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The Myth of the Good Freemason

This entry is part 10 of 31 in the series Freemasonry

“…many tenets and teachings of Freemasonry are not compatible with Christianity or Southern Baptist doctrine.” NAMB By what standard do you call a man “good?”  Think about the answer to that question before you continue reading. Freemasonry is incompatible with Christianity.  Pastors who are familiar with the Craft are well aware of this.  For this … Read more

A Pastor and a Polemicist?

You’re a polemicist? But that means “argumentative.” And pastor’s aren’t supposed to be argumentative. Sigh. The modern evangelical pastor is perceived as a fleshly version of Reverend Lovejoy and Ned Flanders rolled into one limp-wristed, pusillanimous invertebrate. We, speaking as a fellow pastor, have become the very reeds shaking in the wind that John the … Read more

Dear Christian Mason – A Resource for Addressing Masonry in Your Local Church

This entry is part 8 of 31 in the series Freemasonry

Unfortunately, Masonic membership in autonomous evangelical churches is widespread.  The sin of Masonic association often goes unnoticed or unconsidered in many local churches.  For those Christians who are convicted by the Holy Spirit to address the sin of Freemasonry in their churches, the following letter is provided as a resource.  It can be tailored and … Read more

The Bible Answer Man, Hank Hanegraaff, Leaves the Christian Faith?

Now the Spirit expressly says that in later times some will depart from the faith by devoting themselves to deceitful spirits and teachings of demons… –1 Timothy 4:1 There are numerous reports that Hank Hanegraaff, the well-known talk show host, and evangelical apologist known as “The Bible Answer Man,” has left the biblical Christian faith … Read more

Review: Right Thinking In A Church Gone Astray

The church has gone astray. That much may be said,hopefully, without much need for substantive discussion. But if you’re somewhat reluctant to wholeheartedly accept this notion, let the Foreword to Right Thinking In A Church Gone Astray perhaps persuade you. “If there were ever a time when the church needs to distinguish itself from the … Read more

Turnstile Churchianity

I can’t remember when I last went to a baseball game.  I love sports and always enjoyed a day at the ballpark, except for the overpriced concessions.  As you would walk up to the ticket taker at the turnstile there was usually someone there with one of those handheld clickers that they used to count … Read more

Christian or Folk-Christian?

What is Folk Religion? First, a definition. Folk Religion is defined as, “Religious cultures”[1] developed by the common people of a particular religion whose belief and behavior tend to deviate from the orthodox expression traditionally held by the religion with which they associate. Folk religions are essentially a blend of formal religion and popular culture.”[2] At best, these deviations … Read more

ERLC Trustee Chair’s Church Promotes Racial Identity Politics

[Editor’s Note: Polemics Ministries United is indebted to the work of Capitol Hill Baptist Church and its pastor, Mark Dever. Dever, an expert church polity, has helped to restore soundness to ecclesiology in a wide evangelical circle, and Nine Marks isn’t to be repudiated on this issue alone. However, we have become increasingly concerned that … Read more

The Regulative Principle for Dummies

Part of polemics is understanding what is proper theology and what is not. In fact, that’s most of polemics, and combined with “destroying lofty arguments and every opinion raised against the [true] knowledge of God” (2 Corinthians 10:5), is the whole sum of polemics. Therefore, it would behoove the polemicist to understand basic and commonly … Read more

The Problem with Separating Apologetics and Theology

During William Lane Craig’s latest podcast, he provided a belated defense of Andy Stanley over the not-so-recent controversy involving Stanley denying the authority of God’s Word (For more about the Stanley controversy, see this article by Bud Ahlheim; For more on the Podcast, see this article by Seth Dunn or this episode of the Dividing … Read more

The Crass, Intolerant Polemicist Who Loved Jesus & The Gospel

We – “we” representing the “abide in my word,” Spirit-regenerated, authentic disciples of Jesus (John 8:31)– can be quite the intolerant bunch … and that’s a noble descriptor for us.  We should strive to keep that adjective.  You could say that we inherited our intolerance from our Father. Jesus, the Son of God – the … Read more

Dear Dr. Craig, About Andy Stanley….

Dear Dr. Craig, Do you remember when Gracie met Truthie? I do…but I’ll come back to that later. On your last Reasonable Faith podcast you defended Andy Stanley’s “the Bible Tells me So” sermon remarks, specifically against the written criticism of Dr. Albert Mohler. Before you defended Stanley and provided your analysis of the difference … Read more

The False Gospel of Freemasonry: Pulpit & Pen Interviews a Former Mason

This entry is part 7 of 31 in the series Freemasonry

Recently, Pulpit & Pen interviewed theologian and former Freemason William Guilkey. William’s story provides a sobering reminder of how deeply Freemasonry has infiltrated the visible church. As a former Masonic insider, William provides confirmation that Freemasonry’s many Christian detractors have been wise to sound the alarm about the unbliblical nature of the Craft. William is … Read more

Heaven, Hillsong, and Heresy

The 2017 church conference circuit is in full swing and with it comes a plethora of unholy alliances. No surprise, Hillsong and Jesus Culture will headline the apostasy this year. In keeping with Paul’s exhortation from Romans 16:17-18, it behooves pastors and Christians to be aware of the sort of tactics that mainstream movements are … Read more

The Benedict Option: The Fruit of a Compromised Church

…Has it come to this, that monkery is to be revived in a professedly Protestant Church?…For the love you bear to your Redeemer, be duped no longer, and by your own hatred of monkery  and priestcraft, come ye out from among them, be ye separate, and touch not the unclean thing –Charles Spurgeon Evangelical Christians have recently … Read more