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Beth Moore Wickedly Mocks SBC Complementarian Position, Flaunts Her Preaching

For among them are those who creep into households and capture weak women, burdened with sins and led astray by various passions…(2 Timothy 3:6). Beth Moore started out as a Southern Baptist whose Bible studies were being promoted to women by the SBC-owned LifeWay Christian Resources. Almost from the beginning, discerning Christians noted that her … Read more

Give Me Moore, Moore, and Moore – ERLC Conference 2018

When I first saw the tweet from Russell Moore that he had invited Beth Moore to the 2018 Ethics and Religious Liberties Commission (ERLC) conference, I, along with my colleagues, thought it was a joke. Seriously, we thought he was just trying to be funny. But then I thought, “he invited Andy Stanley to his … Read more

Beth Moore

Here you will find useful information regarding popular teacher, Beth Moore. Pulpit & Pen – Beth Moore Archives A Letter to Beth Moore from Seth Dunn Beth Moore’s Existential Crisis Beth Moore: Fighting Donald Trump is a Fight for the Faith Beth Moore’s Daughter: Boycott Seminaries Without Female Professors David Platt and Beth Moore Beth … Read more

The ERLC, Joe Carter and Kim Davis: Wrap-up

For the past two days, I have had an interaction with Joe Carter, a colleague of Russell Moore at the SBC’s Ethics and Religious Liberties Commission (ERLC). The interaction revolved around the ERLC’s position regarding Rowan County, Kentucky Clerk of Court, Kim Davis, and her decision to not resign from her position while dissenting from issuing marriage licenses to homosexuals. Though our interaction was cordial and appreciated, I nonetheless still believe that the ERLC’s position is dangerous and contradictory. Our disagreement seems to revolve around three issues; Is she breaking the law, have accommodations been sought and/or denied, and should she resign from her position?

Pulpit & Pen on the Bible-Thumping Wingnut Podcast

Recently, I was invited on the Bible-Thumping Wingnut Podcast to discuss my article, Less About Moore: A Minimal Facts Case for Breaking Free of Beth Moore. Other topics of discussion included: JD Hall’s upcoming Theononmy Debate with Joel McDurmon, which is set to take place on February 20th at Arizona Community Church in Tempe, Arizona. … Read more

Less about Moore: A Minimal Facts Case for Breaking Free of Beth Moore

“I want to put a stone in his shoe.  All I want to do is give him something worth thinking about.  I want him to hobble away on a nugget of truth that annoys him in a good way, something he can’t simply ignore because it continues to poke at him.” Greg Koukl Dr. Gary Habermas has … Read more

The Shepherd Breaking His Sheep’s Legs- Myths That’ll Preach

This entry is part 4 of 4 in the series Myths That’ll Preach

I received some very positive feedback about a three-part series that I recently did on illustrations that pastors use that have no basis in reality. Because of this, I have decided to do three more. Ergo, this is the fourth entry into a six part series deconstructing popular illustrations that pastors give their congregations, all … Read more

Stevie Flockhart, 901, and the Next Season: Part 2

This is part 2 of a multipart series on the pastoral career of Stevie Flockhart of 901 Church in Memphis, Tennessee. Part 1 can be found here. In 2016, SonCoast Church in Boca Raton, Florida was looking for a new pastor, a younger one. As an aging church, Soncoast hoped hiring a young pastor would … Read more

About Us

Pulpit & Pen is a Christian blog that seeks to restore its reputation as the “Rolex of Watchblogs” and preserve for posterity its extensive catalogue of the theological downgrade within the Southern Baptist Convention and greater American Evangelicalism. This website was founded by former Montana pastor Jordan Hall as a companion to his once-popular Pulpit … Read more

Kyle Rittenhouse and Biblical Self Defense

We should all be so blessed as to have a son like Kyle Rittenhouse. If only we were all so worthy of young men like him, our land would be richly blessed. That there is pervasive moral unclarity regarding his actions and by some evangelicals, even a maligning of his character, speaks of the failure … Read more

Prez. Jerry Falwell Jr. Agrees to Resign Then ‘Takes it Back’- Announcing He will No Longer Step Down

Embattled former-ish University President Jerry Falwell Jr. has decided to go down…er…swinging against critics seeking to oust him from his position at Liberty, publicly declaring he has changed his mind and will not resign from his position as President despite earlier agreeing to do so, and certainly will not go quietly into the good night. … Read more