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Less about Moore: A Minimal Facts Case for Breaking Free of Beth Moore

“I want to put a stone in his shoe.  All I want to do is give him something worth thinking about.  I want him to hobble away on a nugget of truth that annoys him in a good way, something he can’t simply ignore because it continues to poke at him.” Greg Koukl Dr. Gary Habermas has … Read more

Tommy Kelly and Doing the Right Thing

It’s all too easy to point fingers at the bad actors in American churchian life, and when we avoid self-righteousness, having removed the log from our own eye so as to see clearly to remove the specks in others’ eyes, it is actually a good thing to do. Attempts to free people from deception so … Read more

Lifeway has pulled “The Worst Book Ever”….But we found one even worse!

Several days ago, at the beginning of #the15 movement, we posted this article which we asked “Is this the WORST book Lifeway sells?” We were of course referring to  The Mystic Way of Evangelism: A Contemplative Vision for Christian Outreach, by Elaine A. Heath. This book, among other things, told us how we ought to learn … Read more

Listen to What Lifeway DOES Sell, After All…

Lifeway executives have mentioned both Joel Osteen and Joyce Meyer as two authors they don’t sell because they don’t meet their doctrinal standards (to put it lightly). But, in fact, they do sell these authors. In fact, they also sell a title by Justin Lee, director and founder of The Gay Christian Network. What can’t … Read more

SBC Mega Church Pastor Goes Word-of-Faith

SBC state conventions are teaching “Vision Casting,” Beth Moore is receiving direct divine revelation about hairbrushes, SBC seminary professors are giving credence to Heaven Tourism and Lifeway is selling Sarah Young’s divine revelation. Obviously, there’s lots of evidence that the SBC largely became tongueless charismatics a long time ago. A few things are indicating the … Read more

Downgrade and Deception: Two Points of Contention

I am a 3-point Calvinist, or, as some of my fellow Pulpit and Pen blog contributors might say, I am “confused”. That’s their prerogative and it doesn’t bother me. I’m less concerned with being confused in their eyes than I am with being deceived or unreasonable. When I consider the current debate, or dare I … Read more

SACS Gives Clarity to Lumpkins’ Spin

Once again showing up the Baptist Press in the journalism department, Bob Allen at the Associated Baptist Press did a little research and then (**gasp!**) reported on it. If the BP could stop pumping sunshine for a moment, they could learn how this whole “reporting the news” thing works. Remember back in September when Brewton-Parker/Peter … Read more

User-Friendly Churches

I’m sure that most of you are familiar with the terms “seeker-sensitive” or “seeker-friendly” to designate a certain category of church. The term is ubiquitous in circles like those in which the Pulpit & Pen runs. It is used of a gamut of churches, from entirely heretical Lakewood Church in Houston and milquetoast Six Flags … Read more

Lumpkins, Donahue, and Good Old Boy Cronysim

The picture above is of Darrell Gilyard, another pastor ‘exonerated’ of charges by Paige Paterson, who subsequently vouched for his character and recommended him to other churches.     Peter Lumpkins is  Vice-President of Miscommunications at troubled Brewton-Parker College and spokesman for Ergun Caner. His son-in-law, Joe Donahue, has just been hired as Senior Pastor … Read more

LC, Steve Folmar, and Unconquerable Ignorance.

The Town Talk continues to do the work of Kelly Boggs and the Baptist Press, with a shiny brand new story coming out yesterday, September 14, 2014. The trustee board met last night in an informal session and will meet again tomorrow, September 16.  As the Town Talk points out, this will be the first meeting … Read more

Program Transcript: Louisiana College Corruption, a Recap

The following is a transcript from the Pulpit & Pen Program earlier this week, regarding the corruption of David Hankins, Joe Aguillard, Argile Smith and Tommy French. I’m trying to steer clear of all the problems in the SBC. Again, I don’t know how much I want to give the play-by-play of the sinking of … Read more

Evangelical Priorities Askew: The Trouble With “Leadership Conferences”

Christians looooooooove leadership. It is a favored theme that has a soft spot in the hearts of most believers. I say “most believers” but actually I think it’s probably “most pastors.” More often than not they’re the ones who have an unrequited need to foist leadership principles upon their congregations. They bring in speakers to … Read more

Victoria Osteen’s Throat Is An Open Grave- The Poison Of Asps Is Under Her Lips

Watch the video below. It’s just another reason why the ministry of Joel Osteen- not just him but his co-conspirator and partner in crime Victoria- is so evil and wicked. I’m amazed that she didn’t ruin her clothes in that moment. I say that because I assumed that she’d have gotten splattered with the blood … Read more