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No Convictions: The Karen Swallow Prior Story

Rallying for the defunding of Planned Parenthood isn’t inflammatory rhetoric; it’s political engagement. Videos depicting the self-damning words and actions of Planned Parenthood officials isn’t yellow journalism; it’s investigative reporting. On the other hand, referring to abortion providers as “abortion ghouls,” clinic volunteers and workers as “deathscorts” or “bloodworkers,” and women who obtain abortions as … Read more

Ed Stetzer Wants Partnership with Muslim Leaders

Last month, Ed Stetzer spoke at an interfaith gathering with Islamic extremists, including known aiders and abetters of international terrorism. Stetzer provided Southern Baptist-owned Lifeway data to assist the Muslims in “learning how to relate” to evangelicals and how to “build bridges” with other faiths. Speaking with Stetzer at the ironically-themed “Spreading Peace Convocation” was Obama’s … Read more

People Are Going To Hell – Josh Feuerstein Worried About Red Cups

People are going to Hell at a rate of at the very least 100,000 a day (That is assuming that 1/3 of the people that die each day are Christian, which we know isn’t true. Try Matthew 7:13-14. Even most who claim to be Christian aren’t). They do this from positions of denying God in … Read more

Southern Baptist MegaChurch Pastor Defends Female Preachers

Perry Noble, who called church members who want to go deeper in the Word “jackasses” and whose sermon on the Ten Commandments was so bad it prompted the South Carolina Baptist Convention president to send a letter of rebuke, recently had a woman preach to his megachurch and closed out the day with a blogpost on why women … Read more

SBC Prez Tells Pastors that Vision Can Bring in the Dough

The Baptist “Press” reports Ronnie Floyd’s admonition to Southern Baptist pastors that a good vision can bring in the money. The President of the SBC (nominated by Albert Mohler and JD Greear for two consecutive terms), who happens to have a fire engine baptistry in his church that shoots confetti over the children’s church audience … Read more

SBC Leaders Need to Sit Out This Reformation Day

To repress these very sharp arguments of the laity by force alone, and not to resolve them by giving reasons, is to expose the church and Lifeway the pope to the ridicule of their enemies and to make Christians unhappy. – #90, Martin Luther 95 Theses  Martin Luther was incensed that Johan Tetzel, commissioned by … Read more

Dr. Mohler, What About the Gay Reception?

An interesting article appeared in the Religion News Service website regarding president of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Dr. Albert Mohler’s new book, We Cannot Be Silent: Speaking Truth to a Culture Redefining Sex, Marriage, and the Very Meaning of Right and Wrong. Mohler seemingly takes a hard stance against Christians who would consider attending a sodomite … Read more

The Charismatic Delusion and Discernment Dilemma

Jim Bakker. The name says it all. The Background Getting a start on Pat Robertson’s Trinity Broadcasting Network in 1966, Jim Bakker started hosting his own show with wife, Tammy. He showed promise as the producer of a religious variety show, and soon ran off to California to star on the Trinity Broadcasting Network, ran by … Read more

The Beleaguered Disciple: One Woman’s story of finding discernment and losing Beth Moore.

In this guest post, JoAnne Elizabeth of Vancouver, WA recounts her experience of going from Beth Moore Groupie to warning every woman she knows to stay far, far away from Beth Moore. I once was a Beth Moore groupie.  I am no longer.  I have gone from completely undiscerning and unquestioning to something so much … Read more

What is “Law” in America? A Response to “Turretin Fan”

I’m more annoyed at myself than anyone else, really. There’s no decent reason to be giving an anonymous-pseudonymous social media account the time of day, let alone using a few minutes of my hunting-day to provide a defense to the incessant goading and belligerence by one known as “Turretin Fan.” Most anonymous-pseudonymous social media accounts are … Read more

War Room: A Review by Justin Peters

If you do not know the Kendrick brothers by name, you almost certainly know them by their films: Flywheel (2003),Facing the Giants (2006), Fireproof (2008), and Courageous (2011). Stephen, Alex, and Shannon Kendrick have just released their fifth faith-based film, War Room. War Room, starring popular Bible teachers Priscilla Shirer and Beth Moore, looks like it may well be the most successful of their films to date bringing in $11 million just on its opening weekend; more than triple it’s $3 million production budget.

Given the popularity of Christian themed films and the considerable buzz about this one in particular, my wife, Kathy, and I went to see War Room on the evening of September 3rd so that I could write a review. For those of you who read my review of Mark Burnett and Roma Downey’s movie, Son of God, you know that I am a bit skeptical of the Christian movie genre as a whole. Nonetheless, I do want to offer what I hope to be a fair review. This review will not touch on every single facet of the movie or even on every theme it presents, but I do hope to address what I believe to be the most important of them.

SBC Executive Speaking at Muslim-Evangelical Interfaith Gathering

Lifeway – a Southern Baptist entity – will soon have their (arguably) most prominent executive speak at a Muslim-Evangelical interfaith event. Ed Stetzer, Vice President of Lifeway Insights Division and executive director of Lifeway Research, will speak at the upcoming Spreading Peace Convocation. The Convocation is a gathering of Christian pastors and Islamic imams, and is designed – … Read more

So You Think You Can Preach?

Farce or F’real? Either way, here’s five minutes you’ll never get back: Many Christians have dreams of becoming the next T.D. Jakes, Creflo Dollar, Benny Hinn, Kenneth Copeland, Eddie Long, Joel Osteen, or Joyce Meyer. – Bishop Brian Cashma, the pastor at Holiness Church of Jesus Christ in the Apostles Doctrine in Detroit. Okay, Bishop, … Read more