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“The Jesus Storybook Bible” Ignores Authorial Intent to Build its Own Narrative

By Cody Libolt In the previous article, it was demonstrated that “The Jesus Storybook Bible” used propaganda through reimagined Bible stories to make a case for social justice warriors. The following will address some of the concerns (among many) that can be found within its pages. After taking a closer look, it can be summed … Read more

SEBTS Founding Church Ordains “Trans Woman”

Note that ‘trans’ in the title is in scare quotes. As for why, click here. Mr. Saunders goes by the name “Erica,” and everyone who doesn’t love him as much as Jesus does, calls him that. He is being ordained by Wake Forest Baptist Church. That church was founded in 1835. The church is so-named … Read more

Pro-Lifers Packed the Illinois Capital Rotunda, Police Temporarily Shut Down Access

[Micaiah Bulger | LifeNews] Pro-lifers flooded the Illinois Capitol on Wednesday in opposition to several radical pro-abortion bills that would allow unborn babies to be aborted up to birth. The Illinois News Network reports so many people showed up for the peaceful pro-life rally that police temporarily closed access to the capitol due to “overcrowding.” Photos … Read more

Ligon Duncan’s Ecumenical Push for Unity

By Toni S. Brown On April 01, 2019, Ligon Duncan will be teaming up with homosexual pastor,Sam Allberry for a mini-conference co-sponsored by Mark Dever’s 9Marks at TGC19 (The Gospel Coalition 2019 National Conference). They aim to “rethink”denominations, as they ask: “Do they help or harm the unity of the Church?” In addition, Duncan is promoting a book on church unity from his personal webpage by a progressive, social activist and former president of RTS, Dr. Luder G. Whitlock. … Read more

40 Harmful Effects of Christianity #33 – Discrimination Against Atheists

This entry is part 33 of 32 in the series 40 Harmful Effects of Christianity

“Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world.” 1 John 4:1 This post is the thirty-third in a series that addresses a list of “40 Harmful Effects of Christianity” that originated on the American Atheists Facebook page and … Read more

Carl Trueman at TGC: Marxism is Everywhere, But Don’t Call it That.

Carl Trueman (five months ago): Who’s a Marxist? Ain’t no Marxists! That’s crazy talk. You gotta be an atheist to be a Marxist. Y’all are some tinfoil-hat wearing crazies! Pffft. Carl Trueman (today): It’s Marx’ world we’re living in. Most everybody is a Marxist. Is that really such a bad thing? That’s my paraphrase, admittedly. … Read more

Two Reasons Pulpit & Pen is Not for You

There are two types of people who don’t need to read or follow polemics ministries. If you’re not one of those people, you should be reading Pulpit & Pen. And even though P&P is the most trusted name in polemics and discernment (and by far the biggest name in the game), this goes for other … Read more

Michael Horton’s Slippery Slope

By Toni Brown Michael Horton headlines the Valued Conference 2019 on sexual abuse. Given the recent and no doubt opportunistically timed controversies regarding so-called rampant sexual abuse in protestant churches, some may consider this more than appropriate – I say not so fast. Firstly, this is nothing new, especially considering the vast number of false converts in the church, and it’s … Read more

Metro New York Presbytery Approves Request to Ask 47th General Assembly to Allow Ordination of Women Deacons

Editor’s Note: For additional reading on the decline and liberalization of the PCA. [Staff Writer | The Aquila Report] The Metropolitan New York Presbytery (MNY) approved an overture at its March 13, 2019 Stated Meeting, asking the 47th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in America to amend Book of Church Order (BCO) 7-2, 9-3, … Read more

Upon His Death: Pope Praises Cardinal who Concealed Sex Abuse as “Zealous Pastor”

[Claire Chretien | Lifesite News] Close papal collaborator Belgian Cardinal Godfried Danneels, who was caught on tape encouraging a sex abuse victim to remain silent and “acknowledge your own guilt,” has died at 85. The Pope has already issued praise for the deceased heterodox cardinal, calling him a “zealous pastor” who was “attentive to the … Read more

FDA: Abortion Providers Must Immediately Cease Online Sales of Dangerous Abortion Pills

[Micaiah Bilger | LifeNews] The Food and Drug Administration issued warning letters last week to two abortion groups that are selling dangerous abortion drugs to American women over the internet. The groups are putting women at “significant health risks,” according to the agency. They allow women to buy the drugs online without ever seeing a … Read more

For the Clayton Jennings Fans: A Summary of the Facts *Updated*

Two years after first reporting on Clayton Jennings’ betrayal of ministerial trust, spiritual abuse and sexual use of his followers, and one year after the last article we published on the subject, Jennings began to unravel on social media the weekend before last. Driving across the country with my children, I began to receive texts … Read more

James White and ‘Farewell Francis’

Years ahead of our time (again), polemics ministries warned you about Francis Chan many Blood Moons ago. Now, after everybody and their uncle knew that Francis Chan had been off in a different pasture for nearly a decade, Cripplegate has finally ‘farewelled’ him (by the way, Cripplegate is a fine blog). To ‘farewell’ someone is … Read more

‘New Age Nanny State’ and Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Trend Dangerous

Video: Authors of New Pioneer Report Discuss Social-Emotional Learning [Editorial Staff | Pioneer Institute] Social-emotional learning (SEL) has been billed as a transformational tool that will propel students to greater academic achievement and personal fulfillment.  Unfortunately, as a new Pioneer Institute study makes clear, the research evidence to back up these claims is thin and unpersuasive. Moreover, the … Read more