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Persecution in the Pew

Beheadings of Christians by ISIS. Crosses forcibly torn off churches by the Chinese government. Pastors imprisoned. Believers tortured for leaving Islam or sharing the gospel. The treatment our brothers and sisters across the globe receive at the hands of pagans is nearly unfathomable. They are made to suffer – simply for claiming the name of … Read more

Driscoll Publicly Repents…For Criticizing Osteen

Speaking at the Hillsong conference, Mark Driscoll repented for a number of things. Praise God. Hallelujah. Milking the Best-Seller’s List by Improperly Using Church Funds Asking staff about their wive’s favorite sexual position Well more than a dozen counts of plagiarism  Porno-graphic discerno-vision Throwing people under the Mars Hill bus No. Driscoll didn’t repent for … Read more

Why Lifeway Sells Contraband

Why is it that the big shots of the Southern Baptist Convention don’t bat an eye when clear and obvious evidence is presented to them that their publishing arm sells heresy such as JoelO and TD Jakes and Joyce Meyer? Don’t they know that these people who are presented as teachers to the evanjellyfish world … Read more

AW Pink was a Theonomist: So Was Mickey Mouse (by Reformed Libertarian)

In a recent post, Joel McDurmon concluded “I do not hesitate to call A. W. Pink a theonomist, for his position as explicated above is nothing short of Theonomy.” Apparently the theonomy tent is growing by leaps and bounds. I imagine it will soon include Marcionites. McDurmon offers two reasons: First, A.W. Pink says Matthew 5:17 refers … Read more

SBC DAY 1: Sychophants, Microphones, And Shushing….

Of all the tweets I’ve seen from the #sbc15 hashtag lamenting the “Mickey Mouse court” mentality and foregone conclusions of the convention experience, most of those comments from rank-and-file Southern Baptists ring true. This one seems to summarize them the best. I couldn’t make the Convention, after sitting for five hours on the Tarmac in Fargo and … Read more

American ReVision: AW Pink a Theonomist? Hogwash.

Every Saturday, Pulpit & Pen posts the Bunker Intelligence Report, which references you to some really good, some really bad and some really, really bad articles from around the Internet. Last week we posted articles on Miley Cyrus’ profanity-laced rant toward Christians, Perry Noble’s own set of 7 deadly sins, and Tony Campolo affirming sodomy. The … Read more

Brent Hobbs Defends Lifeway’s Heresy Profiteering, Attacks #the15

The other day, the P&P contributors were chatting in our “convo bunker” about who was the most sychophantic follower of Southern Baptist celebrity leaders. There were a few names mentioned, but Brent Hobbs came to the very top. I know the Southern Baptist blogosphere frontwards, backwards and sideways. Hobbs is, far and beyond, the greatest sycophant … Read more

The Evangelical Counter-Reformation

If you ask the average Evangelical church-goer today what the difference is between Protestantism and Catholicism, you’re likely to get a variety of answers. Some will tell you that Catholics believe in a works salvation, but many won’t really understand what that means. Others may tell you that Catholics worship Mary and Protestants don’t. But the overwhelming majority are likely to have no idea what the difference is, and this is rather disturbing. While many of these people will be able to articulate the Gospel, Catholicism is quickly becoming seen as “just another denomination,” with some strange twists. They are no longer being seen as the counterfeit Church, the ancient enemy of the Gospel that the reformers fought so hard and gave their lives to expose and separate from. The muddying of these waters is not unaccounted for, however, and it comes as no surprise, since today we have so many Evangelicals afraid to speak out against Rome, and fornicating with her in many ways.

The Cooperative Program and the Road to Serfdom by G. Seth Dunn, MAcc, CPA

PREFACE  I’m a Baptist of Baptists.  I wasn’t baby-dedicated at my church on the 8th day, but it was done within a few weeks.  I grew up in a Southern Baptist church in a family that faithfully gave.  As a carefree middle-class youth, I never knew how much was given but it made an impression … Read more

American ReVision: The Not-So “Theonomic” Founding of America

Joel McDurmon recently announced his new book, God’s Law and Government in America and writes, “Introducing: a book of openly theonomic sermons from the American founding era.” The above introduction is interesting in its obscurity and, in particular, McDurmon’s use of the adjective theonomic is telling. As Colin Pearson describes in his start-up podcast named … Read more

Reactions to Theonomy: A Collaborative Post

As I write this, I’m tempted to say “this is my last word on theonomy and theonomists,” because as JD Hall​ rightly stated on our program, “Theonomy is a distraction.”  Anyone who listens to Bible Thumping Wingnut and doesn’t live under a rock knows what a distraction it has been to us, and many of you … Read more

Ronnie Floyd: One more year as pope of SBC thanks to J.D. Greear

The Baptist Press revealed yesterday that Pastor J.D. Greear of Summit Church, Raleigh-Durham, NC, has nominated current pope president of the Southern Baptist Convention, Ronnie Floyd, to a second term. This comes as no surprise, as Floyd is adored by the neo-evangelical leadership who have now mainstreamed the denomination. One of the problems with this neo-evangelicalism is that many of them are solid bible teachers, and are solid in their doctrinal beliefs, but outside of the pulpit is where they break down. They see no problem associating with, and promoting emergent leaders such as Rick Warren, and they tend to blindly support each other, as I reported before, without any accountability, in order to re-elect and maintain leadership positions within the SBC. This appears to be the same thing here.

Nicola Menzie and the Facade of Christian Journalism

Nicola Menzi is a writer working for the Christian Post. Regurgitating most of the information from Christianity Today‘s article regarding the blacklist of books for future special order requests (which was written by Bob Smietana – who less than one month before was the senior writer for a Lifeway publication), Menzi adds really only a single caveat not … Read more