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Missouri Now Prosecuting Jim Bakker Over His Snake Oil Coronavirus Cure

It couldn’t have happened to a more deserving person. The Missouri Attorney General has filed a suit against doomsday prophet, rapist, and tax-evader, Jim Bakker, for making his snake oil cure-all claims that we’ve been complaining about at Pulpit & Pen for years. We’ve written about Bakker’s venereal disease, AIDs, and coronavirus cure-all here, here, … Read more

John MacArthur: It’s Not How He Said It. It’s What He Said…

John MacArthur was doing “word association,” a tradition for conferences held at Grace Community Church. The moderator, as usual, was Todd Friel of Wretched Radio. Several years ago when Friel said “Steven Furtick,” MacArthur responded “unqualified.” Furtick later sent John MacArthur an expensive package as a gift, which included a copy of his new book, … Read more

An Open Letter to Erick Erickson re: Beth Moore

Hi Erick, You have a great website, The Resurgent (I link it to show you courtesy, as I usually don’t link lesser-known blog sites). Truthfully though, I’ve never listened to your radio show. I’m more of a Steve Deace kind of guy (no offense). I admire a man who knows his theology well enough to … Read more

Large Southern Baptist Church Leaves Denomination Over Its Support of Beth Moore

Another Southern Baptist Church has left the SBC over what many are calling a complete undoing of the Conservative Resurgence. Pastor Jeff Noblit of the booming Grace Life Church of the Shoals (Muscle Shoals, AL) mentioned a number of problematic issues with their denomination but said that the denomination’s support for Beth Moore’s ministry was … Read more

ERLC Trying to Kick Out Conservative SBC Pastors Because They Endorsed a Book

An Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) employee is calling for prominent conservative Southern Baptist leaders to be excommunicated from the denomination after they endorsed a book by one of President Trump’s spiritual advisers. Projecting himself as a friend of Barack Obama and hardly – if ever – critical of his policies, Russell Moore’s antipathy … Read more

Pro-Trump Evangelicals Worse for Christianity Than Atheists, Says Former GOP Guru

A former GOP strategist says that pro-Trump evangelicals are worse for Christianity than atheism. Michael Smerkonish, who now hosts a program on CNN International, recently had on his program, Peter Wehner. Wehner was once a strategist for the GOP, but over the weekend, he claimed that evangelicals who support the president are damaging Christianity. With … Read more

Trump’s Religious Advisors Continue to Include Prosperity Heretics

Donald Trump, who has brought many undeniable victories for Christians and Christians causes during his tenure as President, still seems to have a dubious grasp on Christian theology and continues to surround himself mostly with heretics. While we are thankful that Trump has sought to eliminate grant funding for Planned Parenthood, nominated conservative justices to … Read more

Why We Distrust Female Spiritual Leaders

The nation’s largest Protestant denomination has largely gone theologically liberal, with the vast majority of its leaders far more resembling those thrust out of the denomination by the famous Conservative Resurgence than those who wrestled from them control. It’s not uncommon to hear Baptist preachers today equivocate on female leadership within the church, going so … Read more

James White and ‘Farewell Francis’

Years ahead of our time (again), polemics ministries warned you about Francis Chan many Blood Moons ago. Now, after everybody and their uncle knew that Francis Chan had been off in a different pasture for nearly a decade, Cripplegate has finally ‘farewelled’ him (by the way, Cripplegate is a fine blog). To ‘farewell’ someone is … Read more