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Pat Robertson Blames Disrespect of President for Shooting

“Violence in the streets, ladies and gentlemen. Why is it happening? You know what I’d like to give you is, the fact that we have disrespect for authority. There is profound disrespect of our president, all across this nation they say terrible things about him. It’s in the news, it’s in other places. Robertson continued, … Read more

Matt Chandler’s Village Church To Stop Using Multisite Model

The Village Church, pastored by Matt Chandler, currently has a multisite model that consists of five satellite campuses in addition to their main campus. Just recently, Chandler announced that they would be shifting away from the multisite model. By 2022, the Village Church plans for each Church to be autonomous and have their own names, … Read more

James MacDonald Canned From Church Leadership

Harvest Bible Church has released a statement, explaining to its members that James MacDonald has been released from his leadership position. Oddly enough, they have retained him as a preacher and teacher, but don’t want him to help lead the church. The Elders want to do a better job of overseeing our church during challenging … Read more

Flag Worship and the Idolatry of American Patriotic Christianity

Have nothing to do with foolish, ignorant controversies; you know that they breed quarrels. –2 Timothy 2:23 I must admit it’s been fascinating to watch the hordes of professing Christians get fired up this past week after Donald Trump’s speech calling NFL players who kneeled during the pledge of allegiance or singing of the national anthem … Read more

Vatican Shields Pedophile from American (and probably any) Prosecution

  The Roman Catholic priesthood attracts – or creates – pedophiles. Whether it’s forbidding priests to marry or its general satanic corruption, there has perhaps been no religion on Earth more associated with the molestation of children. To this day, the systemic and institution pedophilia continues in the Roman Catholic Church. The Vatican announced on … Read more

Another Pointless Evangelical Declaration Garners Support, Touts Reformation

Evangelicals are brave…when they’re in a caravan of circled bandwagons. Several weeks ago, the Nashville Statement was promoted by a group plagued with a troublesome Christology. Nonetheless, it garnered widespread support in a wide breadth of evangelicalism, from fairly liberal to fairly conservative. The document affirmed the sinfulness of homosexual action, but fell short of … Read more

List of Heresies

General Heresies Abortionism The belief that Abortion is not a sin Adoptionism The belief Jesus is not eternally God but became God sometime after His birth Antinomianism The belief that Christians are not bound by God’s law and are free to sin as they please Anti-Paulism The belief that the Apostle Paul was a heretic and that the books … Read more

Brian Houston Issues Bizarrely Vague Statement on Sodomy-Based Marriage

A “postal plebiscite” is Australian for “a democratic initiative.” In the United States, certain matters may be decided by a direct democratic vote of the citizenry rather than by representation in the legislature (although only on the state level, and only in certain states). Similarly, in Australia, a “plebiscite” is the practice of letting people … Read more

Concerns About the Nashville Declaration

Don’t Be Quick to Jump On the Bandwagon When the Manhattan Declaration was created, evangelicals widely celebrated as pastors and laymen were eager to sign on to the document designed to defend religious liberty. Trusted Evangelical Intelligentsia leaders – men like Albert Mohler – quickly signed on to the document, and legions followed. Others, like … Read more

Good Masons and Dead Masons: Euharlee Lodge #457 F&AM

This entry is part 15 of 31 in the series Freemasonry

“Freemasonry focuses on making good men better through its teachings.” Worshipful Brother Paul Weathers, Oasis Lodge #52 This post is the first in a series which examines the obituaries of members of various Masonic lodges in the United States.  Obituaries, which are intended to memorialize the lives of the departed,  include significant details about the … Read more