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Who’s Afraid of Clark Pinnock? – The LifeWay List & Moral Bankruptcy

“Hush, hush; Keep it down now.  Voices carry.” – Aimee Man Clark Pinnock is a deceased biblical scholar, theologian, and apologist.  For a time, he was a member of the faculty of a Southern Baptist seminary.  During his career he was a proponent of open theism and was supportive of annihilationism.  With regards to the eternal … Read more

Brother’s Keeper

Editor’s Note. This article was originally written by Fred Butler and posted at Hip and Thigh and is being reposted here with permission. What I am about to state here is raw and blunt. I am placing myself at great risk of receiving severe wedgies from a variety of antagonists. Friends may reprove me for stirring … Read more

Alex Himaya, Ronnie Floyd, and Strange Things

Ronnie Floyd recently announced the members he has named to participate in the Committee of Committees, chosen to nominate the committee members who will actually do the nominating of leaders of various positions in the SBC for 2016. Sounds like a drawn out process, right? It is, and it begins with this committee of origin. … Read more

Theonomy Debate Reviews

A number of popular programs have reviewed the theonomy debate between JD Hall and Joel McDurmon. Here’s what they’ve had to say, with links to the full podcast. “I’m going to score the debate on a 30 point system…the basis of my analysis of the debate – I’m not talking about the subject – but … Read more

Theonomy Debate Review on Fighting for the Faith

Please take a moment to listen to yesterday’s edition of Fighting for the Faith.  Chris Rosebrough took some time to review the recent debate on theonomy between Pastor Jordan Hall and Dr. Joel McDurmon. The entire episode is well worth your time but if you would like to hear only the debate review, begin at 48:34. Click Here … Read more

Beyond Fabrication: Putting the Vision into Revision

Editor’s Note. This article was originally written by Fred Butler and posted at Hip and Thigh and is being reprinted here with permission. Most of the folks in my orbit of friends, acquaintances, and blog readers, are quite aware of the debate on theonomy that pastor JD Hall had with Joel McDurmon of American Revision, I … Read more

Christians Attack Their Own In the Name of Love: The Plight of Practicing Biblical Discernment

Editor’s Note. This article was originally written and posted at and is being reprinted here with permission. 1 Timothy 6:3-4 [ESV] “If anyone teaches a different doctrine and does not agree with the sound words of our Lord Jesus Christ and the teaching that accords with godliness, he is puffed up with conceit and understands … Read more

On the Theonomy Debate Recording

But above all, my brothers, do not swear, either by Heaven or by Earth or by any other oath, but let your “yes” be yes and your “no” be no, so that you may not fall under condemnation. – James 5:12 Joel McDurmon posted a post-debate rebuttal at American Vision today, complaining (ironically) that JD … Read more

Andy Stanley: Even if you don’t believe that Jesus is the Son of God, you will have a better life by following his teachings

Remember the old days, where churches had steeples and stained glass windows. Remember when there were pews, and a choir that sang edifying hymns to our Lord? Remember those days when people wore suits and ties, and ladies wore dresses and heels, trying to present their best to our God? Remember those days when children … Read more

Andy Stanley: Even if you don’t believe that Jesus is the Son of God, you will have a better life by following his teachings

Remember the old days where churches had steeples and stained glass windows? Remember when there were pews and a choir that sang edifying hymns to our Lord? Remember those days when people wore suits and ties and ladies wore dresses and heels trying to present their best to our God? Remember those days when children … Read more

Pre-Debate Thoughts, Post-Debate

I decided to give some of my pre-debate thoughts, post-debate. I’m sending this to Landon for him to put on the website: Why? There’s a fair amount of chest-thumping machismo that I’ve seen by theonomic advocates in regard to this debate, and I wish to avoid any semblance of that. I don’t feel that kind behavior … Read more

Evangelicals: Fornicating with the Harlot

There is no doubt that the word “evangelical” doesn’t mean the same thing it used to mean. The word is used to describe almost anyone who says the name “Jesus” these days. Mormons are referred to as Evangelicals, as are Jehova’s Witnesses, and other unbiblical sects like the New Apostolic Reformation. There is even a … Read more

Pulpit & Pen on the Bible-Thumping Wingnut Podcast

Recently, I was invited on the Bible-Thumping Wingnut Podcast to discuss my article, Less About Moore: A Minimal Facts Case for Breaking Free of Beth Moore. Other topics of discussion included: JD Hall’s upcoming Theononmy Debate with Joel McDurmon, which is set to take place on February 20th at Arizona Community Church in Tempe, Arizona. … Read more