorse homosexual “marriages:” Get the state out of marriage altogether. More than eight out of 10 voters in the conservative state decided to enshrine marriage in their state’s Constitution. But despite the lack of federal … Read more

Kathy Keller: Church as Usual Will Not “Work”

By Toni S. Brown Mrs. Tim Keller, otherwise known as Kathy, has published an article at Redeemer City to City, the church planting wing of Tim Keller’s vast New York operation. Article linked here. A few direct quotes from the article should suffice in making the case. Regarding these lessons learned she says: ..but some of the mistakes that we … Read more

The White Horse Inn Teams up with Homosexual Anglican Priest, Sam Allberry

By Toni S. Brown The White Horse Inn continues to promote gay “Christians,” producing a one year study on the book of John with each episode hosted by either White Horse Inn (WHI) producer Shane Rosenthal or founder Michael Horton, co-hosted by Sam Allberry. This week’s panel instructs the Lord’s church on what it means to be “born again.” Moderated by Shane Rosenthal the panel includes: Sam Allberry, homosexual Anglican Priest, speaker for Ravi … Read more