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Race Baiter, Jemar Tisby, Wants Less Racial Integration in Churches

Jemar Tisby, a race baiter that writes for the Reformed African American Network, recently penned an inimical piece decrying racial integration in churches, particularly among blacks and whites. In case you haven’t been following, the evangelical world, especially the Southern Baptist Convention, has been campaigning for an end to “racial injustice” in our country, decrying … Read more

Is Discernment Ministry Biblical? Video Released

This is a sermon from the Judge Not Conference, on the topic of “judging” as taken from Matthew 7 and a systematic theology of discernment. Is discernment ministry Biblical? Is it a sin to judge? Should discernment stay within the local church? Watch and share. You can also watch and share these teaser clips.

Investigation Reveals Inconsistency in IHOP Financial Reporting

Pulpit & Pen has been an outspoken critic of charismatic mega-organizations such as Bethel, IHOPKC, and Hillsong. The unsound doctrine inherent in such denomination-church hybrids gives way to not only an unfruitful mission but paves the way for a debased leadership who, in many cases, end up in some kind of scandal. Moral depreciation is no stranger … Read more

Black Baptist Reverend Doesn’t Take the Race Bait

The Reverend Lawrence Ware is officially renouncing his ordination in the Southern Baptist Convention.  This is according to his scathing OP-ED piece entitled “Why I’m Leaving the Southern Baptist Convention” which was published in the New York Times on July 17, 2017.   It is apparently lost on the Reverend Ware (and the fact checkers at the world’s … Read more

Religious Financial Fraud: Balance Sheet for Global Christianity

Following the spectacular implosion of President Nixon’s political career in the Watergate scandal, Warner Brothers released the drama “All The President’s Men.” In a key scene informant Deep Throat tells Washington Post reporter Bob Woodward, “Just follow the money.” These words became a popular motto for investigative reporters and activists opposing financial fraud. In the … Read more

Charlie Gard and the Faith Healers

The tragic story of little Charlie Gard has captivated the Western world. The 11-month-old boy suffers from a rare genetic disease. Charlie is blind, deaf, and unable to move on his own and is currently on life support in a London hospital. Charlie’s parents are seeking to take their son to the United States, where … Read more

The Color of Money in the Southern Baptist Convention: Dwight McKissic and the Economics of Race-Baiting

If you take a look around a typical Southern Baptist church you will notice that almost everyone filling the pews is white.  You will also notice that a disproportionate number of those white people are part of the fifty and older crowd.  Members of the younger generation, it seems, just don’t attend church like their … Read more

Will McRaney is Suing NAMB and That’s Okay

The 2017 Southern Baptist Convention in Phoenix is quickly approaching. The annual convention provides an opportunity for SBC entity heads such as David Platt and Kevin Ezell to showcase the accomplishments of their respective entities to gathered constituents. The convention also provides an opportunity for constituents to voice concerns about the operation of those entities. … Read more

The Idolatry and False God of the Masonic Lodge

This entry is part 13 of 31 in the series Freemasonry

Freemasonry is not among the most well-known cults in the world. This is partly due to their major emphasis on secrecy. On the surface, it appears that masons are merely a group of men who seek to become better people through charity and civil service. After all, they tout their organization as one that “makes … Read more

John Calvin on Continuationism

Continuationism, that is the belief in the continuation of the apostolic sign gifts, is a growing problem in evangelical churches. There is no argument that nearly every error in the church is entering through the conduit of continuationism. The error is even taking a stronghold in Reformed churches, confessional Calvinistic churches that have historically rejected … Read more

Glenn Beck’s Mormonized Rant Against Christianity

  “If everything that is called Christianity in these days is Christianity, then there is no such thing as Christianity. A name applied indiscriminately to everything designates nothing.”  B.B. Warfield His wife called with a report that set him off, enough for him to postpone his back-stage, dressing-room lunch in order to record a nearly … Read more

Freemasonry and the Christian Conscience

This entry is part 11 of 31 in the series Freemasonry

On what day of the week to hold church services, going to see rated R-movies, eating or abstaining from pork and shellfish, drinking alcoholic beverages, shopping at Target, getting circumcised, boycotting Disney, dressing casually at church…these are matters of Christian liberty…these are matters of Christian conscience. What about membership and participation in the Masonic Lodge, … Read more